View Full Version : Increase # of Games

04-07-2013, 08:26 PM
I think we need to up the amount of battles played each night.
on map one, redd didn't repeat till game 13/14, and on map 2, till game 13/19.
squads are only playing like, once per map, sometimes twice
not counting if they have more than one team

blue didn't repeat till game 9/14 and 12/19.

Zeta Crossfire
04-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Red outnumbered blue by a good amount, time for blue to stat recruiting more? Even if we were even maybe have more people setting up games?

04-07-2013, 08:31 PM
The thing is, if we do more games and there is still an imbalance in soldier counts, then it's just a longer night and we're still going to be sitting in Lobbies for 30 minutes+. We'd play in more games but it would go on to like 10 at night.

RaZ Vader
04-07-2013, 08:33 PM

04-07-2013, 08:34 PM
Red outnumbered blue by a good amount, time for blue to stat recruiting more? Even if we were even maybe have more people setting up games?

the count was more or less the same by the second map. The first map was the only one with a large team-difference, and even then it's nothing compared to the number of games, we still only had people play one to twice on that map.

04-07-2013, 08:47 PM
I suggested this when I was FM and no one wanted it lol.

REDD only had 1-2 more units than us. And we have an entire unit with its leadership banned. Throw them in there, and BLUE has its most active squad back, which we dont right now.

But yes, we've grown, meaning we need more games.

04-07-2013, 09:03 PM
Anarchy, Strongside REDD had 13 and BLUE had 8 groups I believe.

Jam Cliché
04-07-2013, 09:12 PM
10 minutes games? That would allow for an increase in games.

Zeta Crossfire
04-07-2013, 09:14 PM
How about 10 games to win a map? If I'm not mistakes it's 8 now.

04-07-2013, 09:18 PM
10 minutes games? That would allow for an increase in games.

That would result in people finishing faster and waiting for even longer. xD

Assuming we can keep the pace we did today to set up games, we'll increase the number of games.

04-07-2013, 09:18 PM
Agreed, specially on 4v4s.

04-07-2013, 09:21 PM
Anarchy, Strongside REDD had 13 and BLUE had 8 groups I believe.

That is inaccurate.

04-07-2013, 09:25 PM
...but it would go on to like 10 at night.

^^ Ain't nobody got time for that ^^

04-07-2013, 09:34 PM
I would like to see more games. I only got to play once on each map; it would be more fun if you had at least 2 games per map. We practice really hard during the week, and then we show up for Battle Night and we play 1 match on each map. It almost feels like the practice is a waste when you only get to compete once on the maps you practice.

04-07-2013, 09:38 PM
Maybe we should just have one map played on Saturday and one on Sunday, that we if we increased games it wouldn't go until 10 at night. Also that might help people who miss Sundays.

Zeta Crossfire
04-07-2013, 09:50 PM
Maybe we should just have one map played on Saturday and one on Sunday, that we if we increased games it wouldn't go until 10 at night. Also that might help people who miss Sundays.

While I like the idea, it means High Com members have to give up all of their weekends so I don't think we'd do that.

04-07-2013, 09:51 PM
Maybe we should just have one map played on Saturday and one on Sunday, that we if we increased games it wouldn't go until 10 at night. Also that might help people who miss Sundays.

I would like this much better. Then if you can't attend, there is always a second day each week that you can still show up to.

RaZ Vader
04-07-2013, 10:42 PM
Maybe we should just have one map played on Saturday and one on Sunday, that we if we increased games it wouldn't go until 10 at night. Also that might help people who miss Sundays.

This is something I would like too. But... Unfortunately. It kinda sucks too. Maybe the Squad that can get on Saturday is stuck playing a map they didn't like or practice on.

Positives and Negatives for each. In the perfect world. We would all be 15 years old and didn't have a life outside of FC.

Although we did use to have 2 nights a week. Oddly enough they were both week nights. And it worked for a month until we decided to just do Sundays. We increased our participation rate by nearly 75%

04-07-2013, 11:25 PM
What if we did Friday, Sunday? Then the HC people could have Saturday off for a break.

04-07-2013, 11:26 PM
Positives and Negatives for each. In the perfect world. We would all be 15 years old and didn't have a life outside of FC.

Ah. Those were the days.

04-07-2013, 11:37 PM
We practice really hard during the week, and then we show up for Battle Night and we play 1 match on each map. It almost feels like the practice is a waste when you only get to compete once on the maps you practice.

We should find a way to work this out, cause I also feel this way. ^^

04-07-2013, 11:40 PM
yeah i dont enjoy waiting 3 hrs to play 3 games. somthing needs to change

04-07-2013, 11:47 PM
yeah i dont enjoy waiting 3 hrs to play 3 games. somthing needs to change
Run a census of squads before each map is played. Have a predetermined number of games depending on number of squads online. Also take into account the size of the map (8v8, 6v6, 4v4).

04-07-2013, 11:54 PM
Run a census of squads before each map is played. Have a predetermined number of games depending on number of squads online. Also take into account the size of the map (8v8, 6v6, 4v4).

What would that accomplish that static rotations don't?

04-08-2013, 12:14 AM
What would that accomplish that static rotations don't?
it has nothing to do with static rotations, the order the squads play in would have no effect. It would just be a way to figure out how many games per map. For example, on Strongside, we played 13 games and a tiebreaker, 14 games. Most squads played 2 games (some did some did not). Not sure how many squads where on, but maybe increase or decrease the amount of games according to how many squads were on at the time. I think 14 games was adequate.

