View Full Version : E3 2013: Pre-order the Xbox One, get an achievement

06-11-2013, 03:10 PM
Microsoft announced that Xbox One. The price was set at $500, and many are worried and do not believe it is worth it. With this in mind, Microsoft have decided to throw in some extra rewards for people who preorder the new Xbox. Once you preorder the console, you automatically get a day one achievement when arriving on your Xbox. This is no word on how much gamerscore the achievement will be worth.

The other thing they are offering when you preorder is a limited edition Xbox One controller. We do not know what the controller looks like yet, but we will hear more news about it in a few weeks or so. The package also contains "Extra Care," basically extra packaging so your console is guaranteed to be in top condition.

Will these extra gems have an impact on preorder sales? We will found out soon.


06-11-2013, 03:12 PM

06-11-2013, 03:15 PM
I can just picture when the box that the X1 comes in has the word: 'FRAGILE' plastered all over the box

06-11-2013, 03:30 PM
You obviously don't follow or look at the @FC_GamingNews (www.twitter.com/FC_GamingNews) Twitter Feed. The controller has been revealed and it isn't anything special at all. Also, there is DLC associated with the purchase of a Day One Console.

I'm at work, otherwise I would find the link for you. Google is your friend.

06-11-2013, 03:56 PM
You obviously don't follow or look at the @FC_GamingNews (www.twitter.com/FC_GamingNews) Twitter Feed. The controller has been revealed and it isn't anything special at all. Also, there is DLC associated with the purchase of a Day One Console.

I'm at work, otherwise I would find the link for you. Google is your friend.
google is your friend, until it starts finishing your sentences and becomes that annoying friend.

06-11-2013, 06:24 PM
I like the Xbox One i'll most likely pre-order it. The only other things I have ever pre-ordered is all the halos after halo CE. No other game seemed worth it, until Rome II Total war ofcourse.

Sgt Catastrophe
07-04-2013, 05:14 PM
I'd like to preorder, sadly I spent $500 on pc upgrades in April.