View Full Version : Interest in FC having a Battlefield 4 XBOX war sim.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 12:24 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SRxs5xYWuo&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.you tube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1S Rxs5xYWuo&has_verified=1This is not a declaration of a BF4 war, this is purely for interest. Things like date, rules, and everything else would be figured out on a later date THIS IS ONLY IF ANYONE HAS ANY BASE INTEREST IN THE IDEA.

With a 64 players in one battle BNs could be done in 1-2 games. With commander mode Field Marshals could watch in real time the battles and direct troop movements. With 5 man squads teamwork will be more essential then ever.

The general feel around FC is that Halo is dying, people are losing interest. Would you folks be interested in a Battlefield 4 war?


10-01-2013, 12:26 AM
i would say for 360 not the bone

10-01-2013, 12:26 AM
oh god yes

10-01-2013, 12:57 AM
I know NOTHING of this game. However just what you've described has definitely made me interested... As long as people are interested, and everything could be set up in custom games (or whatever they call it), I'd be up for it. I guess I need to look up BF4..

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 01:11 AM
I know NOTHING of this game. However just what you've described has definitely made me interested... As long as people are interested, and everything could be set up in custom games (or whatever they call it), I'd be up for it. I guess I need to look up BF4..

Watch the video I just posted above.

10-01-2013, 01:17 AM
The only cost would be a couple dedicated servers. I am interested in this.

10-01-2013, 01:24 AM
The only cost would be a couple dedicated servers. I am interested in this.

and the cost is like 1 buck a day. So we only have to set up the server the day of the battles and we can pull the funds from the shit ton of money we have sitting from the donations that are meant to keep the site up

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 01:26 AM
and the cost is like 1 buck a day. So we only have to set up the server the day of the battles and we can pull the funds from the shit ton of money we have sitting from the donations that are meant to keep the site up

I'd volunteer to donate 100 dollars to the cause. Seriously I'm all for starting this up without going after the donations. Unless we want a separate donations for just server costs.

10-01-2013, 01:30 AM
I'd volunteer to donate 100 dollars to the cause. Seriously I'm all for starting this up without going after the donations. Unless we want a separate donations for just server costs.

Well there we go. If we get the current numbers that we are getting now 1 to 2 servers will be enough for a single battlenight so that is 50 battlenights right there we don't have to worry about. Oh also REDD calls dips on being the Americans.

10-01-2013, 01:53 AM
I feel bad that so many people feel that Halo is dead. I don't get to get on all the time like how I used to so I have so much fun playing it. Besides that I Think it would be a little much to do both and if you did do this it would probably take over seeing as there are more people who play battlefield.

10-01-2013, 02:03 AM
I feel bad that so many people feel that Halo is dead. I don't get to get on all the time like how I used to so I have so much fun playing it. Besides that I Think it would be a little much to do both and if you did do this it would probably take over seeing as there are more people who play battlefield.

To be honest Sinopera I don't see a great future in Halo anymore for this community based off the current track record of 343. Now if come Halo 5 and 343 learns from it's mistakes and complete blows our socks off then yeah recruitment and numbers at BN will go up again. However as a community we do have to adapt to survive. If that means bring in a whole other gaming arena then that is what we have to do. Plus it is also a chance to bring BF players who also play halo into our community. I have heard this suggestion before and not just for this game. Before the reveal of the new Battlefront I heard people saying they would love to do FC for battlefront if it ever came out, so the people are already in the community.

10-01-2013, 02:11 AM
I understand I know BF is a good game as well as a bunch of other games, I just feel bad that I'm the only one I know that enjoys Halo.

10-01-2013, 02:42 AM
I understand I know BF is a good game as well as a bunch of other games, I just feel bad that I'm the only one I know that enjoys Halo.

I enjoy playing Halo too Sinopera I just don't have the want to play it as much as I use to. The only people on my friends list who play halo anymore are those in FC and they rarely play Halo as well. It is just not much fun to me to play halo by myself so I play other games that I have friends playing as well.

Nicholas Sapien
10-01-2013, 03:18 AM
Well there we go. If we get the current numbers that we are getting now 1 to 2 servers will be enough for a single battlenight so that is 50 battlenights right there we don't have to worry about. Oh also REDD calls dips on being the Americans.

lol makes more sense if the reds were russians cause you know, they are commies?

Jam Cliché
10-01-2013, 03:22 AM
Like I said in the WC, I don't think Forerunner Conflict should be about anything but Halo. That is a fundamental core that we should not change.

10-01-2013, 05:51 AM
Halo 2 Anniversary... It's coming people.

