View Full Version : Hearthstone: Official Thread

Solus Exsequor
07-22-2014, 07:52 AM
How many of you all play Hearthstone?

07-22-2014, 08:00 AM
I play a bit, haven't played in a while though.

07-22-2014, 09:07 AM
Just finished a 9-3 arena run last night. :3

07-22-2014, 10:40 AM
I played the tutorial. The end.

07-22-2014, 11:20 AM
Been playing a lot of Hearthstone recently add me R3DGU4RD#1130

Solus Exsequor
07-22-2014, 01:00 PM
It's so hard to get good cards, it's basically P2W. I have 900 mana dust. But a seriously weak Shaman deck.

07-22-2014, 03:14 PM
It's so hard to get good cards, it's basically P2W. I have 900 mana dust. But a seriously weak Shaman deck.

I hate when people call it P2W. Its so easy to make a basic F2P deck with the cards they give you to start with and then from there, craft cards to make the deck better as you get gold/dust. And arena runs are great at getting new cards. Get 7 wins or more and it refunds your gold plus you get a pack and dust plus chances to get gold cards. Its honestly one of the best F2P games I've played. And my Shaman deck has taken out decks with 2+ legendaries in it and its completely F2P.

Anyway, brb time to beat the Naxx update! :3 May stream it.

Solus Exsequor
07-22-2014, 04:05 PM
I hate when people call it P2W. Its so easy to make a basic F2P deck with the cards they give you to start with and then from there, craft cards to make the deck better as you get gold/dust. And arena runs are great at getting new cards. Get 7 wins or more and it refunds your gold plus you get a pack and dust plus chances to get gold cards. Its honestly one of the best F2P games I've played. And my Shaman deck has taken out decks with 2+ legendaries in it and its completely F2P.

Anyway, brb time to beat the Naxx update! :3 May stream it.

My pack luck is so bad haha! Just frustrated because my best arena run is 3-3 never seem to do well. But I'm slightly above average. If you stream, let me know. I could drop by :3

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I hate when people call it P2W. Its so easy to make a basic F2P deck with the cards they give you to start with and then from there, craft cards to make the deck better as you get gold/dust. And arena runs are great at getting new cards. Get 7 wins or more and it refunds your gold plus you get a pack and dust plus chances to get gold cards. Its honestly one of the best F2P games I've played. And my Shaman deck has taken out decks with 2+ legendaries in it and its completely F2P.

Anyway, brb time to beat the Naxx update! :3 May stream it.

My pack luck is so bad haha! Just frustrated because my best arena run is 3-3 never seem to do well. But I'm slightly above average. If you stream, let me know. I could drop by :3

07-22-2014, 04:32 PM
Its way too laggy to stream right now lol. Attacks are really slow.

Solus Exsequor
07-22-2014, 04:43 PM
Its way too laggy to stream right now lol. Attacks are really slow.

I've noticed. I defeated first boss after 4 attempts. Keep dc'ing

07-22-2014, 04:45 PM
This thing is F2P? Can someone give me a TL;DR of what it's like?

07-22-2014, 04:48 PM
Well I already beat the bosses and did the class specific challenges xD It was really fun though! Can't wait for more. Time to play around with the new cards.

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This thing is F2P? Can someone give me a TL;DR of what it's like?

I will when I get back if you would like, on skype. I love Hearthstone, its a F2P cardgame based off Warcraft.

Solus Exsequor
07-22-2014, 06:13 PM
Well I already beat the bosses and did the class specific challenges xD It was really fun though! Can't wait for more. Time to play around with the new cards.

- - - Updated - - -

I will when I get back if you would like, on skype. I love Hearthstone, its a F2P cardgame based off Warcraft.

Damn! What's your deck like?

07-22-2014, 06:37 PM
I will when I get back if you would like, on skype. I love Hearthstone, its a F2P cardgame based off Warcraft.

Yes, please!

07-22-2014, 06:49 PM
Damn! What's your deck like?

Well I used my pirate-Rogue deck for funsies. And then for the second boss, I used my Zoo deck to burn through cards quick so her hero power wasn't as good.

07-23-2014, 10:35 AM
I hate when people call it P2W. Its so easy to make a basic F2P deck with the cards they give you to start with and then from there, craft cards to make the deck better as you get gold/dust. And arena runs are great at getting new cards. Get 7 wins or more and it refunds your gold plus you get a pack and dust plus chances to get gold cards. Its honestly one of the best F2P games I've played. And my Shaman deck has taken out decks with 2+ legendaries in it and its completely F2P.

Anyway, brb time to beat the Naxx update! :3 May stream it.

all card games are p2w... hearthstone may technically be pay for ease, but still, that's one of the main points behind card games, trying to get the best cards and best decks.

I beat nax day one, and the class challenges. i'll try and get the heroics done, but i'm missing a few cards for the decks i want to build for them.

Solus Exsequor
07-26-2014, 02:44 PM
Would anyone be interested in a tournament or something?

07-27-2014, 02:53 AM
Would anyone be interested in a tournament or something?

Not sure there's enough people here who play for a tourny but if you wanna play I'm down. :P

Solus Exsequor
07-27-2014, 05:47 PM
Not sure there's enough people here who play for a tourny but if you wanna play I'm down. :P

Let's try get more people on haha! What's your username?

07-27-2014, 05:56 PM