View Full Version : More use of Custom Game Options

Jam Cliché
06-04-2013, 06:41 AM
There has always been a debate for our gametypes about balancing locations, equipment, ordnance, etc., but the end result of this has been an experience that differs so little from Matchmaking that the only significant difference between our gameplay and default is our timers and score options. Last night, in the wake of the new weapons updates having not yet been applied to FC's games, Sparta, Legacy, and CD scrimmaged with updated matchmaking gametypes, and only changed the score and timer options to get the "FC feel" right.

Hell, some of our gametypes are even more conservative than matchmaking. No resupply ordnance on Dominion. Sequential hill instead of true crazy king (admittedly I prefer this). Our Executive is especially turned down compared to normal Regicide.

With such a variety of custom game options to use, why not embrace a little creativity?

Now, I get that when we start talking about radical changes, it is a talk of "future wars", so I figure why not theme an entire war after a particular game change?

I thought of a rough example in only a few minutes, so if you wanna call me out for balancing, just remember it's 6 AM here.

A "Decay" war.

Players start with more powerful shields, or damage resistance of some kind, but having slowly decaying shields. The longer you stay alive, the more threatened your life is. Obtaining objectives mitigates this effect. For example, Hill controls grants a slow recharge rate such that players who can get control will have a chance against incoming respawning players. Dominion resupplies could be Overshields. A Flag carrier or Oddball holder would be able to recharge shields but take more damage. An Executive king could be the only player in the game able to recharge shields, but would only be able to go to normal shield level and be worth more bounty for every kill he acquires.

Gauntlet war: game options are tuned such that the losing team gains subtle advantages that increase as the score difference spreads further apart. The winning team must continue to thrive against an increasingly difficult enemy to maintain their lead.

Evolved war: Alter the way that each gametype works to effect new gameplay modes. Conflict points have bonuses for specialized kills. The King's role in Executive becomes reversed, where all players have waypoints but no radar, except the King who has radar but no waypoint and is worth fewer points to kill. Multiple hills exist in Occupation, but overlap at certain control areas. Time would be gained constantly by players, but occupying some locations would hold a higher value. Dominion could consist of two bases that split the map evenly between both teams, with multiple base terminals accessible in various locations that must be defended or risk conversion. Oddballs can only be carried at certain marked locations, forcing teams to make well coordinated tosses from place to place in order to gain any points for extended periods of time.

Just throwing ideas out there. Why not add some more flavor to FC?

06-04-2013, 10:13 AM
Changing things up sounds good.

These two in particular are very interesting to me. The king would play like a hunter killer.

Evolved war: The King's role in Executive becomes reversed, where all players have waypoints but no radar, except the King who has radar but no waypoint and is worth fewer points to kill.

And this reminds me a little of blood gulch.

Dominion could consist of two bases that split the map evenly between both teams, with multiple base terminals accessible in various locations that must be defended or risk conversion.

Nicholas Sapien
06-04-2013, 12:42 PM
Me like

06-04-2013, 12:46 PM
Me like

06-04-2013, 12:50 PM
I don't know, some unique ideas but it wouldn't feel very realistic to do an entire War based off of that. Maybe test some of these as planet-specific gametype mods? I'm more looking for new gametype ideas, like Anarchys multi-hill moving + single hill stationary idea.

06-04-2013, 12:51 PM
Lightning Flag.

06-04-2013, 01:22 PM
Lightning Flag.

God help us all if lighting flag was introduced into the FC playlist :D

but I am loving all these new custom ideas especially the new take on the executive playlist

06-04-2013, 01:28 PM
I like these ideas. I'd be willing to help test them if you ever needed extra people.
And if we implement Lightning Flag I quit lol, I hate that game with a passion.

