View Full Version : FC Challenges

HC Theory
04-28-2013, 08:50 AM
Has it ever been considered to do Challenges? Most other Halo Websites do them to help promote site activity and doing them would give the average player a reason coming back to the site more often. Whether this is MM Challenges or Battle/Scrim Challenges i think it would be a nice addition.

The challenges could be tailored specifically to the maps that we would be playing in the coming Battle night, For example since tonight's battle is on Guardian "Get 15 kills with the Gravity Hammer" or Meltdown "Get 10 Wheelman" "Get 10 Splatters" "Get 15 Ghost Kills".

What do ya think?

04-28-2013, 09:19 AM
What would the challenges grant after completing them? We sometimes had individuals setup challenges like these, and some were given ribbons after completing them. We never had an official system tho.

RaZ Vader
04-28-2013, 09:36 AM
I like the idea. Now we just have too incooporate it.

04-28-2013, 09:48 AM
I like the idea. Now we just have too incooporate it.

Stop trying to spell, RaZ. You're drunk.

Incorporate. Not to have cooperative stuff included. Lol. :P

04-28-2013, 10:01 AM
We could be awarded vCash :)

That way you have a backup way to get some if you bet it all.

HC Theory
04-28-2013, 10:26 AM
The award system could be rank based, Its own individual system completely separate from everything else on FC. An easy challenge completed could be worth +5, medium +10, and a difficult being +15. We could use the Halo Reach Ranking system for the levels so all we would have to do is come up with a list of challenges and their point values and the required points per Rank.

All of this im willing to do if this has a chance of actually being implemented haha.
The great thing about the Challenge system is that get get players to play differently and for a goal. Now while trying to take a map to win the war is the goal, it is the long term goal. Where with the challenges you can see progress after every battle.

Perhaps it could be used in some way to affect the war but ill leave that up to someone who has been with the site longer and understands the war layout better haha

04-28-2013, 12:38 PM
Theory has started a spreadsheet with a general sort of outline. If you guys can take a look and get some ideas going that'd be super.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Alex_4P4O1VjdFZW N3F4VTcyVHV2clRkMFBYRWY3O EE#gid=0

04-28-2013, 01:24 PM
I like the idea. But the challenge is always finding a way to fit it in and make it work.

04-28-2013, 01:26 PM
I assume you're from Halo Community and I REALLY loved their Challenges, especially the Team based ones like the Warthog and Gunner CoOp Challenges. I used to do Weekly "Missions" for REDWATCH that were themed to FC Battles, but I never really went anywhere with them. I love the idea though, but Rank should not be involved in them (unless you're talking Tiers I don't know).

HC Theory
04-28-2013, 01:50 PM
Yea I used to help out Redemption back on HaloCharts and later on HaloChallenges.com, And as for the ranking System the way that wanting to try to set it up is similar to how the Forum System Rank was set-up on HaloCharts before it was shut down.

04-28-2013, 01:58 PM
I'd like everyone to know, that this was my idea.

04-28-2013, 02:23 PM
We could be awarded vCash :)

That way you have a backup way to get some if you bet it all.

This, or a forum based rank. Not a rank directly tied with FC battles, but something along the lines of HaloCharts/HaloTracker forum rank.

04-28-2013, 03:15 PM
I'd like everyone to know, that this was my idea.

This is an idea that's been suggested plenty of times before. And has been implemented to an extent in the past.

04-28-2013, 03:20 PM
I was just saying cause I was talking about this this morning with Mede.

HC Theory
04-28-2013, 03:50 PM
Well this was a completely original idea from me it was just a coincidence that you were talking about it this morning haha

BaD InTentZs
04-28-2013, 10:35 PM
Exceptionally good idea. I like the community involvement. :D

PS: Waddup Theory!!

04-29-2013, 04:33 PM
We could be awarded vCash :)

That way you have a backup way to get some if you bet it all.

I was considering this a bit, and had an :idea:

The challenges could be tailored specifically to the maps that we would be playing in the coming Battle night, For example since tonight's battle is on Guardian "Get 15 kills with the Gravity Hammer" or Meltdown "Get 10 Wheelman" "Get 10 Splatters" "Get 15 Ghost Kills".
^ this is the main idea theory was getting at, and it seems like we could do this, with the award being a limited amount of vCash.

