View Full Version : Lets give Thanks

11-28-2013, 03:03 PM
I'm thankful for Mythonian's 24/7 overwatch of FC using Skynet

I'm thankful for FuzzyStormz's turtles

I'm thankful for KillerGunny's b-hole

I'm thankful for SHUT UP YEHSUS

I'm thankful for Blackhawk's muscles

I'm thankful for me, since I created Hill 30

I'm thankful for Chopsticks

I'm thankful for Kratos' FC baby

I'm thankful for Maxdoggy's livestreams which no one watches

I'm thankful for Mededust doing nothing

I'm thankful for Metkil disappearing for months at a time

I'm thankful for Raz...whoever the fuck that is.

Most importantly, I'm thankful for FC...for causing the most stressful 8 years of my life! Love you guys <3


11-28-2013, 05:13 PM

11-28-2013, 05:15 PM
I'm thankful for FC continuously banning Silko.

I'm thankful for the existence of Captain Poder, Coldest, Chopsticks, DeafOrangutan, and all you other folk who got banned but didn't earn enough of a infamous reputation to be remembered.

I'm thankful for having sexy people always in my squads.

I'm thankful that I am way better than SpartanBH.

I'm NOT thankful that Metkil has yet to give me my sticker I won over a year ago...

I'm thankful for RaZ not perma banning me 3 different times.

I'm thankful to Halo for allowing me to destroy Guzzie in a 1v1.

I'm thankful for the many Field Marshal's who entrusted me as their General (Maxdoggy, Myth, Unlucky 2 times, Relapsive and finally Zeta)

I'm thankful for the Generals I entrusted when I was Field Marshal (Maxdoggy and Relapsive)

I'm thankful that Operation Firestorm was a failure

I'm thankful for Mythonian dealing with my shit for years.

Oh shit, it isn't even thanksgiving in Canada what am I doing in this thread?

11-28-2013, 05:24 PM
I'm thankful for plasma grenades which I use to stick Guzzie

11-28-2013, 08:07 PM
im thankfull you guys are my friends and not my family, because if you were my family the family feuds would be disastrous in epic proportions, wiping cities and tribes off the map

Mr Funktastiiic
11-28-2013, 09:26 PM
I thankful that Spartans been banned.

11-28-2013, 10:47 PM
Im thankful im from Canada

Prof Blastoise
11-28-2013, 10:59 PM
I'm thankful for Highlight and how cute he is.
I'm thankful for my dad Blayze, he fucks mad bitches.
I'm thankful for Guzzie, lol jk.
I'm thankful for Mdmyay and his amazing hairline.
I'm thankful for donuts.
I'm thankful for being better at halo than Guzzie.
I'm thankful for Blackhawk not killing my family.
I'm thankful for God making me a turtle.

11-28-2013, 11:13 PM
Would you guys leave me alone....

I am thankful for having good food in my belly.

I am thankful for being drunk as I type this.

11-29-2013, 12:06 AM
Im thankful for Halo and the hours of fun I've had playing it.

Im thankful to FC for all the friends ive made.

Im thankful to REDD for having me as their FM not one, but two wars in a row.

Im infinitely thankful to my ex HC for helping pick up my slack.

And most of all im thankful to those who help keep this place running.....sorry I haven't been around to help.

Lastly thanks for reading my unnecessarily emotional post.

Nicholas Sapien
11-29-2013, 01:48 AM
I thankful that Spartans been banned.