10-01-2013, 09:31 AM
While it'll be cool, there are a few things that needs to be said.
1) It requires everyone to own the X1. The xbox 360 version WILL NOT have 32v32 multiplayer.
2) It would take too much effort to juggle running the halo war and the bf war.
3) There are a great number of people in this community that would rather havethe community die with Halo, than "adapt" to another game.
4) FC is possible because of Halo. Forge is a reason why. Wars would be really repetitive and short without a forge mode to build maps.
5) EA servers.
6) No theatre mode. While there is a live spectator mode, there is no way to check past violations such as bagging.

There are a few reasons why not. Even though BF would be a better warsim experience (in game squads, spectator mode, commander mode, larger maps and warfare), it'll be harder to maintain and happen.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 10:04 AM
While it'll be cool, there are a few things that needs to be said.
1) It requires everyone to own the X1. The xbox 360 version WILL NOT have 32v32 multiplayer.

2) It would take too much effort to juggle running the halo war and the bf war.

3) There are a great number of people in this community that would rather havethe community die with Halo, than "adapt" to another game.
4) FC is possible because of Halo. Forge is a reason why. Wars would be really repetitive and short without a forge mode to build maps.
5) EA servers.
6) No theatre mode. While there is a live spectator mode, there is no way to check past violations such as bagging.

There are a few reasons why not. Even though BF would be a better warsim experience (in game squads, spectator mode, commander mode, larger maps and warfare), it'll be harder to maintain and happen.

1: Yeah it would. It would be a fresh start with a new console on a new game. The xbox one is not yet Backwards compatible so we'd try and get a jump on next gen.

2. Different people would be handling each war. Yes some people would leave Halo 4 for Battlefield 4 initially but the wars would be separate, run by a separate WC and HC, members would be ok with being able to go back and forth.

3. This is what I'm trying to over come.

4: Battlefield maps are arguable the most replay able multiplayer maps in FPS games. Yes only 10 maps off the start is low but with destructible environments and dynamic weather games rarely every play out the same.

5: are actually pretty good. Most of my friends who have EA BF3 servers have only had a few issues and that was near the start of BF3 servers. ALSO NO LAG SO YEAH!

6: The XBOX One is equipped with a game DVR so if a t-bag or something like that happens, bam. Built into the system. Also once we get more info on spectator mode perhaps that can help us out as well.

10-01-2013, 10:22 AM
i'd support this idea, but i think it would have to organized seperately from the halo wars, which would be a lot of effort on the part of the people setting it up, especially considering the larger scale of the battles and that all of the people from here wouldn't all cross over. with a 32 v 32, we'd have like one game if every current active member crossed over.

10-01-2013, 11:03 AM
Like I said in the WC, I don't think Forerunner Conflict should be about anything but Halo. That is a fundamental core that we should not change.

I could see an event, but not a whole War running parallel with Halo. We should be using our resources wisely.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 11:04 AM
We wouldn't have full members off the bat. It would be something we would slowly build up over time.

10-01-2013, 11:45 AM
I could see an event, but not a whole War running parallel with Halo. We should be using our resources wisely.

If we were to start up a whole war, chances are the H4 wars would crumble as people made BF4 their primary concern (activity-wise).

10-01-2013, 11:50 AM
If we were to start up a whole war, chances are the H4 wars would crumble as people made BF4 their primary concern (activity-wise).

Yeah that is what my primary concern was with this idea.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 12:18 PM
If we were to start up a whole war, chances are the H4 wars would crumble as people made BF4 their primary concern (activity-wise).

People are already leaving whether we like it or not.

10-01-2013, 12:35 PM
People are already leaving whether we like it or not.

Doesn't mean we should encourage them to leave. We need to stand strong as a community and remember what led us here in the first place.

10-01-2013, 12:49 PM
Doesn't mean we should encourage them to leave. We need to stand strong as a community and remember what led us here in the first place.


The Halo 3 wars saw significantly fewer members than Reach and H4 have had, and we did fine back then. We'll have to adapt to survive until Halo 5, but I'm not of the opinion that a 2nd war is the best way to do that.

10-01-2013, 12:57 PM
Halo 3 is free for October. Halo 3 War again would be interesting. :P

10-01-2013, 12:57 PM
Halo 3 is free for October. Halo 3 War again would be interesting. :P

I cant wait to play h3 again, since its free!

10-01-2013, 01:00 PM
Forerunner Conflict will in no way, shape, or form have a complete separate war-sim on any other video game other than HALO. If you wish to create a full-fledged war-sim, do it under a different name that is not Forerunner Conflict, because FC is Halo-exclusive. FC will not be angry in any way, we'd encourage you to share members and be an affiliate, but FC will not operate another war-sim on another video game.

FC will be able to run small, mini-war events on other games like we've had before. But we will not be creating a full fledged war on another game.

