View Full Version : Why Not BattleNights on Sundays??

07-29-2013, 03:56 AM
Well you know school is coming back for young FC members, and apparently people will not be showing up that much because of homework, tests, and quizzes. We always have battle nights on sunday's, and you know those teachers will give us homework on weekends, and sometimes tests on Monday's. People also have to work on Sunday's also, and alot of people dont show up. What im suggesting here is that, we should do it on a Saturday where people can me alot active instead of Sunday's. I mean, you see people more on Saturday Nights then Sunday Nights. That's how i see people not attending battle nights on sunday's. Because people have things to do on Sunday's, apparently my XO Vermilion works on Sunday's and cant attend them. Please give me a reasonable answer.

07-29-2013, 04:01 AM
tradition ? i duno LOL

07-29-2013, 04:03 AM
This has been suggested before, and has been answered thoroughly. The majority of FC members are able to attend on Sunday, we can't change the day of battles to accommodate for a few members, sad to say. Not only that, but it has become a part of FC; a tradition if you will. I am sure someone can link you to a thread asking this same question.

07-29-2013, 04:06 AM
More reason to do your homework I don't know... the day it was assigned or on Saturday? Cap Battle week I had to write a speech do research for said speech and do a report on a doc. So what did I do? I did that shit on Friday before I went to work and I close on a regular bases. With my weekend now clear after I did all my work on Friday instead of waiting for the last min I was able to attend the Cap battle and even take part of the HC battle before going to work to close.

Prof Blastoise
07-29-2013, 04:08 AM
Saturday is the day Guzzie drinks like 2 Blue Moons and gets fucked up. Sometimes he even smokes da marajuanas.

07-29-2013, 04:10 AM
Me and Blastoise have a foam rave electro sex party on Saturdays. Sorry, won't happen.

Prof Blastoise
07-29-2013, 04:16 AM
Well you know school is approaching for young FC members, and apparently people will not be able to show up because of homework, tests, and quizzes. We have always had battle nights on Sunday nights, and you know some teachers will give us homework on weekends, and sometimes tests on Monday. People also have to work on Sundays, and many of people don't show up. What i'm suggesting here is that we should do battle nights on Saturday, when people are more active as compared to Sunday. I mean, you see people more on Saturday Nights THAN** Sunday Nights. This is why people are not attending battle nights on Sunday. People have things to do on Sunday, apparently my XO Vermilion works on Sundays and can't attend them. Please give me a reasonable answer.

I went through this once for 10 min and it took me forever. I didn't get everything so someone finish what I have started.

Mr Funktastiiic
07-29-2013, 04:51 AM
I would rather go out on a Saturday night then stay in, while on Sundays i dont mind staying in because well its Sunday.

Ambient Black
07-29-2013, 05:08 AM

07-29-2013, 05:15 AM
well sorry for asking why cant we, didnt need other retarded and stupid things

07-29-2013, 05:34 AM

07-29-2013, 01:12 PM
I would rather go out on a Saturday night then stay in, while on Sundays i dont mind staying in because well its Sunday.


07-29-2013, 01:36 PM
Sunday has been and will always be the best day for the MAJORITY of our members. And like Silko said, if you're assigned homework, DO IT ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY. You kids with your loud music, and your Dan Fogelberg, your Zimba, hula hoops, and pac-man video games are so lazy with homework. Shit, I would normally do mine on the bus on the way home and get it out of the way quickly on a Friday afternoon, then I'd have the entire weekend to play video games and hang with friends.