06-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Maybe test some of these as planet-specific gametype mods?

yes. so much yes. (poor myth though)

I like the idea of a decay fight, the only think i don't like about it is that the decay options are ridiculously fast. 10%/second is the lowest i think, bloody hell your shields are gone before you leave the base.

gauntlet war would be interesting if you can set something up that works like that. It would also help make games between really good teams and really bad teams less painful.

purple gamer 17
06-04-2013, 03:57 PM
Gauntlet war: game options are tuned such that the losing team gains subtle advantages that increase as the score difference spreads further apart. The winning team must continue to thrive against an increasingly difficult enemy to maintain their lead.

Evolved war: Alter the way that each gametype works to effect new gameplay modes. Conflict points have bonuses for specialized kills. The King's role in Executive becomes reversed, where all players have waypoints but no radar, except the King who has radar but no waypoint and is worth fewer points to kill.

06-04-2013, 04:17 PM
We should have Infection in FC. REDD and BLUE work together. 7 total rounds, person with most points gets the win for their army. Any sign of cheating results in a DQ.

Jam Cliché
06-04-2013, 04:42 PM
We should have Infection in FC. REDD and BLUE work together. 7 total rounds, person with most points gets the win for their army. Any sign of cheating results in a DQ.


Eh, that's not so much a custom game options as it is trying to make an FFA game team oriented by using honor rules.

06-04-2013, 04:44 PM
I wasn't mocking, it was a joke lol

But your OP I fully agree with

Jam Cliché
06-04-2013, 04:57 PM
I wasn't mocking, it was a joke lol

But your OP I fully agree with

=D I didn't really expect this kind of response. In fact, I fully expected to be shot down hard. XD

Some gametype ideas would be more difficult to implement than others, though.

06-04-2013, 05:16 PM
=D I didn't really expect this kind of response. In fact, I fully expected to be shot down hard. XD

Some gametype ideas would be more difficult to implement than others, though.

nothing good is ever easy ;)

06-04-2013, 05:23 PM
I like these ideas. I'd be willing to help test them if you ever needed extra people.
And if we implement Lightning Flag I quit lol, I hate that game with a passion.


yes. so much yes. (poor myth though)

If there were planetary trait differences we could just put trait zones across the maps in each sector. We wouldn't have to have different gametypes for each planet, if that was what you were thinking.

06-04-2013, 05:30 PM
Like there are some tweek that will need to be more looked at, but you kinda have an interesting idea

06-04-2013, 05:46 PM

If there were planetary trait differences we could just put trait zones across the maps in each sector. We wouldn't have to have different gametypes for each planet, if that was what you were thinking.

that is indeed my thoughts, i haven't messed with forge enough, hell, i've barely been on halo except for battles. stupid school.

06-07-2013, 09:42 AM
MLG Lightning Flag.

06-07-2013, 10:32 AM
Can't say I'm a fan of these game types. Seems like people would be getting kills/deaths due to bullshit rather than skill. Sure some of these require teamwork, but the gameplay leans more towards random variables. If I wanted that I would play call of duty.

But hey if this is the road the community wants to go down, so be it. Just count me out.

06-07-2013, 11:06 AM
Can't say I'm a fan of these game types. Seems like people would be getting kills/deaths due to bullshit rather than skill. Sure some of these require teamwork, but the gameplay leans more towards random variables. If I wanted that I would play call of duty.

But hey if this is the road the community wants to go down, so be it. Just count me out.

Exactly. The game is already random as shit with ordnance and a dozen different armor abilities/perks. These gametypes would continue to detract from skill and add to a more 'Regicide' style of gameplay, i.e. you have the 3rd most kills but still get lucky and get 1st place in Regicide.

I'm all for doing this as a custom gamenight for vcash or something, but anything which has even more random variables or dropping shields etc should not be in the war.

06-07-2013, 12:35 PM
We should add Grifball into FC, like a Bonus game of Grifball for extra army cR or some shit. Spice it up.

06-07-2013, 12:41 PM
How about some Indiana Jones up in here. Whoever reaches the end wins it for their army. If no one does after a certain amount of rounds, Myth wins the war. Thoughts?