10-01-2013, 01:18 PM
Halo 3 is free for October. Halo 3 War again would be interesting. :P

Instead of a whole war devoted to this, why not recreate just some of the matches in the past. For example, the capital battle from h3 war and the 2 maps leading up to it?

more of like a re-enactment; like they do with the civil war? ideas?

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Forerunner Conflict will in no way, shape, or form have a complete separate war-sim on any other video game other than HALO. If you wish to create a full-fledged war-sim, do it under a different name that is not Forerunner Conflict, because FC is Halo-exclusive. FC will not be angry in any way, we'd encourage you to share members and be an affiliate, but FC will not operate another war-sim on another video game.

FC will be able to run small, mini-war events on other games like we've had before. But we will not be creating a full fledged war on another game.
You say that like your the king of forerunner conflict. Sorry spartan but not, and if this happened it would he a Wc and community decision. Even if the no votes overtake the yes votes that still means a huge portion of the community would be ok with it and that's worth open dislodge and exploration. Not you screaming no with your fingers in your ears screaming I'm not listening.

10-01-2013, 01:50 PM
You say that like your the king of forerunner conflict. Sorry spartan but not, and if this happened it would he a Wc and community decision. Even if the no votes overtake the yes votes that still means a huge portion of the community would be ok with it and that's worth open dislodge and exploration. Not you screaming no with your fingers in your ears screaming I'm not listening.

No, Spartan is right. Whether the majority of the people in the community want it, the community is meant for a Halo War Simulation. If that means that a majority leaves to create a BF War Sim, so be it, Forerunner Conflict will still be around for those of us who want a Halo War Sim.

10-01-2013, 02:02 PM
I don't have much more to say that hasn't been said already except for the fact that REDD will be loosing an entire company again soon. Why? Halo. Halo just isn't doing much right now, and exploration might be more helpful than harmful.

Besides, we did a CoD war, full battle map and all. I didn't see FC die off from Halo completely then, and it won't now.

Jam Cliché
10-01-2013, 02:02 PM
You say that like your the king of forerunner conflict. Sorry spartan but not, and if this happened it would he a Wc and community decision. Even if the no votes overtake the yes votes that still means a huge portion of the community would be ok with it and that's worth open dislodge and exploration. Not you screaming no with your fingers in your ears screaming I'm not listening.

Spartan has a right to deny changing games. This community was founded on Halo. By no means should we try to change that.

10-01-2013, 02:03 PM
You say that like your the king of forerunner conflict. Sorry spartan but not, and if this happened it would he a Wc and community decision. Even if the no votes overtake the yes votes that still means a huge portion of the community would be ok with it and that's worth open dislodge and exploration. Not you screaming no with your fingers in your ears screaming I'm not listening.

Zeta, this community was created for HALO. Not for Battlefield, not for Battlefront (though I'd fucking love a Battlefront warsim), not for any other video game THAT IS NOT HALO. Yes, this community has a voice and a democratic vote, but only in regards to HALO. By all means, make your own war-sim with a different name, I'll be one of the first people to sign up. But Forerunner Conflict is HALO only, and I'll be damned if anyone tries to change it. Raz and I didn't create FC for it to be changed to another game, we created it for people to maximize their HALO experience.

10-01-2013, 02:07 PM
Forerunner Conflict will in no way, shape, or form have a complete separate war-sim on any other video game other than HALO. If you wish to create a full-fledged war-sim, do it under a different name that is not Forerunner Conflict, because FC is Halo-exclusive. FC will not be angry in any way, we'd encourage you to share members and be an affiliate, but FC will not operate another war-sim on another video game.

FC will be able to run small, mini-war events on other games like we've had before. But we will not be creating a full fledged war on another game.

I would like to point out that RaZ, has on numerous occasions brought up the idea of swirching to a new game. I don't necessarily agree with his ideas, but even he was not cometely against leaving Halo.

10-01-2013, 02:11 PM
I say this:

Forerunner Conflict does not HAVE to be just about halo.

I think we should open this community up more to other formats. This community's founding principles are Fun and Respect, not Halo. It was made on Halo because Halo 2 was the most popular game of the day. It remained Halo because we had enough members to field the wars. Now, frankly, those numbers don't seem to be committing themselves to this community like they used to. Obviously we still have members who are active and still willing to pursue Halo. However, that doesn't mean that another set of wars can't be built from the ground-up from within the FC banner.

Here is what I propose:

1). The reason that the mini wars have failed was just that: They were mini wars. The community thought of them as extra activities.
2). I propose that we get the whole of FC behind the BF4 wars. We have two people from each army volunteer to be representative members on the WC/HC forums, and to officially declare Battlefield an FC format. Whoever leads each army would have a voice, though not a vote, on the WC. Votes would only be obtained once each army can field at LEAST 2 combat units (like squads) per army.

