View Full Version : ZMR (Zombies Monsters Robots) closed beta codes

06-20-2014, 11:50 AM
Hello everyone. I am sure as you all saw during the anniversary for FC there was a closed beta code for a game called ZMR. Well that was happened to be supplied by me. It is a game for pc that I have been enjoying a lot lately. What is ZMR you ask? Well it is a 3rd person shooter that is kinda a mix between ME3 multiplayer with Gears of War 3. There is a "Hoard" mode called kill everything and there area also assault missions where you are running through a map killing everything in your way and then getting to extraction. Here are a few videos that the people at Enmasse let out that let you know what you have to do.




Now I am sure that you all are thinking, "Juggs you crazy bastard, why the hell are you telling us this?"

Or if you are Silko


Well my point being is that I have gotten my hands on 3 more beta codes and I feel like giving them away to you all. Just send me a PM and if there are enough people that are interested then I will pick 3 from random (may need myth to help with that)

Remember that it is for PC only

Enjoy :thumbs up:

06-20-2014, 12:02 PM
System Requirements?

06-20-2014, 12:44 PM