For example, if someone did get the 15 kills with the Gravity Hammer on Guardian, their award could be like 100vCash.

Nothing too major, but enough to want to get that *award*.

HC Theory
04-29-2013, 05:05 PM
Thats a great idea Jamie, the reason i didnt put anything in there about vcash is because i dont quite understand it haha if you think that Vcash could be used as the award ill start working around that idea.

04-29-2013, 06:03 PM
Thats a great idea Jamie, the reason i didnt put anything in there about vcash is because i dont quite understand it haha if you think that Vcash could be used as the award ill start working around that idea.

Well I dont know if the vCash would work, but I understand what your aiming at, and I think it would be a great incentive for peeps to participate in BN.

- - - Updated - - -

Well I dont know if the vCash would work, but I understand what your aiming at, and I think it would be a great incentive for peeps to participate in BN.

I do know the vCash award couldnt be too great.. but could work.

Lil Nawty Lucia
04-29-2013, 06:20 PM
I will feel bad for who ever has to give out all that Vcash, might be better to limit it to "Most Hammer Kills of the Night" kinda thing so you cut the work down a lot.

04-29-2013, 06:22 PM
I will feel bad for who ever has to give out all that Vcash, might be better to limit it to "Most Hammer Kills of the Night" kinda thing so you cut the work down a lot.

haha yeah, that was only an example, but i see what your saying.

thats why i'm thinking the vCash award would be limited to 100 or so.. depending on the challenge. maybe an M&M could chime in an enlighten us if that could work?

*Looks at myth*

04-29-2013, 06:34 PM
How about this...

Challenges could indeed be a cool incentive to facilitate battle night participation and competition.

However, anything along the lines of what Theory created in that spreadsheet wouldn't be done (at least not if I'm gonna end up as the one managing this. If someone else is willing to do it, feel free to do it however you want).

Some other things:

We would have a small number of specific, map-based and/or gametype-specific challenges for the battle nights.
Needing to give vCash to dozens of people (especially if the amount is small) is hardly worth the effort. vCash-awarding challenges would end up being particularly difficult ones and would reward no less than 1000 vCash.
Challenges could also award Credits straight to your army (would be easier to manage as well). Would be 50-100 cR for each one, probably.
Eventually we'll probably add in some ribbons for people who consistently complete challenges.

EDIT: Also, these would be player-submitted.

04-29-2013, 06:44 PM
How about this...

Challenges could indeed be a cool incentive to facilitate battle night participation and competition.

However, anything along the lines of what Theory created in that spreadsheet wouldn't be done (at least not if I'm gonna end up as the one managing this. If someone else is willing to do it, feel free to do it however you want).

Some other things:

We would have a small number of specific, map-based and/or gametype-specific challenges for the battle nights.
Needing to give vCash to dozens of people (especially if the amount is small) is hardly worth the effort. vCash-awarding challenges would end up being particularly difficult ones and would reward no less than 1000 vCash.
Challenges could also award Credits straight to your army (would be easier to manage as well). Would be 50-100 cR for each one, probably.
Eventually we'll probably add in some ribbons for people who consistently complete challenges.

EDIT: Also, these would be player-submitted.

Thanks Myth!!

Theory? I would be willing to help you with this if you want! Since we know it can be done, we could possibly make this a possibility :D

Lil Nawty Lucia
04-29-2013, 06:46 PM
How about this...

Challenges could indeed be a cool incentive to facilitate battle night participation and competition.

However, anything along the lines of what Theory created in that spreadsheet wouldn't be done (at least not if I'm gonna end up as the one managing this. If someone else is willing to do it, feel free to do it however you want).

Some other things:

We would have a small number of specific, map-based and/or gametype-specific challenges for the battle nights.
Needing to give vCash to dozens of people (especially if the amount is small) is hardly worth the effort. vCash-awarding challenges would end up being particularly difficult ones and would reward no less than 1000 vCash.
Challenges could also award Credits straight to your army (would be easier to manage as well). Would be 50-100 cR for each one, probably.
Eventually we'll probably add in some ribbons for people who consistently complete challenges.

EDIT: Also, these would be player-submitted.