In this way, we allow the BF4 wars to make themselves. It does NOT take people away from the Halo 4 wars, but instead allows for another avenue of recruitment into our community. As a War Director, I would help the new war get started by doing statbooks and WARMAP stuff for them. We make them a full part of the community once they can field the right amount of members, which they would acquire through recruiting ON BATTLEFIELD 4. They would not recruit from the H4 wars exclusively. They will do what we did in the past, and build themselves from the ground up. Rather than sending them out all alone, we keep them in the community, we support them, we make them a part of us.

No more side projects, no more having to choose between Halo or something else. Full integration and representation, upon the promise of bringing more people in from the outside rather than the inside.

We would start with getting 4 volunteers (2 for each future army) and make them the FM's and Generals of their new armies. Their responsibility would to be create a boot camp format, and recruit and build their armies from BF4 players. Our responsibility is to give them a place to call home, to give them features of their war like we have for ours. Other than that, they'll be independent.

There's no way that the BF4 wars, if done like this, will harm or hinder the H4 wars in any way, shape, or form. It's just expanding, adapting, like we've always done in the past.

10-01-2013, 02:18 PM
I say this:

I think we should open this community up more to other formats. This community's founding principles are Fun and Respect, not Halo. It was made on Halo because Halo 2 was the most popular game of the day. It remained Halo because we had enough members to field the wars. Now, frankly, those numbers don't seem to be committing themselves to this community like they used to. Obviously we still have members who are active and still willing to pursue Halo. However, that doesn't mean that another set of wars can't be built from the ground-up from within the FC banner.

Here is what I propose:

In this way, we allow the BF4 wars to make themselves. It does NOT take people away from the Halo 4 wars, but instead allows for another avenue of recruitment into our community. As a War Director, I would help the new war get started by doing statbooks and WARMAP stuff for them. We make them a full part of the community once they can field the right amount of members, which they would acquire through recruiting ON BATTLEFIELD 4. They would not recruit from the H4 wars exclusively. They will do what we did in the past, and build themselves from the ground up. Rather than sending them out all alone, we keep them in the community, we support them, we make them a part of us.

No more side projects, no more having to choose between Halo or something else. Full integration and representation, upon the promise of bringing more people in from the outside rather than the inside.

We would start with getting 4 volunteers (2 for each future army) and make them the FM's and Generals of their new armies. Their responsibility would to be create a boot camp format, and recruit and build their armies from BF4 players. Our responsibility is to give them a place to call home, to give them features of their war like we have for ours. Other than that, they'll be independent.

There's no way that the BF4 wars, if done like this, will harm or hinder the H4 wars in any way, shape, or form. It's just expanding, adapting, like we've always done in the past.

You can do whatever you want as long as it's not under the FC name.

10-01-2013, 02:32 PM
and for those of us who dont have or play battlefield 4? we're just SoL?

I think we should not try to fix what isn't broken.

10-01-2013, 02:39 PM
and for those of us who dont have or play battlefield 4? we're just SoL?

Umm, no? You'd just keep playing the Halo wars like you are now. This change would literally not affect the Halo warsim in any way, shape, or form.

You can do whatever you want as long as it's not under the FC name.

Why split our community's up from each other? These two warsims can occupy the same space without affecting the other one. With these boards, it is VERY possible to have a BF4 war going on at the same time as a Halo one, and neither community be affected.

10-01-2013, 02:42 PM
Umm, no? You'd just keep playing the Halo wars like you are now. This change would literally not affect the Halo warsim in any way, shape, or form.

I'd be disappointed in this, only because I believe it would take what members we do have for halo, over to BF. I joined this community for halo, not BF... and it'd be sad to see my halo friends move on to a game I couldn't join in on.

IMO, we keep these games as they have been, Game Night/Event Stuff.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 02:49 PM
I'd be disappointed in this, only because I believe it would take what members we do have for halo, over to BF. I joined this community for halo, not BF... and it'd be sad to see my halo friends move on to a game I couldn't join in on.

IMO, we keep these games as they have been, Game Night/Event Stuff.

People are already leaving Halo. Both armies are suffering to the point where only the most die hard are staying. They will continue to stay even if a battlefield war happens. Better to try and keep the community together then have it die with Halo.

10-01-2013, 02:52 PM
I'd be disappointed in this, only because I believe it would take what members we do have for halo, over to BF.

That's not the intention. The idea would be having a completely separate battlenight, and other events. No sharing officers, so officers are less strung out.

The activity level should remain the same. People can be a part of both wars, but in different capacities. There's no reason to believe people would leave Halo entirely for the other warsim, when both are going on at the same time, with no conflicting events.

10-01-2013, 02:55 PM
That's not the intention. The idea would be having a completely separate battlenight, and other events. No sharing officers, so officers are less strung out.

