View Full Version : My Drum setup

07-15-2013, 09:27 PM

This is the setup I've used for the last few months. I've been playing for about 2 or 3 years and have gotten pretty far in that time, to a point where I have total freedom across the entire setup. Right now I'm using it in a Punk/Reggae fusion band, but it'll probably end up being used in a straight up rock ensemble once I move to my school's campus. If you have any questions about the setup, I'm all ears.

07-15-2013, 09:33 PM
Nice. I always wanted a iron cobra double bass pedal :(

purple gamer 17
07-15-2013, 09:52 PM
lol you have more symbols than you do drums.
Call it a symbol set up with some drums sitting there. lol

07-15-2013, 09:59 PM
lol you have more symbols than you do drums.
Call it a symbol set up with some drums sitting there. lol

first off, it's cymbal*

That's one of my pet peeves. I've seen it spelled every way imaginable and every time I cringe when it's not spelled properly.

second, if you count every drum, and double bass, it comes out about even with the number of cymbals, and sometimes I have a mini drum on that far left pedal, so it's kind of moot.

Nice. I always wanted a iron cobra double bass pedal :(

The bass pedal on this setup are the speedcobras. basically Iron cobras with a longer footboard and faster action.