I dont care much for the Army Credits one, since the goal of the fighting is to win the map, that should be all that they get. I think it would be nice to have Challenges and Vcash as a Reward, but I think overall its just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more work than anyone will want to do.

04-29-2013, 06:53 PM
I dont care much for the Army Credits one, since the goal of the fighting is to win the map, that should be all that they get. I think it would be nice to have Challenges and Vcash as a Reward, but I think overall its just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more work than anyone will want to do.

I'd be willing to put in the work :D

04-29-2013, 07:10 PM
I dont care much for the Army Credits one, since the goal of the fighting is to win the map, that should be all that they get. I think it would be nice to have Challenges and Vcash as a Reward, but I think overall its just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more work than anyone will want to do.

vCash can simply be donated to the army to become Credits, so essentially they're the same thing.

Lil Nawty Lucia
04-29-2013, 07:14 PM
vCash can simply be donated to the army to become Credits, so essentially they're the same thing.

I am just saying I don't want it to be automatic, if I try to complete a challenge I would want it to be Vcash, but that is just personal preference

04-29-2013, 07:39 PM
How about this...

Challenges could indeed be a cool incentive to facilitate battle night participation and competition.

However, anything along the lines of what Theory created in that spreadsheet wouldn't be done (at least not if I'm gonna end up as the one managing this. If someone else is willing to do it, feel free to do it however you want).

Some other things:

We would have a small number of specific, map-based and/or gametype-specific challenges for the battle nights.
Needing to give vCash to dozens of people (especially if the amount is small) is hardly worth the effort. vCash-awarding challenges would end up being particularly difficult ones and would reward no less than 1000 vCash.
Challenges could also award Credits straight to your army (would be easier to manage as well). Would be 50-100 cR for each one, probably.
Eventually we'll probably add in some ribbons for people who consistently complete challenges.

EDIT: Also, these would be player-submitted.

Theory, let me know what you think of this :D

04-29-2013, 09:25 PM
vCash can simply be donated to the army to become Credits, so essentially they're the same thing.

I see why you think this, but people may want Vcash so they can bet and get more. Although straight war credits would eliminate some extra credits being but in the system via betting.

I also see why making tough challanges would make it easier to distribute Vcash, but then only the toughest teams would be able to get anything out of the system. If we had smaller challenges, along with bigger challenges, we could add a submission system for people to submit the game from waypoint to eliminate some work. I'd be willing to help sift through those to help.

04-29-2013, 10:03 PM
I see why you think this, but people may want Vcash so they can bet and get more. Although straight war credits would eliminate some extra credits being but in the system via betting.

I also see why making tough challanges would make it easier to distribute Vcash, but then only the toughest teams would be able to get anything out of the system. If we had smaller challenges, along with bigger challenges, we could add a submission system for people to submit the game from waypoint to eliminate some work. I'd be willing to help sift through those to help.

^ this :D

HC Theory
04-29-2013, 11:18 PM
I also see why making tough challanges would make it easier to distribute Vcash, but then only the toughest teams would be able to get anything out of the system. If we had smaller challenges, along with bigger challenges, we could add a submission system for people to submit the game from waypoint to eliminate some work. I'd be willing to help sift through those to help.

I think the Vcash system + Ribbons would be enough incentive to get people to take the few mins to submit what challenges they completed, but i do think that the challenges should be obtainable to all players not just the top guys. The way that i tested it out last night was i chose 4 easy, 4 medium and 4 difficult and i believe that it worked out fairly well. The number of challenges can be lowered but there should always be 1 or 2 challenges that are fairly easy to obtain though they can be worth quite a bit less that the difficult ones.

If this gets implemented we would choose the challenges based off of what maps were coming up in the upcoming battles and a few that are general.

04-30-2013, 08:41 AM
I like the challanges Mythonian picked, I think it'll work out fine.

04-30-2013, 01:29 PM
I like the challanges Mythonian picked, I think it'll work out fine.

great work to HC for coming up with this. let me know if you need any help at all!

04-30-2013, 04:09 PM
Let me know if you need any help at all!

Yes, if you need a group to come up with mission for each week let me know.

04-30-2013, 06:44 PM
^ Expect an announcement when the Battle Results are posted with full details.