View Full Version : Possible Halo4 style set up?

07-27-2013, 11:32 AM
Seeing as we are now in Halo4 ( and disregard this if it is already in there) and dont judge me if this is already a thing.. I havnt payed much attention to the new setup since ive been back.

Seeing as this is Halo4, why not build the out of battlenight set up to be like a Halo4 personal ordnance system?

In a bar of say... 100 points?

5 points for a teams single win
5 points for a challenge completion.
??? for any other criteria

This may turn Vcash back into a basic betting currency and not an army war currency. But it would also make it so all that vcash bounced around the army that you cant access cause people dont care enough to be irrelevant. and it would initially reward the army who performs at the level required to gain the points for the bar.

The rewards for the Army Ordnance completion would be these external rewards.

It would make the system a lot more simple and easy for the WC to maintain. and it would give a HALO4 war more of that, HALO4 feel.

Just an idea I thought of this morning.

Discuss? Or ultimately destroy my idea cause you are dicks. lol

Stay on topic and do not turn this into a flame war or drama production.

07-27-2013, 01:38 PM
Does this modify the vCash system or credit system?

Not totally clear on what you're saying.. but it sounds complicated to follow through with

07-27-2013, 01:43 PM
No it doesnt have any effect on the Vcash system. Picture your army like a player in a game of Halo4. Personal ordnance is awarded via wins, and different kinds of wins merit high exchange in rewards. Its actually really simple.

07-27-2013, 01:52 PM
No it doesnt have any effect on the Vcash system. Picture your army like a player in a game of Halo4. Personal ordnance is awarded via wins, and different kinds of wins merit high exchange in rewards. Its actually really simple.
I think I get it now. Interesting.

That's basically how it is now, with wins/auxiliary garnishing credit that can be used to buy perks.
I'd be worried about snowballing credit/wins. we have aux battles for a reason. We don't want to have too much advantage to one side. If an army sweeps, it can snowball the credit and have a higher outside influence into the war vs gameplay. Which is fine if that's how we want to operate, that's kind of how it works in real war, but that's a question we have to decide.

vCash is still purely betting, even war bonds. It's still free market private financing, which happens in real war.

07-27-2013, 02:00 PM
True. I guess I just had the image of something not appropriate for the battles. It's something that might be used in the future maybe. But I gotcha