View Full Version : MSP Problem

07-17-2013, 06:15 PM
So Lost Planet 2 is on sale for $5. It's one of my favorite games on Xbox. But I never really got a good co-op experience on it, so now that it is on sale I'm trying to get points for my friends to play.

So today I got a $20 gift card from Walmart and was going to get 3-4 400 Microsoft points codes to share. But turns out Walmart doesn't sell those. So that's my bad. I went to plan B! Get a 1600 point code. But Walmart only ships the code, it doesn't have an email option. The shipping would take at least 7 days to ship, and by then the sale would be over.

So I have come to ask a very big favor from you guys... I want to trade my gift card, for a $20 Amazon gift card. Then all my problems will be solved :D

Can anybody help me?