View Full Version : Overhaul Ordnance

10-20-2013, 09:33 PM
As it stands right now, the Ordnance that are in the settings aren't ideal for good gameplay. They shouldn't require you to sacrifice a Support Mod to re-roll your Pulse Grenades, Concussion Rifle and Gravity Hammer choice.

The ordnance as they stand currently are as follows:

Left Slot
Middle Slot
Right Slot

Energy Sword
Gravity Hammer
Sticky Detonator
Concussion Rifle
Speed Boost
Damage Boost
Frag Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades

What I propose is a modification of these to remove overpowered weapons that are currently on a majority of maps as initial ordnance, and giving grenades their own slot. It doesn't make sense to have Grenades (which are a spawn item) and Speed/Damage Boost and Overshield in the same slot. This is what I propose:

Left Slot
Middle Slot
Right Slot

Sticky Detonator
Frag Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades
Concussion Rifle
Energy Sword
Gravity Hammer
Speed Boost
Damage Boost
Battle Rifle
Light Rifle

A large number of maps that we play already have a shotgun, overshield and railgun as initial ordnance. It adds a random factor to the game when you add those weapons to ordnance, and gives absolutely no reward to players that are aware to what weapons are on the map, which power weapons their team controls, and which power weapons the enemy controls.

The Sticky Det, SAW and Scattershot are absolutely dominant weapons and should be watered down in probability with grenades.

The Middle Slot is dedicated to Short range weapons, and the Right has Speed Boost or Damage Boost as both are very useful in their own situation, along with a BR and DMR, both to lessen the probability of getting a Boost and to be used for ammo if necessary.

Along with this change, the amount of points required for Ordnance should be increased by 200%. Receiving an Ordnance from a flag capture that may potentially have a Speed Boost right after you just used a Speed Boost to capture said flag is ridiculous, and will give a team exponentially more of an advantage if that trend were to repeat over and over. You also shouldn't be able to acquire 4/5 ordnance drops in a single game, so implementing the Point Increase Multiplier would be of benefit.

Jam Cliché
10-20-2013, 09:36 PM
Watered down Ordnance in general is okay in my book.

10-20-2013, 09:37 PM
Then comes the problem that some people are getting nades, and others are getting a SAW. As it stands now you at least get something similar to what the other person gets for each slot.

How about we just remove ordnances? Could be great to actually play as an arena shooter again...

10-20-2013, 09:40 PM
Remove the ordnances.

10-20-2013, 09:43 PM
Remove it? Yes. This isn't rando-McGee shooter 24. This is halo.

10-20-2013, 09:44 PM
Actually there's been a lot of people supporting making our gamertypes more on the side of "Classic" in terms of set loadouts like Reach, with AAs spawning on map and such.

I'll start a poll in the forge department later tonight to gauge that.

10-20-2013, 09:46 PM
Then comes the problem that some people are getting nades, and others are getting a SAW. As it stands now you at least get something similar to what the other person gets for each slot.

Also goes for players receiving a Speed Boost in flag, whilst another continually gets frags and pulse grenades. I wouldn't be opposed to removing the SAW all together, it is ridiculously OP since the update and having it as a neutral map spawn would be much better.

How about we just remove ordnances? Could be great to actually play as an arena shooter again...

I'm all for removing Ordnance, 100%, I think it was brought up in Rec2 and shot down almost immediately. Or just have Ordnance for BR, LR and DMR ammo if anything.

Even something like this would be much better imo:

Left Slot
Middle Slot
Right Slot

Frag Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades
Concussion Rifle
Gravity Hammer

Battle Rifle
Light Rifle

10-20-2013, 09:53 PM
Actually there's been a lot of people supporting making our gamertypes more on the side of "Classic" in terms of set loadouts like Reach, with AAs spawning on map and such.

I'll start a poll in the forge department later tonight to gauge that.

I also remember the amount of backlash when pistols were default secondary pre-Boltshot patch. I'd absolutely love set loadouts, with AAs spawning on map with a respawn time of 2 minutes or 90 seconds, or even AAs in Ordnance. Having Jetpacks etc placed in strategic positions of the map will add a more balanced style of play. Hardlight shields spawning around Hill/Extraction points etc.

