View Full Version : Best lyrics against REDDS!

07-14-2013, 04:54 PM
The first part of this song is PERFECT!


07-14-2013, 05:04 PM

07-14-2013, 05:07 PM

You're just jealous cause you dont have a heavy metal song that screams how the brotherhood will fall.

Prof Blastoise
07-14-2013, 05:12 PM
And then everything changed when Corbin and his boyz showed up

Ambient Black
07-14-2013, 08:48 PM
And then everything changed when Corbin and his boyz showed up


07-14-2013, 09:56 PM
Lmao, thats so fucking true!

07-14-2013, 09:58 PM

07-14-2013, 10:06 PM

07-14-2013, 10:07 PM

RW Artemis
Legacy 1

Ominous Solace
07-14-2013, 10:10 PM
Just think about it. What Dunbar put was right. If VbD wasn't around y'all wouldn't be like how you are ;)

Still love you all.....well some of you.....ehhhh more like two of you.


07-14-2013, 10:13 PM
I know some of you BLUE guys in this thread are new but disrespect is not tolerated at all in this community, so I would politely ask you all to refrain from insulting the entirety of REDD.

07-14-2013, 10:14 PM
Both sides have better squads than others. VbD is definitely one of REDD's best. Legacy, Nemesis, etc. are some of BLUEs best. That's just how it is. No need to start flaming :)

EDIT: Listen to the Field Marshall. No one wants to ban anyone.

Ominous Solace
07-14-2013, 10:15 PM
No one was flaming or disrespecting. Its called joking around. Man, y'all need to lighten up.

07-14-2013, 10:17 PM
I like you. You are my friend now :)

07-14-2013, 10:18 PM
No one was flaming or disrespecting. Its called joking around. Man, y'all need to lighten up.

There's a fine line. Some people can take offense to it. Some people won't. We just don't want it to get out of hand.

07-14-2013, 10:19 PM
No one was flaming or disrespecting. Its called joking around. Man, y'all need to lighten up.

Once again when you insult the entirety of an army besides one squad that is insulting to all of the other squads and wont be taken kindly, I received numerous complaints about it so be lucky that I am just dishing out a public warning.

07-14-2013, 10:21 PM
Wow, you BLUEs sure are a funny bunch. Funny stuff you've got here. Oh boy, you guys sure are funny. And @ OP retry clever song you little rascal, but last time I checked, were attacking your capital next Sunday. Just a little heads up in case you missed the memo :panda:

Ominous Solace
07-14-2013, 10:21 PM
Whatever man. Just delete the stupid thread if there is so much of a "problem" about it.

07-14-2013, 10:45 PM
Whatever man. Just delete the stupid thread if there is so much of a "problem" about it.

Not the thread so much as the picture.

07-14-2013, 10:52 PM
Once again when you insult the entirety of an army besides one squad that is insulting to all of the other squads and wont be taken kindly, I received numerous complaints about it so be lucky that I am just dishing out a public warning.

Where were you when this was posted

where BLUE throws simplicity and logic out the window.*

07-14-2013, 10:59 PM
Where were you when this was posted

Blackhawk two wrongs don't make a right, just because I didn't catch one disrespectful post does not mean I can not catch another.

07-14-2013, 11:01 PM
But there was no direct insult such as like the one I posted.

or this one

No one likes you, go fucking die. Stupid blue noob, bet you don't even know Dennis or Mitchell. Stupid ass Asian, you can't even MATH. Fucking colonel of blue? More like DICK SUCKER of BLUE. Bet you like my penus in ur mouth. Lets go, my weener in your mouth. Fagt.

^i got that visitor message out of the blue and im assuming it is joking around.

07-14-2013, 11:14 PM
oh boy. Lets just close this thread and move on.

07-14-2013, 11:22 PM