View Full Version : Your top 5 Games of the Year

Zeta Crossfire
12-28-2013, 03:58 AM
Ok folks now that the year is coming to a close it's time to look back and pick out what you thought were some of the best games to come out in 2013. Pc, Xbox, Mobile, you name it if it was a game you can choose it. You can list it out or go in depth on why you liked it. Here we go!

(console listed means what I played it on)

5: Brothers: Tale of two sons (360)
A rather short and sweet game that has a very amazing story to tell. The interactions between the brothers, the world, and the subject matter just make this game great. It's under 5 bucks on the XBL marketplace right now, check it out if you have some free time just a phenomenal game.

4. Metro Last light (360)
The atmosphere has always been a strong point in the Metro series and Last light just pushes it more. The story with the Russians and the nazies is very satisfying even if there are some plot holes at the end. The world they create is just so believable I sometimes just keep replaying the missions that just walk through the streets of some of the metro towns. Great game

3. The last of Us (Ps3)
This is perhaps one of the greatest video game stories of all time. It opens up very strong and doesn't stop. The stealth gameplay is awesome, and it's nice that Ellie is good in a fight and it doesn't feel like one big escort mission. If you have a PS3 make sure to pick this game up.

2. Bioshock: Infinite (360)
Elizabeth is perhaps the most "real" character I've come across in a video game. Her interactions with booker and the way she makes that world come alive is freaking great. The combat is fun, the world is very well realized, and the characters and twist at the end is just really cool. It's going to be free on PS+ next month so those who want to give it a shot and have a PS3 pick it up.

1. Tales of Xillia (PS3)
This I never expected to be my favorite. I'm a big fan of the Tales series and when the main character turned started out as your standard JRPG hero it kind of sucked. But the way your main character develops, the incredible plot twist in the story, and the phenomenal real time combat system make that game great. There were definitely a few story issues I had with one of the characters but overall there wasn't a game that I had more fun with this year then Xillia

Honorable mention: Mass effect 3 the Citadel DLC. While not a game by itself it is, in my opinion, the best DLC anyone has put out. The story, the action, the party, it was the perfect way to send off those characters.

I still haven't had a chance to play AC4 yet but overall I thought 2013 was a good send off year for these consoles. ONWARD TO 2014!

12-28-2013, 11:23 AM


But in all seriousness,

1: Fallout: New (G*****n) Vegas PS3: was glued to that game day and night when I got it, wondering what horrible creature was about to attack me out of nowhere and probably kill me because I was level 5 and had no ammo and equipment in just flat out crappy condition. though disappointed by the fact that you have to load to play the one character after taking Hoover for whoever *Cough* was gonna be NCR but I screwed up and now I fight for House. *cough*

ACIV Black Flag: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpMt2vzrIxs

TES IV Oblivion PC: Made my top 5 list last year too, there's just so much to do, try to find some cheese in the realm of madness, find some armor and look like a Templar knight, saving a crumbling Empire (And that's why I joined the Stormcloaks) and countless other quests for the ridiculously incapable and/or lazy people of Cyrodil.

Crackdown 2: not much in the way of a story, but I can kill 'em all in any way possible.

Smash Bros Brawl: ye olden way of dealing with my family.

12-28-2013, 11:27 AM
Do these have to be games released in 2013 or games we have played in 2013?

Jam Cliché
12-28-2013, 11:48 AM
Do these have to be games released in 2013 or games we have played in 2013?

This, because I rarely play games the same year they are released. I might come up with a list, but it would consist of bargain gems that I've bought recently xD

12-28-2013, 11:48 AM
This year was kind of weak on big hit releases IMO. A lot of recycled stuff; it was definitely good stuff, but nothing overwhelmingly great.

1. Assassin's Creed Black Flag
2. Tomb Raider
3. NHL14
4. Animal Crossing 3DS
5. Battlefield 4?

Zeta Crossfire
12-28-2013, 02:34 PM
Originally my thought was things releases only this year. But hey your list do what you want with it

12-28-2013, 04:22 PM
1 - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
2 - The Last of Us
3 - Lost Planet 3
4 - Halo: Spartan Assault
5 - Tomb Raider

Eagle out.

12-28-2013, 05:41 PM
1. Halo 4
2. Halo 4
3. Halo 4
4. Halo 4
5. Halo 4

12-28-2013, 07:05 PM
1. Halo 4
2. Halo 4
3. Halo 4
4. Halo 4
5. Halo 4


12-28-2013, 07:49 PM

Halo4 is Love, Halo4 is Life

12-28-2013, 07:50 PM
In no particular order:

-Bioshock: Infinite
-Tomb Raider
-ACIV: Black Flag (still in process of beating it, but great game so far)
-Battlefield 4

12-28-2013, 07:57 PM
1. Dead Rising 3
2. Halo Spartan Assault
3. Ryse: Son of Rome
4. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
5. Project Spark (beta for Win8.1)

01-01-2014, 09:16 PM