The activity level should remain the same. People can be a part of both wars, but in different capacities. There's no reason to believe people would leave Halo entirely for the other warsim, when both are going on at the same time, with no conflicting events.

Events will always be conflicting; with practices/ BN's / Mock Battles, wether it be on Halo or BF, you will always have conflicting schedules, which lead me to believe that it would hurt our numbers on Halo rather than help;

10-01-2013, 02:59 PM
Events will always be conflicting; with practices/ BN's / Mock Battles, wether it be on Halo or BF, you will always have conflicting schedules, which lead me to believe that it would hurt our numbers on Halo rather than help;

We will emphasis not conflicting with other events. The officer rule helps with these, since those events are run by officers to begin with. Frankly, the only event that BF4 war even has on a definite basis is battlenights, which they haven't even set a day on yet anyway. Not worth worrying. The only thing this poll is checking is whether or not, if we can make it as non-conflicting as possible, the FC community is willing to open up a bit and accept other people.

10-01-2013, 03:05 PM
I like this idea and i think it has a lot of potential but the only issue i can see is i know several people who have BF 4 preordered for the 360 and not the one and i doubt the servers for the 2 will over lap and also the 360 won't support 64 people in one game so that would need to be figured out but over all i think this would be a ton of fun

10-01-2013, 03:13 PM
You can do whatever you want as long as it's not under the FC name.

Does it really make any difference what so ever if it's a different warsim started up that becomes an affiliate, or a different warsim started up that just uses our forums?

that's literally the only difference there would be, and it would save the people money. I honestely think you're being a tad stubborn about that. Whether the people fail at setting a BF4 sim up or it suceeds, it wouldn't affect the rest of FC in any way.

10-01-2013, 03:23 PM

10-01-2013, 03:25 PM


10-01-2013, 03:28 PM

just saying, but you seem to have a minority view on that.

10-01-2013, 03:30 PM

Once again, explain our CoD war. While it did fail, it did not in anyway affect the halo side of FC at all.

Zeta Crossfire
10-01-2013, 03:47 PM

You are not the only person in this community, you can have your say but you do not speak with authority.

10-01-2013, 04:01 PM
I suggest we could do different wars on different games. It could bring new experiences and new things. Sometimes people just don't like doing a single game community. People like to join mulity-game communities. Plus we will still have Halo and battle nights on the regular scdehules. The other games probably wouldn't interupt with our battle night scdehules, also we can sometimes do a different game war during peacetime. When people have nothing better to do in peacetime.

10-01-2013, 04:43 PM
I actually agree with Spartan here. I think that FC should just be for halo. If we were just going to have one war than I think it would be fine to have it under the FC name, but if it's going to keep going it should have an alternate website. I also think finding people for a BF4 War-sim would be really easy. Making a separate community for BF4 would be the right choice if you had more than one war IMO.

10-01-2013, 05:34 PM
Let's have fc counter strike. :)

10-01-2013, 05:45 PM
FC...Forerunner Conflict... Does BF4 have Forerunners?

Would I play in a BF4 war? No.

Do I think it would be a terrible thing to have two wars in the same community? No.

If anything having a larger fan base would help grow both sides. Who knows, maybe we'd end up recruiting some BF players to join the Halo war.

10-01-2013, 06:01 PM
Having a BF4 war as a side event someone wants to run is fine. But we're based on halo, why the hell would we move focus over to BF3 and expect anything other than having to rebuild essentially a new community.

If we focus on halo we can be fine, we dont need to take focus away to ride hype.

10-01-2013, 06:22 PM
Keep it Halo, you FC nubs.

10-01-2013, 06:35 PM
People came to FC to play halo, not something else. That being said, in my mind i only see maybe 50% of FC switching over to BF4 for various reasons like some people not having the X1 or just not liking battlefield very much (like myself). Of course there are no facts to back that up, it's just what i'm picturing in my head. So using the FC name for something that may not even contain the majority of FC members when FC was originally meant for Halo seems stupid to me especially when the co creator himself is saying it was meant for Halo only and has been so for almost a decade. I believe FC should focus on Halo, and while it may go through a rough patch until Halo 5 we can still strive to keep it active and fun.

If another community is wanted that has battles on BF4 just use another name, have your own identity, and be close affiliates with FC. We can promote it on the FC home page or something but just have it be something separate. Thats all i got :)

i said FC a lot....


10-01-2013, 07:46 PM
Anarchy already explained this under common questions....

Suggestion: Hey! We should expand FC to other games! (Ex. Halo Wars, Battlefield, CoD, Older Halo Titles)

Answer: K.I.S.S. It takes a lot of work and resources to do what we already do now. If you want to organize an event on another game, feel free! That's great! But chances are we will never have a full war on another game.

