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View Full Version : The Official FC Podcast: Episode 6, Babeh

04-15-2013, 04:37 AM
So guys, I think I may have found a new way to deliver this podcast to you guys. The reason most people listen to the Youtube version of the show is the ease with which it can be done, as well as the fact that most listen at work or some other place where accessing iTunes is much more difficult. However, this comes at the cost of losing content, as Gunny and I cannot put any copyrighted material on Youtube. Which is very unfortunate, lame and overall gay...

However, I need the Admins' help, so that will be up when possible. Until then...

EDIT: Here.

A wild MYTH appears!!!! He uses CODE A PODOMATIC PLAYER! It's super-effective!!!

That's right my peeps, we have a podomatic player now. To be Embedded in every new post, this baby has the ease of Youtube (if you can access the forums, you can access this, as well as play it without leaving the page) with the uncensored-ness of iTunes! So with that, I really hope you all switch over to this new, convenient player for an even better show each week. I will no longer embed the Youtube, but will of course still include the link. Happy listening!

Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLtTAa-u2zI&feature=youtu.be)

iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/official-forerunner-conflict/id612973452)

Podomatic (http://forerunnerconflictpodcast .podomatic.com/entry/2013-04-15T01_04_17-07_00)

Also, soon to come to our very own forums will be the threads necessary to get the Xbox Live Drive and the Church of Toast going. So stay tuned this week for those great additions :)

RaZ Vader
04-15-2013, 09:06 AM
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqgl1npFAM1qltqnp. gif

04-15-2013, 11:26 AM
Good podcast. It sucked I had to skip the Mass Effect part because I did not beat the third one.

04-15-2013, 11:27 AM
You guys have no idea what your talking about with mass effect. Expect a rage email later.

Good podcast as usual!

04-15-2013, 11:47 AM
> Gets Vcash from Fuzzy Raffle
> Sig-bombs Fuzzy with ALL of the Vcash won.

04-15-2013, 12:04 PM
> Gets Vcash from Fuzzy Raffle
> Sig-bombs Fuzzy with ALL of the Vcash won.

04-15-2013, 12:33 PM
You guys have no idea what your talking about with mass effect. Expect a rage email later.

I'll be looking forward to it :)

> Gets Vcash from Fuzzy Raffle
> Sig-bombs Fuzzy with ALL of the Vcash won.

This. Gunny, do this.

04-15-2013, 01:24 PM
This. Gunny, do this.

04-15-2013, 02:24 PM
You are all evil! Play me in checkers so I can make you all tremble in fear!!!

04-15-2013, 03:47 PM
You are all evil! Play me in checkers so I can make you all tremble in fear!!!

Ooooo look guys we have a checkers pro.
To simple minded for Chess or Tic Tac Toe, Fuzzy?
Cant handle my XOXOXO because we're uncomfortable with our sexuality, are we?
You're racist because you know that my black Rook will hit your little white Queen like a Bishop in the Knight. Then Pawn off the pieces.
I get little red one on your side... Ill tremble alright.... King me babeh...

04-15-2013, 04:06 PM
Ooooo look guys we have a checkers pro.
To simple minded for Chess or Tic Tac Toe, Fuzzy?
Cant handle my XOXOXO because we're uncomfortable with our sexuality, are we?
You're racist because you know that my black Rook will hit your little white Queen like a Bishop in the Knight. Then Pawn off the pieces.
I get little red one on your side... Ill tremble alright.... King me babeh...


04-16-2013, 11:10 AM
Woohoo for getting two mentions! :D

Good podcast, but I have one suggestion (if others don't agree, then by all means ignore it). When having discussions/debates/etc about a specific topic (i.e. the Mass Effect series) maybe spend a little less time on it? This week with ME you spent pretty much a full half hour on the subject, when perhaps it could've been more like ~20 minutes. Maybe it was just because I never played the series but I found myself kinda zoning out toward the end of that section, though I really was trying to listen to it.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

04-16-2013, 11:12 AM
I said it on skype before, but I will say it again. For youtube can you put timestamps in the description, so it separates the different segments of the podcast? For example:

3:39 Battle Night News
8:49 Mass Effect Review
28:49 FC Stuff
48:31 Viewer Mail

04-16-2013, 11:37 AM
Woohoo for getting two mentions! :D

Good podcast, but I have one suggestion (if others don't agree, then by all means ignore it). When having discussions/debates/etc about a specific topic (i.e. the Mass Effect series) maybe spend a little less time on it? This week with ME you spent pretty much a full half hour on the subject, when perhaps it could've been more like ~20 minutes. Maybe it was just because I never played the series but I found myself kinda zoning out toward the end of that section, though I really was trying to listen to it.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Yeah, we try to keep things from running on too long. We did spend longer on ME than we intended and it forced us to rush through the listener mail (Something we didn't want to rush though).

Thanks for the input!

I said it on skype before, but I will say it again. For youtube can you put timestamps in the description, so it separates the different segments of the podcast? For example:

3:39 Battle Night News
8:49 Mass Effect Review
28:49 FC Stuff
48:31 Viewer Mail

Noted. We'll see about doing that for future episodes.

04-16-2013, 05:19 PM
Woohoo for getting two mentions! :D

Good podcast, but I have one suggestion (if others don't agree, then by all means ignore it). When having discussions/debates/etc about a specific topic (i.e. the Mass Effect series) maybe spend a little less time on it? This week with ME you spent pretty much a full half hour on the subject, when perhaps it could've been more like ~20 minutes. Maybe it was just because I never played the series but I found myself kinda zoning out toward the end of that section, though I really was trying to listen to it.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

^ Also, those type segments would be great to have guests. Instead of always doing interviews, getting them into a brief discussion/debate on a topic could work quite well; it's much more engaging for the listeners than a rant, and even with both of you talking about it, it feels like it could use a third voice sometimes.

04-16-2013, 06:03 PM
^ Also, those type segments would be great to have guests. Instead of always doing interviews, getting them into a brief discussion/debate on a topic could work quite well; it's much more engaging for the listeners than a rant, and even with both of you talking about it, it feels like it could use a third voice sometimes.

This has been brought up and is a possibility. There are a few scheduling issues, as well as a selection process, but it is something that will be seen in the future. Gunny and I are just getting our feet wet so far; expect them to get better as time goes on :) Thanks for the suggestion.

And Blackhawk, I will. I guess. If you insist. God damn you are demanding!

And Kaz, like Gunny said, we try to limit ourselves, but it can be hard. To be honest, we wouldn't have to rush certain things if people would actually listen to all we have to say. We had the one long show and got negative reviews for it because of length lol.

And yes, I am just too lazy to multi-quote atm. Not to mention I am on my phone lol.

04-17-2013, 07:51 PM

But in other news, you guys are still going great on this. And I love the idea of including the people interviewed in the gaming discussion. Even though I will most likely never included.....


04-18-2013, 02:28 AM

But in other news, you guys are still going great on this. And I love the idea of including the people interviewed in the gaming discussion. Even though I will most likely never included.....


A storm's coming Mr. Bishop. It will be known as the Battle of the Brandons, on the Show of the Brandons, on the week of Brandon.