Zeta Crossfire
10-20-2013, 09:56 PM
I'm not for set loadouts, but I am for either getting rid of ordinances or watering them down.

10-20-2013, 09:58 PM
I'm not for set loadouts, but I am for either getting rid of ordinances or watering them down.

10-20-2013, 10:01 PM
How about we just remove ordnances? Could be great to actually play as an arena shooter again...

Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. Please.

10-20-2013, 10:20 PM
I'm all for set loadouts as well. Anything that would make the game less random.

10-20-2013, 10:28 PM

10-20-2013, 10:43 PM
No ordinance? A-okay in my book. Going back and playing halo 3 has reminded me just how absolutely unnecessary ordinances are. While I'd prefer no custom loadouts, if the majority wanted to keep them than thats fine by me.

10-20-2013, 11:10 PM
If we keep ordinances, please please remove saws and lower the probability of spawning ov, damage boost, and speed boost.

It literally just rewards campers. I like playing slayer but we never choose it because everyone just sits back on it. I mean why should the push up? They get power weapons by sitting in their base.

10-21-2013, 01:29 AM
Ordinance should be removed, or changed to only resupply ammo for primes, or nades.

Jam Cliché
10-21-2013, 01:54 AM
There's too many threads about this now!

10-21-2013, 02:40 PM
THE SIMPLER THE BETTER. Having Damage boost, speed boost and OS as ordinance drops are game breaking. Speed Boost breaks flag gametypes and oddball gametypes. OS is especially detrimental on maps where OS spawns on map, and damage boost is just unnecessary. I suggest those get removed.

As for weapons, they are all over powered. The saw is an insane weapon now; you can literally kill a person with 2 short bursts. The same with sticky det, and the Halo 4 shotty is the best since H1. Those should spawn in map and not be a ordinance drops. Give teams something to push for, areas to control.

I am 100% for removing ordinance. However, I would not mind seeing something like grenades drop, or more ammo for your primary. Even if we decide to go with set loadouts, I would not mind seeing the more popular Armor abilities be available via ordinance drop (Thruster, PV, etc). Just make different loadouts with different primaries so people chose their favorites or what they think will help them in a certain map (long distance/short distance shooting). If we do go with different loadouts, keep the support upgrades, AA, etc the same throughout each. That way the only difference is the primary.

Primary: BR
Primary: Carbine
Primary: Light Rifle

Secondary: Pistol/none
Grenade: Frags
AA: None
TP: Resupply/none
SU: Explosives/none
Secondary: Pistol/none
Grenade: Frags
AA: None
TP: Resupply/none
SU: Explosives/none
Secondary: Pistol/none
Grenade: Frags
AA: None
TP: Resupply/none
SU: Explosives/none

^Be consistent with the secondaries, grenades, AAs, TPs and SUs (maybe add a carbine loadout?). The only differences should be the primaries. As for TPs and SUs, I only placed those because I though those would be less game breaking than the rest. I would not mind seeing something like this though:

Armor Abilities
Tactical Package
Support Upgrade

Thruster Pack
Hardlight Shield

With ordinance drops looking something like this:

Left Slot
Middle Slot
Right Slot

Frag Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades
Thruster Pack
Promethian Vision
Hardlight Shield

Battle Rifle
Light Rifle

The above would be for set loadouts.

This is actually a great suggestion for a simplified ordinance and would not mind seeing that at all:

Left Slot
Middle Slot
Right Slot

Frag Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades
Concussion Rifle
Gravity Hammer

Battle Rifle
Light Rifle

Ordinances are one of the reasons H4 is becoming less popular. Sure they are unique to H4, but randomness in game creates a numb game experience. Playing some H3 these last few days reminded me that simpler gameplay is just better. More gunplay, less BS.

Jam Cliché
10-21-2013, 03:03 PM

Please redirect discussion here (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?12804-Loadouts-Ordnances-V2). Not trying to step on any toes, just want to get everyone in the same room. Thank you.