Although I get why people want to do this but this is a Halo themed community and I agree with keeping it as such.

- - - Updated - - -

explain our CoD war. While it did fail,

that my friends is a oxymoron lol

10-02-2013, 01:10 AM
this is just asking for corruption with buying servers.

Barry Soap
10-02-2013, 01:40 PM
Nooooo not Battlefield, it wouldn't be the same. :( :(

10-02-2013, 03:13 PM
We're not gonna be replacing Halo with Battlefield. FC will always be Halo. If we were gonna make a war on battlefield, it would have to be at least mostly separate from FC. But having a bunch of FC guys come together and play some BF4 could definitely be fun.

10-02-2013, 03:18 PM
I remember a conversation I had with raz where he said that if Battlefront 3 came out he would ether add it to FC or make a community for it. So this whole idea that the founders would turn in thier graves at the idea of another game joining our ranks is complete hogwash and closed minded.

Sir Nihlus
10-02-2013, 03:49 PM
I remember a conversation I had with raz where he said that if Battlefront 3 came out he would ether add it to FC or make a community for it. So this whole idea that the founders would turn in thier graves at the idea of another game joining our ranks is complete hogwash and closed minded.

I second this, I had a similar conversation with Raz and he even asked a few of us at the time if we would be opposed to having a different game such as Star Wars Battlefront 3 to accompany the FC community; so if a Founder is having thoughts about adding a game to FC, it cannot be that heinous of an idea, and it has to at least be considered.

10-02-2013, 03:51 PM
I second this, I had a similar conversation with Raz and he even asked a few of us at the time if we would be opposed to having a different game such as Star Wars Battlefront 3 to accompany the FC community; so if a Founder is having thoughts about adding a game to FC, it cannot be that heinous of an idea, and it has to at least be considered.

I too have stated that the only game I would be open for consideration is Battlefront 3, I'm not going to lie. But it would not be under the FC name. Just like a battlefield warsim won't be under the FC name. FC is with HALO and will die with HALO.

10-02-2013, 06:06 PM
FC is with HALO and will die with HALO.

So instead of learning to adapt and grow you rather condemn the community to death. Great example of rational thinking there Spartan. We are once again running into the age old problem in FC. Vets want it their way even tho they don't take part of the day to day operations of the community or at all in some cases. Last time we had that happen was Firestorm and that was just a a great example of how to handle things in this community

10-02-2013, 06:16 PM
So instead of learning to adapt and grow you rather condemn the community to death. Great example of rational thinking there Spartan. We are once again running into the age old problem in FC. Vets want it their way even tho they don't take part of the day to day operations of the community or at all in some cases. Last time we had that happen was Firestorm and that was just a a great example of how to handle things in this community

I like how I'm getting criticized for creating a community that is based solely in the HALO universe and then people are telling me that I'm stupid for not wanting something I created to be changed from it's original purpose. Why are you guys so against starting up your own community for another game? You can be your own leaders, create your own rules, have your own forum board, and play the games you like. Let the people who actually still love HALO be able to enjoy Forerunner Conflict without having to be swarmed with hundreds of people who have different interests. We're a HALO community. Not a dime-a-dozen general gaming community. It's what makes us unique.

10-02-2013, 06:34 PM
I like how I'm getting criticized for creating a community that is based solely in the HALO universe and then people are telling me that I'm stupid for not wanting something I created to be changed from it's original purpose. Why are you guys so against starting up your own community for another game? You can be your own leaders, create your own rules, have your own forum board, and play the games you like. Let the people who actually still love HALO be able to enjoy Forerunner Conflict without having to be swarmed with hundreds of people who have different interests. We're a HALO community. Not a dime-a-dozen general gaming community. It's what makes us unique.

This community is unique so why wouldn't we want to keep ourselves affiliated with it while branching out to other gaming communities. We are clearly not just a Halo community seeing as we had a COD war and we do events in other games. We are a gaming community that is based in Halo and primarily focuses on Halo. So we being a gaming community the natural evolution of the community would be the assimilation of other gaming genres. In what was meant to be a calm discussion of the possibility not the we are doing it who wants in, but the simple possibility of doing a BF4 war sim was turned into a heated debate by this idea that vets can come in and say "Nope not doing it because I'm a vet that's why". The concern brought by Donkey of numbers of the community changing because of the new sim was a valid point not


That right away sets up a me vs you mentality. That is why you feel as if people are calling you stupid and criticizing your beliefs.

