View Full Version : A way to get numbers up for FC?

Barry Soap
10-13-2013, 02:07 PM
Recently, I thought of a method which might get a lot of recruits for FC. I have been recruiting for Osiris in one way, and it seems to work effectively. This method may be frowned upon by certain members, but here is the basic idea of it:

Go into Big Team Battle, and wait for the lobby to fill.
This should be indicated by 15 boxes with the message 'INCOMING'.
Back out before the game starts.
Rinse and repeat until your 'recent players' list is full.
Send a message to all of these players at once, explaing FC and how it works.
This can be repeated in any gametype, but Big Team Battle will allow members to send out more messages in a shorter amount of time.

If this event, maybe called 'recruitment day' happens on a particular day, on a weekly basis, we could have a lot of members coming in through the week.

Say, for example, we have 60 people on this day all following this procedure for recruitment. This is in the region of 55 messages per 10 minutes for each member. This comes to around 19800 messages being sent out every hour, or 59400 messages every 3 hours. The only thing to be decided is what day to run this event every week.

I would appreciate any advice, opinions or suggestions. Thanks! :)

Jam Cliché
10-13-2013, 02:29 PM
I'm personally not a fan of spam.

10-13-2013, 02:32 PM
I personally have never really liked the idea of spamming recent players with the idea of FC. I prefer our members to use a more personal and intimate approach. Join BTB lobbies with 4-6 people and then try to recruit the extra 2-4 people who are on your team if they have mics. It's all about getting to personally know the people rather than annoying the masses with messages they aren't intimate in any way.

10-13-2013, 02:35 PM
Quality > Quantity

Jam Cliché
10-13-2013, 02:35 PM
I personally have never really liked the idea of spamming recent players with the idea of FC. I prefer our members to use a more personal and intimate approach. Join BTB lobbies with 4-6 people and then try to recruit the extra 2-4 people who are on your team if they have mics. It's all about getting to personally know the people rather than annoying the masses with messages they aren't intimate in any way.

Agreed. Besides, it's retention that we lack, not recruitment. The only thing worse than someone not interested in FC is someone who was interested once and then later not.

Nicholas Sapien
10-13-2013, 02:38 PM
Good idea barry, I have been using that to recruit for a long time xD
sometimes you get diamonds, sometimes you get assholes

Jam Cliché
10-13-2013, 02:45 PM
Good idea barry, I have been using that to recruit for a long time xD
sometimes you get diamonds, sometimes you get assholes

This explains so much.

Barry Soap
10-13-2013, 03:08 PM
I think you're all missing one point. After you receive replies, you are the one in control. Nothing is stopping you from inviting the guy(s) to a game and chatting to him/them for a bit. Ultimately, the recruiter is in control, not the recruit.

Also, you don't have to be completely formal in your messages, you can have a 'friendly' approach, and make FC sound like a good place. A template for messages I tend to use is:

"Hey, would anyone be interested in joining a war simulated, lite-competitive Halo 4 community? Forerunner Conflict has 7 years of experience and has numerous events throughout the week. If you enjoy casual gaming or a challenge, this is your place."

I try to adapt the message to see what works.

Nicholas Sapien
10-13-2013, 03:24 PM
I you're all missing one point. After you receive replies, you are the one in control. Nothing is stopping you from inviting the guy(s) to a game and chatting to him for a bit. Ultimately, the recruiter is in control, not the recruit.

Also, you don't have to be completely formal in your messages, you can have a 'friendly' approach, and make FC sound like a good place.

Exactly, stfu jam

Barry Soap
10-13-2013, 03:33 PM

Solus Exsequor
10-13-2013, 04:14 PM
Quantity > Quality

Fixed it.

10-13-2013, 05:35 PM
While I agree that quality is better than quantity, Barry's method could work. Like he said, when people respond, THEN you can get to know them personally. I don't see how this is any different than making a post on say Halo Waypoint Forums. This simply allows for a large volume of people to know of FCs existence. Once they know, and if they decide it sounds like something that is at least interest-worthy, then the oddball can be placed in our spawn so to speak (yeah, I just went there. #PunnyAsFuck).

I would ensure that the message sent to all recruits denotes not to sign up on the site, but to message the recruiter back. By doing this, the recruiter can meet with potential recruits BEFORE they sign up, and even help them through the process. This will give us the ability to get personal with these guys and use our charms to really reel them in.

In short, as long as the message and post-message procedure is executed properly, this gives us the ability to have both Quality and Quantity. We can get the word out as much and efficiently as possible, while also giving us a chance to be personal, charming and even screen recruits to weed out any bad eggs before they even sign up. And having that post-message meet up with the recruiter and the recruit allows for the recruit to even be aided in the signing up process. I personally feel our site is incredibly accessible and simple, but my time as a DI showed me that even potentially valuable recruits can have site/sign-up issues.

I also agree that retention should be a primary focus, but not on the recruiters. This falls on the shoulders of the Officer Corps and the Drill Instruction Corps. The recruiter under this proposed system (with my post-message addendums) allows for us to make a good impression when they meet which can HELP with retention, but that is all it can really do. Help. It isn't the recruiter's job to fully shoulder the retention burden.

10-13-2013, 11:04 PM
Id just like to say that I've been doing this method for 6 years now and its worked fine

10-13-2013, 11:41 PM
Or not play halo 4. -_-