View Full Version : Revert to high coms only setting up games

08-25-2013, 07:44 PM
It seems that this system is relatively unstable. I've faced longer wait times overall in the past two battlenights, and i've noticed quite a few issues popping up lately too. I think we should look to going back to our old system of high coms setting up battlenights. It was simpler, and for some weird reasons more efficient.

08-25-2013, 08:17 PM
Yes please.

08-25-2013, 08:23 PM

Jam Cliché
08-25-2013, 08:30 PM
4th. There are so many delays right now. Last time seemed fine for me personally, but this time is horrid. And the statbook right now also seems to reflect just how mixed up shit is.

08-25-2013, 08:46 PM
Needs to be a mix of both. Need FMs setting up games between squads who have issues joining when they need to with others, and officers setting up games between more active units that dont really need any FM or WD to setup.

Nicholas Sapien
08-25-2013, 08:52 PM
to the old system!

08-25-2013, 09:12 PM
to the old system!


Jam Cliché
08-25-2013, 09:38 PM
Needs to be a mix of both. Need FMs setting up games between squads who have issues joining when they need to with others, and officers setting up games between more active units that dont really need any FM or WD to setup.

That is how it basically was last week. A couple trusted members and the FMs. It was working last week. We finished 40 games in less than 3 hours.

Prof Blastoise
08-25-2013, 10:20 PM
I think the system just needs a little more time.

08-25-2013, 10:51 PM
The BG vs. RW Romeo was the biggest hold up of the night. We tried everything we could.

Zeta Crossfire
08-25-2013, 11:00 PM
That is how it basically was last week. A couple trusted members and the FMs. It was working last week. We finished 40 games in less than 3 hours.

08-25-2013, 11:02 PM
FMs shouldn't be playing. Except maybe their once per month, where there is an acting FM whose just someone else, FMs are the first person called if there's an issue setting up battles. We CANNOT have all our War Directors and FMs/Acting FMs in a night in games, because then people just sit waiting for them to get out.

When I was FM, I'd literally get a message every 60 seconds with someone needing help with something. If the FMs aren't there, things slow.

08-25-2013, 11:02 PM
That is how it basically was last week. A couple trusted members and the FMs. It was working last week. We finished 40 games in less than 3 hours.

This. I believe more people were added and it became hectic. The system with the few trusted members worked just fine. Last week's was great. This week just had a lot of issues.

08-26-2013, 01:49 PM
These are the issues that I thought delayed the system last night:

-Squads had a hard time getting on on time. Members were late, causing teams in the rotation to be switched out. A lot of people were starting school today, I think this had a lot to do with it.

-When there are multiple fireteams per squad, it is unclear who it is someone should invite. Everyone knows who to invite for say Default 1, but if there is a Default 2, then it gets confusing.

-There seemed to be a lot of mixes later on in the night, and just like the latter, mixes are even more confusing for those of us who do not know who is acting as their leader.

-Not sure how true this is, but I heard a lot of REDD members were getting off as the night progressed. If this is true, this may have caused issues on the person making the rotation, causing delays.

I think the system works great when everyone is on the same page. The only improvement I think needs to be made is taking more care when it comes to additional squad fireteams and BLUE/REDD mixes.

08-26-2013, 02:22 PM
I think the system just needs a little more time.

I agree with Blastoise. Rome wasn't built in a day. But last night's battlenight was hella slow.

08-26-2013, 06:42 PM
i like it the old way more

08-26-2013, 10:42 PM
Yes please.

08-27-2013, 05:22 AM
Or... crazy theory... it may have not been the fault of the people setting up games but the actual squads... wooahhh mind blown!!! The match that SN 1 played against Redd Mix could have been played about 10 minutes before it was actually played if the team had accepted my invite. This was the most disorganized battle night that I have experienced in my 2 and a bit wars, with multiple teams dropping out mid battle, and it taking upwards of 30 minutes for the opposing team to actually be notified that their match won't be played. Let it play out for a couple more nights and then make an appeal to revert things to how they were last war. Just because there was 1 out of 2 battle nights that went slowly NOT because of the people setting up games, but the actual teams, doesn't mean the system is broken.

