View Full Version : War Objectives

04-22-2014, 01:21 PM

Before I even start this little thread, I want to address the people with pitchforks and fire as well as those who miraculously remember me in a good lighting:

1.) No, I'm not coming back, it's simply an idea I had for my own community, and since the idea of sharing information, I'll give this a stab.

2.) I'll try to defend this point, but honestly, it's just a suggestion that may be too complicated to apply to your wars. It's up to the community to decide.

What I wanted to purpose was applying a whole new type of war the community. Think of the wars you guys have right now as Halo's "Slayer". I want to see if I can't make a "Capture the Flag", a "Territory" in the form of wars I'll call "Reclamation" and "Sabotage". Some of these things I'll leave ambiguous, for you guys to figure out how to best balance these gametypes to work for you cost wise. I am rusty on all the rules and accords, but I did serve in HC, and I do know that wars can drag on (even those this current war seems to have been a steam rolled through)


Reclamation wars are wars in which one side has a traditional HQ (Defenders), while the other side's HQ is that of a system-ranged MAC Cannon (Attackers), however with all the conflict, the generators for it's power around the system are now up for a free for all, meaning the generators need to be retaken otherwise the cannon will eventually run out of power.

Ways to win:
-The attackers destroy the defenders HQ
-The defenders either destroy the attackers Cannon (HQ) OR bring the cannon's energy down to 0.
(Note: There is no way to win from simply holding a vast majority of the map, if that's still even a rule)

New Purchases:

MAC Blast: Destroys X amount of units, as well as removes any fortification (such as ambush) to that location.
Cost: X cR, as well as 2 energy.

Transferring Energy: Converts Y cR to 2 Energy which will be applied next turn.
Cost: Y cR

New Rules:
-The Cannon looses 1 energy per turn simply to maintain it's online status.
-The Cannon has a total of 20-30 energy from the start of the game.
-In the middle section map holds a generator, each providing 1 Energy a turn. (Only beneficial to the attackers, though the defenders can hold to simply bleed attackers dry)

Summary: The goal is of course to either destroy, or neutralize the opposition, with one side needing to balance the energy of the cannon, while the other side attempts to eliminate the cannon's uses. This is a type of war that could help make for a more fast paced, or more time friendly war.


A new system of forerunner technology has been discovered. BLUE and REDD are on a race to acquire the technology before the other faction can.

Ways to win:
-Destroy the other faction's HQ
-Acquire Z amount of forerunner technology from the locations on the map.

New Rules:
-the upper/lower/middle sections of the maps hold concentrated amounts of forerunner technology. Maintain unit position on these locations to acquire forerunner technology XY at the end of each turn. (Locations also provide usual cR income to their sides)

Reclamation is a simpler of the two, and would provide another way to win a war, other than simply beating each side's HQ in a gauntlet of gametypes. It would mean faster wars, and just make locations other than the HQ's seem important.

These are ideas I am planning on polishing up myself for my own community, and just wished to share, and look to see what all of your take is on these variants. I may apply more later as ideas come and go, but for now this is what I have to share.

04-22-2014, 01:30 PM
Definitely an interesting twist, and would be neat to have other ways to win besides making it to the Capital. Personally, I'm against making things more complicated for now, but if the idea was refined so it was simple enough to not cause too much trouble then it would definitely be an interesting addition.

04-22-2014, 01:45 PM
Like I said, I'm rusty with FC's wars as PA's Campaigns are structured differently. I tried to do my best to convert the idea to FC's uses, but I'll leave it to Myth to try to refine it.

All I know is that when I did play in wars, sometimes they simply got too long and started to get boring (also blaming it on uneven squads). It would be nice to have a time limit on wars in some ways. And people who wanna speak out about wars not being boring: it's because you aren't in a lower skilled squad, or you are taking the happy pills; either way more power to ya.

04-22-2014, 01:50 PM
Oh yeah, that's why I like the idea of having an objective on the map to swing things around. I just don't want it to be too imbalanced to where an Army would just go for an objective because it would be quicker and easier than aiming for the Capital.

And as someone who led a lower-skilled team, the Wars were never boring for us, no matter who we faced. It's all about the experience you make it. :) Case in point: http://www.twitch.tv/bl4yze/c/2861207

04-22-2014, 01:56 PM
So anyone thinking what I'm thinking? Starts with a p ends with ouching.

04-22-2014, 01:57 PM
With sabotage the balance you're going to want to try to get is by making sure that the Mac Canon allows the attacking side to push forward enough that they technically have the advantage it's just a need to balance and make sure that they have enough turns to win the war the defenders point is to try to make sure that they can hold off against the barrage and hope that they can just kind of whittle down the attackers or they can just try to take on the capital I'm not advising it but you could do.

And I'm not talking about every single work I'm simply talking about wars it drag on for months and you just kept on losing that wasn't fun. It's one thing to lose it's another thing to lose badly and repeatedly.

04-22-2014, 02:05 PM
How is Project Ascension doing?

04-22-2014, 02:22 PM
How is Project Ascension doing?

It's going... I wouldn't say poorly, but it's been a slow process.

I've been in an accident, and now gonna be going into surgery here within the month. One of our admins is currently hospitalized, another of our admins is working on wedding plans, so it's been rather hard to really have everyone at 100% focus.

The site's been put into hibernation until summer really kicks in.

We do have our campaign as polished as anyone could hope. Our admins, while busy know exactly what to do. Our custom background and tags will be ready within a few weeks, and we have roughly half dozen people who are eager to get back to it. We tend to just do a few halo games, Titanfall, or whatever really in our spare time at the moment, but we will have pretty much everyone back in the next month and a half or two.