10-02-2013, 06:44 PM
I honestly don't see where you are getting this vet vs. others debate. The vets are split on this as well, hell Phoenix is already jumping on the wagon. And there are plenty of new guys who support my rational. I'm just absolutely annoyed with the amount of people already giving up on HALO 4. It's not a bad game in any way. There will still be people playing when the Xbox One comes out. We're not going to cater to average joe and his wants and needs. We're going to cater to the people who care about HALO, care about the culture of HALO, and care about being in a fun and competitive HALO community.

Zeta Crossfire
10-02-2013, 06:49 PM
I wasn't around at the time when FC started the COD war, and serious question not trying to fight but why did FC attempt to have that war anyway? Talking to a few vets it seemed like the idea was popular when it started.

10-02-2013, 06:54 PM
I honestly don't see where you are getting this vet vs. others debate. The vets are split on this as well, hell Phoenix is already jumping on the wagon. And there are plenty of new guys who support my rational. I'm just absolutely annoyed with the amount of people already giving up on HALO 4. It's not a bad game in any way. There will still be people playing when the Xbox One comes out. We're not going to cater to average joe and his wants and needs. We're going to cater to the people who care about HALO, care about the culture of HALO, and care about being in a fun and competitive HALO community.

Once again you are wrong. The majority of people who have said no are people who are concern about the population of the community not this fanaticism toward Halo. I am getting this Vets vs new guys idea from the fact that you pulled the founder card and tried to over rule everything.

10-02-2013, 06:54 PM
well, can this thread go ahead and be closed now? the split for the vote is simply too large for it to be beneficial to pursue this.

10-03-2013, 09:46 PM
I wouldn't mind.

Fateless Wolf
10-04-2013, 09:48 AM
omg yes! i think this would be a very epic Battle night. would feel like a legit war with all the guys you can have in game, the vehicles, commander mode for FMs, our squads would be able to play all together, we would fight alongside all other squads in the army, overall i think it would be super bad ass, specially seeing the way this game looks so far. im highly all for battlefield 4 battlenights. but i agree with it being on the 360, because i wont have the xbox one for probably a long time now seeing is how i got laid off from my job yesterday. But yea lets make this happen it would legitly be the most fun ive had in Fc since the reach wars.

10-04-2013, 09:53 AM
Had a minor WC meeting last night. The WC's official stance is that we're prepared to explore this as an option, but definitely with the assurance that NO resources will be taken from the Halo wars to do it, and with little to zero impact on activity from the H4 wars themselves.

If any of the above criteria are deemed false at any point, then the whole thing is scrapped.

In the meantime, I suggest everyone focus on retaining H4 members, bringing new folks in, and just expanding in general. No need to say H4 is dying, and not do anything about it. There won't even be a POSSIBILITY of a BF4 war beginning for another 5 or 6 months, so I'd suggest everyone focus on the game we ARE playing, rather than the one that isn't even released yet.

And no, this isn't an official WC decision, it's just the general consensus among the members who were present at the meeting last night.

So to clarify: This is exploratory in nature, and in no way set in any amount of stone.

10-04-2013, 10:19 AM
Had a minor WC meeting last night. The WC's official stance is that we're prepared to explore this as an option, but definitely with the assurance that NO resources will be taken from the Halo wars to do it, and with little to zero impact on activity from the H4 wars themselves.

If any of the above criteria are deemed false at any point, then the whole thing is scrapped.

In the meantime, I suggest everyone focus on retaining H4 members, bringing new folks in, and just expanding in general. No need to say H4 is dying, and not do anything about it. There won't even be a POSSIBILITY of a BF4 war beginning for another 5 or 6 months, so I'd suggest everyone focus on the game we ARE playing, rather than the one that isn't even released yet.

And no, this isn't an official WC decision, it's just the general consensus among the members who were present at the meeting last night.

So to clarify: This is exploratory in nature, and in no way set in any amount of stone.

Thank you for this information Phoenix.

10-04-2013, 11:04 AM
but i agree with it being on the 360, because i wont have the xbox one for probably a long time now seeing is how i got laid off from my job yesterday.

If it's on the 360, there is no way to record clips for disciplinary issues.

10-04-2013, 02:58 PM
If it's on the 360, there is no way to record clips for disciplinary issues.

And it's also NOT HALO.

10-04-2013, 03:30 PM
I know I for sure wouldn't play BF4 Warsim on 360. That's just counter-intuitive... Especially if it's not going to happen for 6 months.

Zeta Crossfire
10-04-2013, 03:46 PM
We'd be starting it on Xbox One. new console for a new sim. I don't expect a war to be happening at least until January-march while we build up numbers.

10-04-2013, 03:54 PM
And it's also NOT HALO.