On Pit however, we only played 16 (that mattered) and 4 exhibition. If we had know how many 4v4 groups there were and seen there were a lot, we could have increased the number of games needed to win the map. Most squads only played one match, which in my mind is not enough.

It would just be a matter of setting a sample number of games to each map size (4v4 you need 9 wins, 6v6 you need 8, etc). Then adjust that number by the number of squads that are on; if there are a lot of squads, increase the number of required wins. As it stands, the number of games needed for 4v4s definitely need to go up. 9 is no enough.

Lil Nawty Lucia
04-08-2013, 12:22 PM
it has nothing to do with static rotations, the order the squads play in would have no effect. It would just be a way to figure out how many games per map. For example, on Strongside, we played 13 games and a tiebreaker, 14 games. Most squads played 2 games (some did some did not). Not sure how many squads where on, but maybe increase or decrease the amount of games according to how many squads were on at the time. I think 14 games was adequate.

On Pit however, we only played 16 (that mattered) and 4 exhibition. If we had know how many 4v4 groups there were and seen there were a lot, we could have increased the number of games needed to win the map. Most squads only played one match, which in my mind is not enough.

It would just be a matter of setting a sample number of games to each map size (4v4 you need 9 wins, 6v6 you need 8, etc). Then adjust that number by the number of squads that are on; if there are a lot of squads, increase the number of required wins. As it stands, the number of games needed for 4v4s definitely need to go up. 9 is no enough.

That's not a bad Idea except for the part of know one knows how many are going to be online until its too late. And if the HC members have to count out who is online then we will be sitting around even longer. Not to mention all those that get offline during the BN and lag out.

Its just a big mess there is not way to fix it, unless say you start reducing the members of the community. Right now the current system does not seem to scale well with FC's Growth. I think the WC should look at other systems that might work better and try to implement them after the war.

Jam Cliché
04-08-2013, 12:48 PM
I don't see what the big deal is.

I say stick to using a static rotation, have that rotation ready before you start, then start inviting. I think we have made great strides since the Beta War in setting up games.

I would never complain that my team practiced all week and only played twice or three times. When I ran track in middle school, it was 6 mile run in the morning before school, then I had a P.E. class, and then sprint drills, suicides, rigorous workouts and long runs for track practice after school. Every weekday until 7 PM. And twice a month was track meets, on a Saturday, where I would run twice or three times, a total of 150-200 meters. 2 days out of the week I actually competed, but I would over 50 miles a week in preparation.

Are we to think that practice means nothing? Is Halo any less fun when it isn't on Battle Nights?

04-08-2013, 12:54 PM
The problem is that we want our members to experience more than just 2 games (thirty minutes) while they wait 3 hours for games. Gaming is a Hobby for most, we're doing it for fun. So we should try to maximize the FC experience for all.

04-08-2013, 12:57 PM
The problem is that we want our members to experience more than just 2 games (thirty minutes) while they wait 3 hours for games. Gaming is a Hobby for most, we're doing it for fun. So we should try to maximize the FC experience for all.

i 2nd this. I had a lot of members unhappy.

RaZ Vader
04-08-2013, 01:10 PM
We are already adding more games. Check the recent battle results for more details.

I will (hopefully) be helping setting up games next week as well.

Lil Nawty Lucia
04-08-2013, 01:28 PM
I guess CyberDyne was the only ones having Fun out there. :(

Nicholas Sapien
04-08-2013, 01:36 PM
I guess CyberDyne was the only ones having Fun out there. :(

Only a few squads were unfortunate, but we are gonna try to get everyone the same equal chance to play.
That is what WC will be improving on.

04-08-2013, 02:17 PM
I guess CyberDyne was the only ones having Fun out there. :(

Legacy had a grand ol' time. :D

04-08-2013, 02:47 PM
3 games use to always be the average number of games played during a battle night. REDD did have a significant amount of more members on Strongside which increased the wait time for REDD.

REDD had 12 (72) squads on that map

DreadRogue 1
Violent by Design
Second Nature 1
DreadRogue 2
Second Nature 2

Blue had 8 (48)
Sparta 1
Sparta 2
Lost Remnants
Ascension Mix
BLUE Mix 1
BLUE Mix 2

Looking at any other week 8 and 12 squads are like the most we ever had. We usually only had like 5 squads at the most, but this week we broke out in record numbers.

The most we could have had was 10 because we were missing Bellator and Optimum.

Recruiting will help but then REDD has to stop recruiting for us to catch up which is a dumb thing to do.

The solution to this problem would probably for us BLUEs to get the other two squads active so the difference isn't as long as you guys were mentioning.

Also we have grown so much during the past couple of wars we are definitely dued to have more games per battle night. The average games per squad should be at least 4 if we decide to increase the amount of games per maps which I believe we are.

Hopefully next week we can get our other squads active so you REDDs don't have to wait as long. If not then I will cut off all the thumbs of 24 REDD members and then we should be good again.

04-08-2013, 03:49 PM
I almost got my brother to join fc until he saw how long he would have to wait to play a match that he decided not to join :facepalm: lol

04-08-2013, 04:01 PM
I almost got my brother to join fc until he saw how long he would have to wait to play a match that he decided not to join :facepalm: lol

For use BLUES it shouldn't have been that long.

04-08-2013, 04:37 PM
I almost got my brother to join fc until he saw how long he would have to wait to play a match that he decided not to join :facepalm: lol

have him join !

04-08-2013, 04:42 PM
The problem is that we want our members to experience more than just 2 games (thirty minutes) while they wait 3 hours for games. Gaming is a Hobby for most, we're doing it for fun. So we should try to maximize the FC experience for all.

- - - Updated - - -

have him join !