View Full Version : Show Off: Legacy Intro Animation

12-29-2013, 09:19 PM

Made using Cinema 4D, After Effects, and Sony Vegas. Had to use quite a few tutorials to get it done, since I'm quite inexperienced with all of those programs, but I like the outcome nonetheless.

Comments and constructive criticism, por favor? Anything I should do differently for next time?

12-29-2013, 09:35 PM

12-29-2013, 10:04 PM
'Tis epic, my boy.

12-30-2013, 01:23 AM
looks nice, my 2 cents;

> Remove the balls orbiting the logo, I think it'd look a lot cleaner without
> Camera panning could use a bit of smoothing, I believe there are easy ways to do this in C4D using beziers for the camera animation.
> Add a bit more color in the background to give it a bit more character, a simple color balance adjustment layer in AE should do the trick.
> I like the Material reveal on the logo, having the "Legacy" in a darker gray could look nice. I assume you imported an svg into C4d, so idk what kind of control you have on the nurbs of that object.
> At the beginning of the intro there's a slight delay from the video start and the camera panning starting. Have it so that the pan is already in motion at the beginning of your composition in AE.
> At the very end of the intro, before the 'zoom' to fcwars, you should keep the camera motion going, instead of it stopping before the 'zoom' effect
> Lastly, change the fcwars text to a clean sans serif font. It's mostly personal preference, but I think that a sans serif font would fit in with the vibe of the intro more so than the current font.

12-30-2013, 03:14 AM
looks nice, my 2 cents;

> Remove the balls orbiting the logo, I think it'd look a lot cleaner without
> Camera panning could use a bit of smoothing, I believe there are easy ways to do this in C4D using beziers for the camera animation.
> Add a bit more color in the background to give it a bit more character, a simple color balance adjustment layer in AE should do the trick.
> I like the Material reveal on the logo, having the "Legacy" in a darker gray could look nice. I assume you imported an svg into C4d, so idk what kind of control you have on the nurbs of that object.
> At the beginning of the intro there's a slight delay from the video start and the camera panning starting. Have it so that the pan is already in motion at the beginning of your composition in AE.
> At the very end of the intro, before the 'zoom' to fcwars, you should keep the camera motion going, instead of it stopping before the 'zoom' effect
> Lastly, change the fcwars text to a clean sans serif font. It's mostly personal preference, but I think that a sans serif font would fit in with the vibe of the intro more so than the current font.

> I considered leaving them out, but thought it might look too plain without them. After seeing it with the sound effects added I suppose it would look alright either way.

> The camera was being very frustrating. It took the better part of an hour to getting it to look even that smooth. I'm sure there's better way other than the trial-and-error keyframing that I did xD
> I added a bit of blue using the curves effect, plus there was the orange from the sun. I didn't really know what else to add in a space scene..

> Don't know what an svg is, but I made the logo by pathing out different parts of it in AE and throwing the paths into an Extrude Nurbs. The text is it's own thing, so I could edit it. The text, eagle, shield, and 'whoosh' are actually all slightly different shades but the lighting doesnt really show it.

> Not sure why that delay is there at the beginning. I think it's because that keyframe was set to spline instead of linear. I could just crop it out in AE I suppose.

> The ending pause is intentional. I showed an earlier version to the people in Legacy and they said that the camera should hold on the logo for a bit before the website text came in, so that's what I did.

> I am bad with text in all digital media :rofl: I suppose sans serif would make more sense though, considering those frames obviously arent going to be printed..

Thanks for the constructive criticism!

12-30-2013, 05:30 AM
> The ending pause is intentional. I showed an earlier version to the people in Legacy and they said that the camera should hold on the logo for a bit before the website text came in, so that's what I did.

What I mean is you could still kind of zoom out slowly, but the complete freeze kind of takes away any flow from the scene. It could be the same length as it is currently, but just have a bit more of a continuous feel.

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Jam Cliché
12-30-2013, 12:05 PM
I didn't really know what else to add in a space scene...
There's this game called Halo, I hear it's got space stuff.

Looks good beeteedubs.

12-30-2013, 01:43 PM
There's this game called Halo, I hear it's got space stuff.

I thought that was Mass Effect. What's this "Halo" you speak of?

Also, I told Kaz to add a pause in the zoom-out, bl4yze. The way he had it originally it sped out too fast and there was no 'hey this is the finished logo, look at its awesomeness' moment.

12-30-2013, 04:22 PM
Also, I told Kaz to add a pause in the zoom-out, bl4yze. The way he had it originally it sped out too fast and there was no 'hey this is the finished logo, look at its awesomeness' moment.

Right, I get what you mean, however a slow zoom out will maintain the fluidity of the scene. Doesn't have to even be hugely noticeable, a static shot just ruins the continuity of the scene.

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Or if you're set on going to a static shot, add a shine similar to this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEom_dmY818. You'll also notice there's not static moments in between each title, and it doesn't detract from the content.