Yeah, that too. xD

Al Capone111
10-05-2013, 12:56 AM
Can't we just have a BF4 game night? Not a warsim for it. Just a night where the community owned/rented server is up and we jump on and have a laugh. Does it really need to be a competitive thing? If we had a few private servers for FC running 24/7, each with a different playlist that was just up for fun, I'd have no problem tossing in $20 a month to help pay for that. But a warsim I cannot back. We tried it with CoD MW2 and for the first month or so it went strong. Then people just lost interest with it and it fell apart. It also conflicted with the Halo warsim because practices for one would crossover with the practice of another and people got bitchy with each other.

Nicholas Sapien
10-05-2013, 05:27 AM
Can't we just have a BF4 game night? Not a warsim for it. Just a night where the community owned/rented server is up and we jump on and have a laugh. Does it really need to be a competitive thing? If we had a few private servers for FC running 24/7, each with a different playlist that was just up for fun, I'd have no problem tossing in $20 a month to help pay for that. But a warsim I cannot back. We tried it with CoD MW2 and for the first month or so it went strong. Then people just lost interest with it and it fell apart. It also conflicted with the Halo warsim because practices for one would crossover with the practice of another and people got bitchy with each other.

Everything this man has said, I support

10-05-2013, 08:08 AM
Can't we just have a BF4 game night? Not a warsim for it. Just a night where the community owned/rented server is up and we jump on and have a laugh. Does it really need to be a competitive thing? If we had a few private servers for FC running 24/7, each with a different playlist that was just up for fun, I'd have no problem tossing in $20 a month to help pay for that. But a warsim I cannot back. We tried it with CoD MW2 and for the first month or so it went strong. Then people just lost interest with it and it fell apart. It also conflicted with the Halo warsim because practices for one would crossover with the practice of another and people got bitchy with each other.

purple gamer 17
10-05-2013, 07:57 PM

10-05-2013, 08:04 PM
Can't we just have a BF4 game night? Not a warsim for it. Just a night where the community owned/rented server is up and we jump on and have a laugh. Does it really need to be a competitive thing? If we had a few private servers for FC running 24/7, each with a different playlist that was just up for fun, I'd have no problem tossing in $20 a month to help pay for that. But a warsim I cannot back. We tried it with CoD MW2 and for the first month or so it went strong. Then people just lost interest with it and it fell apart. It also conflicted with the Halo warsim because practices for one would crossover with the practice of another and people got bitchy with each other.


Al Capone111
10-06-2013, 12:31 AM
I win this thread.

10-06-2013, 12:52 AM
Having BF4 game nights would probably be the best thing to do. If, down the line, a huge amount of people are wanting to start up an FC style war, then it could be worth a shot. But it'd have to be separate from FC with a lot of support. But I am definitely in favour of what Al Capone said

Al Capone111
10-06-2013, 01:20 AM
Al Capone, a complete and total asshole drunk, who has a few brief moments of genius and reason.

10-06-2013, 01:48 AM
Al Capone, a complete and total asshole drunk, who has a few brief moments of genius and reason.

Bull. Shit. 5 bucks says you stole the idea from someone

Al Capone111
10-06-2013, 02:16 AM
Bull. Shit. 5 bucks says you stole the idea from someone

I'll take that $5 in cash please. I came up with it a few days ago in the Legacy Skype chat. Everyone liked it there. And my fat lazy ass took a day or two to post it here.

10-06-2013, 11:56 AM
I'll take that $5 in cash please. I came up with it a few days ago in the Legacy Skype chat. Everyone liked it there. And my fat lazy ass took a day or two to post it here.
Was joking with you bud :)

Al Capone111
10-06-2013, 05:22 PM
Was joking with you bud :)

I need money. So any chance to get $5 i'll take

10-09-2013, 02:19 PM
Can't we just have a BF4 game night? Not a warsim for it. Just a night where the community owned/rented server is up and we jump on and have a laugh. Does it really need to be a competitive thing? If we had a few private servers for FC running 24/7, each with a different playlist that was just up for fun, I'd have no problem tossing in $20 a month to help pay for that. But a warsim I cannot back. We tried it with CoD MW2 and for the first month or so it went strong. Then people just lost interest with it and it fell apart. It also conflicted with the Halo warsim because practices for one would crossover with the practice of another and people got bitchy with each other.

This has my full, delicious, buttery support.

10-12-2013, 12:20 AM
My thing for BF4 is this. Will we be able to split it up for the half getting XBOX One and PS4? Because I know some guys in FC, maybe me included not sure yet, who have a high chance of not getting the One. And if the multiplatform is the case would it be possible for 4 armies? Two for each console that are allies?

10-12-2013, 08:29 AM
My thing for BF4 is this. Will we be able to split it up for the half getting XBOX One and PS4? Because I know some guys in FC, maybe me included not sure yet, who have a high chance of not getting the One. And if the multiplatform is the case would it be possible for 4 armies? Two for each console that are allies?

It'll be Xbox One game nights. Most likely never a full war.