06-07-2013, 12:44 PM
How about some Indiana Jones up in here. Whoever reaches the end wins it for their army. If no one does after a certain amount of rounds, Myth wins the war. Thoughts?

I like this idea, maybe...whoever falls has to take a shot of moonshine and we continue playing until we have a winner or die of alcohol poisoning.

06-07-2013, 12:48 PM
How about some Indiana Jones up in here. Whoever reaches the end wins it for their army. If no one does after a certain amount of rounds, Myth wins the war. Thoughts?

Plasma pistol soccer ball course.

Jam Cliché
06-08-2013, 07:25 PM
Okay, ignoring heavily perk-oriented games, there are a multitude of options for the objectives that can change the way the game operates while keeping players on the same footing.

The suggestion for Hill 30 Dominion is a big one. The game options are no different, but the map objectives would be laid out in a different way. The two-sided, multi-terminal Dominion, if possible, would also be an example.

06-08-2013, 07:47 PM
hill 30 dominion would never work because as soon as one team takes the only base, the other team would immediately enter last stand mode. hmmmmm, actually, i suppose you could hide another base outside the map, but that's getting to be quite the effort.

Jam Cliché
06-08-2013, 07:59 PM
hill 30 dominion would never work because as soon as one team takes the only base, the other team would immediately enter last stand mode. hmmmmm, actually, i suppose you could hide another base outside the map, but that's getting to be quite the effort.

Last Stand in FC is switched off.

06-08-2013, 08:54 PM
It just occurred to me that we cannot have both a Dominion gametype and a Dominion-based Hill 30 gametype without having seperate maps... :P

Jam Cliché
06-08-2013, 08:55 PM
It just occurred to me that we cannot have both a Dominion gametype and a Dominion-based Hill 30 gametype without having seperate maps... :P
Indeed. When Hill 30 was suggested, Spartanbh also said ditch traditional Dominion.

06-08-2013, 09:32 PM
Indeed. When Hill 30 was suggested, Spartanbh also said ditch traditional Dominion.

Dominion is such a shit gametype IMO. But a Hill 30 remake of it would be pretty cool. Only major problem is, Dominion can't be played on ALL maps...mainly only the big ones, but thats what Hill 30 is intended for. Not really meant to be a 4v4 gametype.

Jam Cliché
06-08-2013, 09:51 PM
Dominion is such a shit gametype IMO. But a Hill 30 remake of it would be pretty cool. Only major problem is, Dominion can't be played on ALL maps...mainly only the big ones, but thats what Hill 30 is intended for. Not really meant to be a 4v4 gametype.

As the creator of Hill 30, I can not only value your judgment, but I also think you're TOTALLY right. Plus some maps do terrible with Dominion as 3 bases. The problem is that BLUE is traditionally the Offensive team while REDD is the defensive team... so maps are laid out with BLUE being at a disadvantage.

06-08-2013, 10:01 PM
As the creator of Hill 30, I can not only value your judgment, but I also think you're TOTALLY right.

Contrary to popular belief, I did in fact create Hill 30. Thank you for noticing.

06-08-2013, 10:48 PM
Dominion is such a shit gametype IMO. But a Hill 30 remake of it would be pretty cool. Only major problem is, Dominion can't be played on ALL maps...mainly only the big ones, but thats what Hill 30 is intended for. Not really meant to be a 4v4 gametype.

1 site Dominion could work on any map. Unless there's restrictions in forge?

06-08-2013, 10:55 PM
1 site Dominion could work on any map. Unless there's restrictions in forge?

There are restrictions in forge. You cannot even start the forge game on like half/third of the maps.

06-08-2013, 11:06 PM
There are restrictions in forge. You cannot even start the forge game on like half/third of the maps.

I really hate how 343 handled custom game options/forge options. They should've just given us the choice to do (practically) everything the game engine is capable of and let the community decide what should or should not work on each map or in each gametype. >.>

06-08-2013, 11:56 PM
Lightning Flag.