View Full Version : FC Matchmaking Challenges

HC Theory
09-30-2013, 12:34 PM
What do you think about Matchmaking Challenges for FC?

This would be something that everyone could do, and something that I’m willing to keep up all by myself and Barbie if need be. There will be 2 or 3 challenges to start with 1 added each week with each having various degrees of difficulty so that anyone can complete at least a part of one. Vcash and a ranking system will be the incentive for completion with possibly a “Whichever army has the most points reward” or something. And possibly in the Future Campaign Challenges and Spartan Ops Challenges.

My goal is to give the community something to compete in individually and strive for in between Battle Nights and if the Wars are put in a hiatus then this will also give FC something other than the Forums to continue on until the population picks up. Now these Challenges aren't meant to be easy, they are to be something to go into MM with a goal in mind. Getting these Challenges will be a fun new reason the hop into MM for many of our members. Some of the challenges will require you to work with your team to complete where as others you can get in solo games, and the newly posted challenges each week will cover the whole spectrum of halo playstyles so everyone will have a challenge that seems it was made specifically made for them.

Challenge Rules: Each challenge can be completed only once for each difficulty and the requirements for each difficulty must be met in a single game unless otherwise specified.
Games submitted must contain the players Gamertag and the Game URL from Halo Waypoint. The games submitted must also of have been played after the Challenge is posted (So game from 5 months ago is invalid). Boosting will get you banned from all future challenges so don't do it.

Im willing to do all of the verifying if needed.

Here is just a sample of how the would be.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lCuP92euaLTtuaPVYCecd3J9 9AbN1Dkajn83Yn9qxSc/edit
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WjErYGu1A53y6JCWsXfDeSSX hUWlV_VldUOaj6kYnkw/edit
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-0AfD31iHDOXb5VVY4ABRGDCX3 N6dtQwWh9WGbJWoWE/edit

Jam Cliché
09-30-2013, 12:41 PM
Theory these are pretty kickass. But as it stands, we haven't even done the FC Battle Night Challenges in two whole battles. Perhaps you should concentrate this effort into the Battle Night Challenge Department? Kaz and Toast practically run it alone, and they already do a lot.

It'd be awesome if you picked apart the existing FC Battle Night Challenges and set up the Normal/Heroic/Legendary versions for those? And, of course, help Kaz get Challenges ready for battles.

HC Theory
09-30-2013, 01:59 PM
When I first proposed the BN Challenges I had hoped it would turn out more like this. The issue with the BN challenges is that you can only get the challenges in the Battle Night Games haha now while that an obvious statement not everyone can participate in a Battle Night and when going into a BN we are all so focused on winning the game for our team and army that we don't have the luxury to only run around with a Sticky Det or Sword for a challenge. Once the BN is over you can no longer get the challenge which doesn't seem fair to me since some players might not get to play due to missing DLC or issues with Lag.

With Weekly MM Challenges players will have the chance to give the challenge their entire focus without the fear of letting your friends down. Creating BN challenges each week is difficult since they need to be obtainable but still difficult but with the very limited games in each BN (Few and fewer here lately) players don't have the chance to attempt them. I know that i'm still fairly new to FC but i see the potential of it, It has survived longer than most, nearing a decade now I believe but it still has room to grow. I came from HaloCharts and im my opinion HC had one of the best Halo Communities out there because of its focus on the individual, the one thing that I think FC is Lacking. Yes FC has "Ribbons" but they are limited and difficult to get. The player Page rewards from HC was something a player could be proud of along with giving the community a casual competition leaderboard. I remember getting my some of my LASO Awards and i was damn proud to see those every time I went to my page. There were awards for every challenge that went on your player page and every one of them was something to be proud of, so I ask you this: Are you proud of the ribbons you have? Can you show them off to impress others?

Now I know I went a bit off topic and strayed into my feelings towards awards and ribbons but it still pertains to the challenges, I love FC, Its great but its grown complacent and stagnant. FC has the ability to become one of the top Halo Communities, we have great webmasters, talented artists/designers, and strong loyal member base but we have to improve. Unlike most, I have high hopes for Halo 5, 343 has begun to make the changes to H4 that made H3 the game it was. So FC has all the possibility to become better and more popular than ever before in Halo 5 but only if we as a community are willing to take it there.

So give this a chance, with MM Challenges we could promote a new aspect to the site that might entice more people to join, it will give our current members something to strive for during the week in between BNs and Wars. Like I said before, I’m willing to do all of the verifying myself if no one else wants to help but let me ask you this; Can FC survive another year as it is, fewer and fewer people are showing up for BN’s. We need more reasons for people to join, Let this be the start.

Jam Cliché
09-30-2013, 02:18 PM
I agree with you, I really do, and it totally slipped my mind that you were the author of the idea for Battle Night Challenges. But rather than start another activity on top of the ones we have, we should focus on keeping our other activities in full swing. If we can breathe more life into the FC Battle Night Challenges, then I will have no problems supporting the move forward into expanding the Challenge Department to a broader field.

09-30-2013, 02:48 PM
I have to agree with Theory, FC has grown stagnant. This Sunday I had to force myself to play and didnt try at all bc I didn't want to play. I had my mike unplugged during 1 whole game bc I'm so fed up with halo I only plugged it in bc my team begged me too. FC needs some serious changes bc what is going on right now isn't working.

09-30-2013, 04:23 PM
People still play Halo matchmaking?

09-30-2013, 04:43 PM
People still play Halo matchmaking?

09-30-2013, 05:41 PM
People still play Halo matchmaking?

It's sad but true.

I would be more tempted to play if I had some more people to play with, but league play in cod and gtav are holding my interests.

10-01-2013, 08:21 PM
People still play Halo matchmaking?
an unfortunate fact that matchmaking is so empty.