View Full Version : Sleep Disorder

06-02-2013, 09:40 PM
I've done research and am 99% positive I suffer from Narcolepsy.

Does anyone here know what can help cure of this or at least suppress the amount of times I fucking pass out during the day? Naps during the day ARE NOT an option as I'm in the military. Honestly I'm pretty sure sleep deprivation from doing Field Training is what's caused it.

My symptoms include:
> Passing out during class
> Instantly dreaming when I pass out
> My real-time awareness is still there. Its weird and hard to explain
> I wake up many times throughout the night but have no problems falling asleep.
> Simply standing up doesn't help, I'll fall asleep in any position
> I have the ADHD so caffeine just makes it worse

I've been reading on Melatonin pills and such. Anyone know about this or suffer from the same?

06-02-2013, 09:44 PM
it just seems like you're just bored lol

otherwise, I cant think of anything to help, but im sure someone here can help a brotha out

06-02-2013, 11:28 PM
I normally have to take 2-4 sleeping pills a night if I want to have a decent nights sleep, or else I'll be up twisting and turning. With me, it's much harder to sleep during the summer time than in the winter. But one tactic I've found out that helps me fall asleep is taking a few pills and then reading. Also, if you're really looking to sleep, remove all electronic hardware away from you (cell phone, laptop, ipods, etc) and turn them all off. Buying the right kind of blankets can help too...a blanket that you feel extremely cozy and warm in could put you right to sleep. And last but not certainly least, and I don't mean to offend anyone by this, but rubbing one out is usually helpful and can cause your body to relax =D

06-03-2013, 12:05 AM
> My real-time awareness is still there. Its weird and hard to explain

i think i know what you mean on this, though that's not necesarily a bad thing for someone in the military.Kind of like being aware of things going on around you while you're asleep?

You can train your body to do this over time, i've done it so i can wake myself up if people fuck with me if i sleep in class.

06-03-2013, 01:14 AM
I suffered from that now I suffer from anxiety from all the stress and meds. Basically I was told to make sure I was physically and mentally exhausted before my bed time.

06-03-2013, 01:27 AM
Physical activity during the day helps also. Your body will tire out towards the end of the day, and your body will require sleep. Also, the way you eat can have an effect on your sleep. Try to eat less as the day progresses (lighter food). Usually, at night, you tend to slow down. No need to stuff yourself full of calories.

Prof Blastoise
06-03-2013, 01:46 AM