Jam Cliché
08-27-2013, 06:00 AM
Or... crazy theory... it may have not been the fault of the people setting up games but the actual squads... wooahhh mind blown!!! The match that SN 1 played against Redd Mix could have been played about 10 minutes before it was actually played if the team had accepted my invite. This was the most disorganized battle night that I have experienced in my 2 and a bit wars, with multiple teams dropping out mid battle, and it taking upwards of 30 minutes for the opposing team to actually be notified that their match won't be played. Let it play out for a couple more nights and then make an appeal to revert things to how they were last war. Just because there was 1 out of 2 battle nights that went slowly NOT because of the people setting up games, but the actual teams, doesn't mean the system is broken.

I can agree that teams were not being very cooperative, but that does not excuse the disorganization I saw in the individuals assigned to prepping. Too many people were brought in who were previously not briefed about setting up games on their own, so we saw people who didn't know if they should be inviting anyone. And since not everyone is networked with every possible team member on their friends lists, many folks had to sit and wait to be told what someone's gamertag was.

08-29-2013, 03:46 PM
I can agree that teams were not being very cooperative, but that does not excuse the disorganization I saw in the individuals assigned to prepping. Too many people were brought in who were previously not briefed about setting up games on their own, so we saw people who didn't know if they should be inviting anyone. And since not everyone is networked with every possible team member on their friends lists, many folks had to sit and wait to be told what someone's gamertag was.

People you aren't networked with can generally be found on other people's FL, and people only should have needed to ask if there was a new mix; there is a contact sheet on the Statbook for a reason.

I've got to agree with Blayze here. Most of the time, the other team took forever to accept my invite, and then when they did, I had to deal with both teams being disorganized. It took me, swear to fucking god, 5 minutes to get people to shut the fuck up and tell me what gametype they wanted. Multiply that by a couple games and you can see how much time that alone eats up. When the squads are acting like that, it will take a while.

We now have people setting up games that are not War Directors or Field Marshalls, and the result of that is having the approved people not being taken seriously. I hate to phrase it this way, but squads need to Respect the Authoratah of these approved people. It isn't like they have any real power or anything, but it shouldn't be THAT difficult to get a party to settle down, request the gametype, and get the show on the road.

And also, we need to all remember. This system has only been around for 2 battlenights now. The first battlenight it was tried was one of the quickest I have ever seen. No one seems to be mentioning that from the opposition though; only referencing this one. Therefore, we really need to give this system more time. Fully try it out. And in the meantime, Squad Leaders? Tell your guys to chill the fuck out come battlenight and respect the authoratah of those people setting up games. Otherwise, permission to speak may just have to become the standard.

Jam Cliché
08-29-2013, 03:59 PM
Toast, the system we used the first week involved High Command people. It was not the same as week two. If you liked the way things worked on Week 1, then you should be agreeing with the original post. XD

08-29-2013, 05:18 PM
Toast, the system we used the first week involved High Command people. It was not the same as week two. If you liked the way things worked on Week 1, then you should be agreeing with the original post. XD

No. In week 1 we had both High Coms and trusted members setting up games. I know because I helped with it :P The OP is saying go back to just High Com.

Jam Cliché
08-29-2013, 05:22 PM
No. In week 1 we had both High Coms and trusted members setting up games. I know because I helped with it :P The OP is saying go back to just High Com.

You're considered high enough to be part of High Com in this case.

The point is there were half as many people doing it in Week 1 as there were in Week 2. Trust me, I was there at the WC meeting after Week 1 when it was proposed that we expand the list of "trusted members".

08-29-2013, 07:01 PM
You're considered high enough to be part of High Com in this case.

The point is there were half as many people doing it in Week 1 as there were in Week 2. Trust me, I was there at the WC meeting after Week 1 when it was proposed that we expand the list of "trusted members".

And if you look at the first post I made in this thread, I agreed it was too hectic when more people were added and that the system was better with only a few trusted members. However, my point of squads needing to learn how to act and cooperate on Battlenights still stands.

Also, the first night there were quite a few people that weren't in the quasi-High Com state I am that were allowed to set up games, such as Gunny and (if I recall correctly) Blayze. :P

Jam Cliché
08-30-2013, 01:02 PM
And if you look at the first post I made in this thread, I agreed it was too hectic when more people were added and that the system was better with only a few trusted members. However, my point of squads needing to learn how to act and cooperate on Battlenights still stands.

Also, the first night there were quite a few people that weren't in the quasi-High Com state I am that were allowed to set up games, such as Gunny and (if I recall correctly) Blayze. :P

Alright, if you insist. But next week cannot go like it did last week. I don't care how. We'll be doing DLC so it's gonna be even more hectic.