View Full Version : Some local history I've found

06-19-2013, 10:48 PM
Warning: All of this relates to masonic history. Some of you will find that awesome. Others may hate me for just mentioning that word. I find it really interesting, though.

I found that my local Grand Lodge (or... specific jurisdiction for masons) is one of the oldest. It was founded in 1871, which isn't the oldest... but definitely old. One of the Lodges near where the college I'll be going to, is the second lodge built in British Columbia. Second only to the Grand Lodge itself. It's currently known as Union-Solomon #9 (http://www.unionsolomon9.com/). The exact same building has been there for over 150 years. There's also a nearby cemetery that is one of the only Masonic Cemeteries in the world. Run by masons, and exclusively for Freemasons and their families. I'm sure I'll get mixed responses about this, due to the conspiracies about Freemasons, but I think the local history about them is absolutely fascinating.

If you're interested in finding out more about my local Grand Lodge, and/or more about Freemasonry, go to Grand Lodge's website (www.bcy.ca). It's got some really good info.