View Full Version : Montage Videos

06-10-2014, 12:22 AM
So I have some experience making these and I think I can put together some awesome stuff. This will be submission based so participation would be key. I want to make something to both attract potential recruits and create some good memories out of Battlenights, Matchmaking, e.t.c.

Thoughts and Suggestions?

06-10-2014, 12:53 AM
Sounds good. What kind of capture card are you using. I just want to know cause the Higher the batter in the Video Ratio department.
My honest opinion is talk to BOTH Redd and Blue officers to get as many people as you can to get people on board. My plate is full atm but ill help out when i can if you need it. If you can Talk with Myth He is one of our W.D. he loves F.C vids.

06-10-2014, 03:10 PM
Sounds good. What kind of capture card are you using. I just want to know cause the Higher the batter in the Video Ratio department.
My honest opinion is talk to BOTH Redd and Blue officers to get as many people as you can to get people on board. My plate is full atm but ill help out when i can if you need it. If you can Talk with Myth He is one of our W.D. he loves F.C vids.

I use an El Gato so quality is NOT a problem at all. I also use Cyberlink Powerdirector Plus along with their sound software and have become quite familiar with it. As long as people would be willing to participate I could definitely get this set up. I figure it could be a ton of fun!

06-10-2014, 03:14 PM
Can you post some of your work?