View Full Version : For the lower Enlisted

RaZ Vader
03-17-2013, 04:23 PM
We at Forerunner Conflict always want to improve your experience here with us.

This question is for the recent graduates of boot camps ornew recruits.

***Copy & Paste with your answers. FILL out the Form below in your reply***

1. Approximately, how long did it take for a Recruiter from an army contact you for boot camp after you signed up at fcwars.net?

2. How many people were in your boot camp class?

3. After Boot Camp, were you placed in a Unit, and was told who your leader is?

4. After Boot Camp, did you get to play/practice with your unit on a regular basis? How often?

5. Did you ever think of giving up because no one reached out too you? Or did you make an attempt to reach out to an FC Member?

I want honest criticism. Don't be afraid to respawn. I want some feedback to improve how we deal with new members. Thank You :)

03-17-2013, 05:26 PM
I would PM this to them, because they are new to the Forums and I doubt they would find this.

03-17-2013, 07:16 PM
I would PM this to them, because they are new to the Forums and I doubt they would find this.


Zeta Crossfire
03-17-2013, 07:17 PM
I can start sending this to the people who finished red boot camp if you want. Have someone to send it to blues privates as well?

03-17-2013, 07:28 PM
I can start sending them out to BLUEs who recently finished Boot camps.

03-17-2013, 08:52 PM
Raz, I'm gonna message you the responses I received from some BLUEs.

Zeta Crossfire
03-17-2013, 09:08 PM
Sent to all the recent reds who went through boot camp. Will PM you with responses raz

RaZ Vader
03-17-2013, 10:43 PM
Ty all so far guys. Got responses from blues so far. None from redd

03-17-2013, 10:48 PM
I'm beginning to think that a google doc would be easier.

I have another response.

Nicholas Sapien
03-17-2013, 10:54 PM
Ty all so far guys. Got responses from blues so far. None from redd

I thought red would be easier for you cause you are in it?

03-17-2013, 10:55 PM
I thought red would be easier for you cause you are in it?

You're forgetting how awesome I am.

Zeta Crossfire
03-17-2013, 11:41 PM
You're forgetting how awesome I am.

None of the reads have gotten online since I sent them. I'll make sure to get some eventually.