View Full Version : New War Type

Solus Exsequor
11-08-2013, 09:39 AM
Now I'm sure this isn't just me but I'm fed up of playing the same squads week in week out.

To counter this I've thought of a Protoype-War.

we could have a war with a draft type. Each Field Marshal goes through everyone willing to play in battles and selects them for their army. Even numbers and even armies. Each FM has the power to create squads however they like, which could also be requested by members. A whole re-jig that hey get to choose near enough every rank that isn't Higher and lower Enlisted.

It would make an even skill for each side and even numbers. After the draft recruiting is open. So numbers can fluctuate and it still has an incentive to recruit people. To gain the upper hand.

Something like this to spice up the wars, I think would be good. And also memorable and maybe revolutionary

I'm open to any suggestions, this literally only took twenty minutes.

11-08-2013, 09:48 AM
you mean similar to the FC Draft?

Everyone would be switched to white, until the respective FM's would choose their soldiers. but run like a draft.

RaZ Vader
11-08-2013, 09:54 AM
Do it.

11-08-2013, 09:57 AM
Do it.

If we're going to do something like this, it would need to be thought out and done during peacetime.

IF we do this, also, after teams and such are chosen, how would new recruits be placed?

11-08-2013, 10:11 AM
You mean to split up me and my friends in Legacy Squad - the only reason I still participate in Halo 4 battles?
Same goes with VbD. You split them up, they're gone (I would assume, I'll let them speak for themselves).


11-08-2013, 10:16 AM
You mean to split up me and my friends in Legacy Squad - the only reason I still participate in Halo 4 battles?
Same goes with VbD. You split them up, they're gone (I would assume, I'll let them speak for themselves).


This will always be the biggest issue with this kind of idea. While we'll have some members excited for a new experience, others will not want to participate due to being split up from people they know and play with daily.

Really if we want to "spice" things up, we need more squads, and fresh new faces to join our army.

11-08-2013, 10:21 AM
While I understand your idea, and why you want it to happen, there are several reasons why it can't, and shouldn't.

The squads you keep on facing are built out of folks who have been friends and squadmates, for a very long time. FC is a place for them to do community together, in their otherwise hectic lives.

However, drafting squads is possible. The War Council has tossed this issue back and forth for ages. I won't say we decided anything on it, but I will say that we haven't ruled it out. (To my knowledge, anyway)

Ambient Black
11-08-2013, 10:29 AM
You mean to split up me and my friends in Legacy Squad - the only reason I still participate in Halo 4 battles?
Same goes with VbD. You split them up, they're gone (I would assume, I'll let them speak for themselves).



RaZ Vader
11-08-2013, 10:32 AM

11-08-2013, 10:59 AM

Disagreement on ideas is always an issue with any grouping of people.

As for the idea, I think it would be fun for 2-3 weeks, but after a while you'd just want to play with your friends, and the idea would never work wholeheartedly. As a separate war, it could work as an event, but people tend to stop caring about such events after a short period of time.

Ominous Solace
11-08-2013, 11:00 AM
Probably one of the worst ideas I've read. While I do like the systems of it. We would lose more than we gain. I personally wouldn't care since my entire squad is going to PS4. But I wouldn't plan on seeing this happen Soon.

11-08-2013, 11:43 AM
You mean to split up me and my friends in Legacy Squad - the only reason I still participate in Halo 4 battles?
Same goes with VbD. You split them up, they're gone (I would assume, I'll let them speak for themselves).


11-08-2013, 12:00 PM
Probably one of the worst ideas I've read. While I do like the systems of it. We would lose more than we gain. I personally wouldn't care since my entire squad is going to PS4. But I wouldn't plan on seeing this happen Soon.

Lets not cross the line.

Ominous Solace
11-08-2013, 12:12 PM
I wasn't "crossing the line." I was giving my honest opinion. If he can't handle it. Don't post it.

11-08-2013, 12:15 PM
I wasn't "crossing the line." I was giving my honest opinion. If he can't handle it. Don't post it.

We're a community based on respect. If you don't like the idea, you say that, but that first sentence is a bit far. Just take care next time. If someone were to say that to one of your ideas, you'd feel similar.

11-08-2013, 12:34 PM
I wasn't "crossing the line." I was giving my honest opinion. If he can't handle it. Don't post it.

There's a difference between constructive criticism and bashing.

11-08-2013, 12:37 PM
Every war we get another post about a FC Draft system. It isn't going to happen.

11-08-2013, 12:45 PM
This idea has been suggested many times, and I am now closing this thread before it gets any further.

Please see previous suggestions and comments.
