View Full Version : Community Improvements (Recruitment)

HC Theory
01-01-2014, 09:38 AM
Alright its early and I don't feel like making this thread look nice haha but these are a few things that I believe would help out our community.

I know that I was recruited to this amazing community from a forum post on The Halo Council's webpage because I was looking for an active community to be part of and along with gaining me as an active member I also brought along Barbie Boy. So recruitment from forum post do work but I'm sure that by now all of the of treads posted on other sites have been buried or deleted by now, so what I'm proposing is that we write up a singular forum post and get it posted on the few remaining Halo community's out there. The one good thing about the reduction of the Halo population is that there are fewer places that we have to go to to look for new members haha

Another aspect that I believe we could improve upon is out FAQ page, if you go to it the first thing you see is "FORERUNNER CONFLICT IS A HALO: REACH WAR SIMULATOR" so lets dust of this important aspect for new members and revamp it. Very few people enjoy reading huge blocks of text and after browsing it it in no way is helpful to new members wanting to know how FC works. Ive been here for almost a year and there are still aspects of FC that I don't understand due to the lack of written information or easy access to that information.

Now in line with a FAQ page I think we need a Introductory page, this page would have all of the basic info and would be viewed when viewing the site when not logged in as a member or added to the page where you choose which army to choose. The need for this comes from that while a forum post or a message over xbl will give the gist of what FC is they can only explain so much. For all of those that come to the site without ever actually talking to a member they might not fully understand what we are and might never join because they didn't think that this was their kind of thing.

I have browsed the FC Youtube page and we can really improve upon that area, We could really use a "Recruitment Video" basically it is the exact same thing as the forum post or the intro info I discussed above but just in video format. Now this video is very close to what I believe would be perfect, It doesn't focus on the Halo gameplay too much, music is good so all we would have to do is shorten it and add the new revised info to it.


01-01-2014, 10:23 AM
Raz was going to talk to me about making a recruitment video, but we never really got around to it. If all the content is provided (I'll do all the capturing etc) I am more than willing to help with this.

01-01-2014, 01:28 PM
You might want to get in touch with Jamiedj8887 and toast78901 as they're in charge of recruitement and drill instruction for BLUE, I'm sure they'd be willing to help you out with the video and forum post part.

An Update to the FAQ is probably a good idea, i forgot that existed tbh. I'm not sure an introductory page is super needed though, especially if the video is made and embedded somewhere easy to see.

01-01-2014, 03:58 PM
You might want to get in touch with Jamiedj8887 and toast78901 as they're in charge of recruitement and drill instruction for BLUE, I'm sure they'd be willing to help you out with the video and forum post part.

An Update to the FAQ is probably a good idea, i forgot that existed tbh. I'm not sure an introductory page is super needed though, especially if the video is made and embedded somewhere easy to see.

im more than willing to help with this

01-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Recruitment video attempt #4153.

Lol its James
01-01-2014, 04:06 PM
Recruitment video attempt #4153.


but recruiment is a must in this type of community. But the DIs in both armies have to be on par, to rule out the bad ones.

HC Theory
01-01-2014, 04:11 PM
Recruitment video attempt #4153.

Yea but as far as a video goes something simple just like that one i posted is all thats needed, not something like a Red vs Blue video. Id say 70% of the halo community is competitive in some way and a small montage like that would work great.

01-01-2014, 04:12 PM

but recruiment is a must in this type of community. But the DIs in both armies have to be on par, to rule out the bad ones.

i want to run blue bootcamps the same as redd. i went thru one and really liked it. i want to use the same map too if possible.

- - - Updated - - -

Yea but as far as a video goes something simple just like that one i posted is all thats needed, not something like a Red vs Blue video. Id say 70% of the halo community is competitive in some way and a small montage like that would work great.

i agree

01-02-2014, 04:34 AM
Recruitment video attempt #4153.


but really, i'd be willing to help with this where possible in my free time, if i'm needed. hit me up on skype.

01-02-2014, 06:41 PM
Usually you have to catch the viewers attention in joining the community, if the people already see the same things in montages they might not be interested. If you pull something off, then they might come in. I am surely willing to help in this project just hit me up on Skype.