View Full Version : FC Radio 2

03-21-2013, 07:52 PM
All right this post was a long time coming. Many of you already know this, but I bought a station on here since I like the FC Radio idea and don't want it to go away. The link the the new station is here: http://fire.wavestreamer.com:951 9/index.html?sid=1

Also, I am exploring other options for a possible station at the current time, so I may not be keeping this one long. This is kind of a trial run for me as it costs me money to keep this one running and often there are not a lot of listeners. I'm experimenting with plug.dj among others to see if any of them can play without lagging games for the other players in the game. I think their internet has trouble keeping a strong connection with mine when I am streaming. However, until I figure out another place or can't afford this one, I will keep running FC Radio 2 under my personal station.

Yes, I will keep the FC name on it, and yes, you are all still welcome to DJ as well. As of now RaZ Vader has a morning show that he still does, and I will let others have the passwords and codes and such if you PM me wanting to DJ. Thanks everyone who has been loyal to FC Radio and listened to me or other DJs. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

PS. I don't have time to really organize events for this thing but I am open to ideas with that as well (hell, it took me this long to make the post that I even had this thing).

03-22-2013, 05:24 PM
I was an approved DJ from Rei, but never got it up and running.

Maybe you and I could work something out :D

03-22-2013, 05:26 PM
Looking forward to having this back in full. :)

03-22-2013, 08:19 PM
Panic and I have worked something out, I will now be DJ'ing on Sat, and Sun :D

03-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Panic, mind if I could PM you some thoughts about events/give aways?

(I'll be the one providing the goods)

06-10-2013, 04:22 PM
Guys, we still run this, but I have kind of slacked off lately because I haven't had a lot of time. It is up right now. There have been a couple of issues with it. First of all, whenever someone in the party is streaming, various people in the party tend to lag if they are playing. My thoughts are that this will happen depending on connection and has nothing to do with the site itself. However, it also costs about $40 per month to run the station. ReiBear experienced this and it led to her cancellation of the radio...basically, if we don't have listeners besides me and BioFan (who also DJ's and does a great job), then there is no reason to keep the station up.

That's where you come in. I would like to get some thoughts as to maybe a new site that is free, or maybe somewhere that will not lag as much, or any ideas or suggestions. And yes, I am able to listen this time around and will try to incorporate these ideas to fix the issues we are having with the radio. Thanks, FC!

Zeta Crossfire
06-10-2013, 05:22 PM
I would love to talk politics and games for a little while if that's cool.

Also this needs to be on the front page, in shiny lights, to give it more exposure.

06-10-2013, 08:11 PM
http://gyazo.com/62efc2ab8cea6e7f6bad928c3 1bc1108.png

Zeta Crossfire
06-10-2013, 10:54 PM
Not visible enough, Even though it was there I never knew we had a radio station until panic told me, and I bet you most people on the site have no idea where to look either.

06-10-2013, 10:58 PM
Not visible enough, Even though it was there I never knew we had a radio station until panic told me, and I bet you most people on the site have no idea where to look either.

I just put it there after you said it needs more exposure. Not many other good places to put it, really.

06-11-2013, 05:01 AM
Thanks! and, any ideas as to a free site, or any other host site options? I know advertising is definitely an issue, but a lot of times people will close it down because of lag issue. I know I never run it during battle night because it would create lag. However, people livestream games in which they are playing, so I can't really see a problem with matchmaking while the radio is going. Essentially, is there a free site where lag is reduced a bit for anyone with a weaker connection? We can and will work on advertising, and events, and such.

06-13-2013, 08:50 AM
Thanks! and, any ideas as to a free site, or any other host site options? I know advertising is definitely an issue, but a lot of times people will close it down because of lag issue. I know I never run it during battle night because it would create lag. However, people livestream games in which they are playing, so I can't really see a problem with matchmaking while the radio is going. Essentially, is there a free site where lag is reduced a bit for anyone with a weaker connection? We can and will work on advertising, and events, and such.

If you are trying to ressurect the radio there is no way to do so for free. I mean there was a way to do it using the same software we used before and for free but it would take a lot of bandwith from a personal connection and also the FCC will catch on and can slap you with a hefty fine. The best way is to pay for it. If FC radio is really in high demand I may jump on board again. That is only if people really want it to be.

06-21-2013, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the insight ReiBear, appreciate it. check us out on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forerunner-Conflict-Radio/217148171697427, or as always on our stream at http://fire.wavestreamer.com:951 9/index.html?sid=1

06-24-2013, 06:26 AM
Thanks for the insight ReiBear, appreciate it. check us out on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forerunner-Conflict-Radio/217148171697427, or as always on our stream at http://fire.wavestreamer.com:951 9/index.html?sid=1

Everytime I check it out it is not live. I thought it was shut down.