View Full Version : Absolute Zero

Carpe Vexillum
02-17-2011, 03:21 PM
Name of Story/Video: Absolute Zero

Summary: Takes place on Glacier, and Breakpoint. The premise is that there is a cycle in the weather so it reaches to cold for even spartan's to be outside. 5 troops are positioned to defend the base, the story will follow the lines of their encounters and fighting off the elites, (Who can withstand the cold through some alien technology.)

How many actors would be required? 5-16

Has a script been written? If so, where can we read it? No, not yet.

Special things that need to be done? Map editing and story formation.

Would you like to help direct this piece? Yes yes, of course.

This is just an idea/suggestion, I don't really have any in depth story written for it 'yet' if anyone else want to add or pick this up feel free, just getting the juices flowing.