View Full Version : What Got You Into Gaming/Xbox?

Legendary Nova
09-25-2014, 09:19 AM
1. What got you into gaming?

For me, it was my older cousin. When my family was down at my Aunt's place when I was about 6 or so, I used to hang with my cousin, who was a major gamer. He ended up giving me one of his old Game Boy Colours and one of his copies of Pokemon Yellow. I played that shit non-stop! The best bit was when we went back to his place the next time, he gave me a Nintendo 64 with Super Smash Bros. That was really the big thing that sold it to me. After that, I started getting my own stuff for it, ending up getting a PS1 and two PS2s.

2. What got you into Xbox/360?

After playing my PS2s to the point of destroying one of them from overplaying it, I realised that most of my friends had moved on to the Xbox 360 and PS3. I really wanted one, and was saving up for it, when my family went to some of our really good friends about 2 hours from where we are. While I was up there, one of them was going through a phase where he bought old broken arcade 360s and fixed them so he could resell them. He let me fix one, and afterwards, let me keep it. I was amazingly excited about it, so I rushed to buy a game and a controller from the nearest EB Games (Australia's branch of Gamestop). The game happened to be ODST because it was the one I was playing that morning at my friend's and I really wanted it for myself.

The only bad thing about the Xbox was that 3 weeks later at my home, the Xbox got the red ring of death again! I was devastated about it. I remember trying to fix it for a straight 10 hours, no joke! Eventually, I gave up fixing it and went to get a new one from the shops. The only problem was that I only had about half of the cash needed. I convinced my parents to fork over the other half needed, with the agreement that for my next birthday (in 3 weeks time), instead of getting presents, my parents would forget the money I owed. So I got the Xbox, and I still use the same one today. But then again, I did only get it in 2012! Yeah... Really... I didn't believe it myself when I realised that I have only had it for 2 years!

Looking back, I was pretty spoiled in the gaming department, wasn't I? =P

I encourage you all to share your stories. They're really interesting to read about!

09-25-2014, 01:16 PM
What got me into gaming:

Well ever since my cousin and I was born two years apart. He would have handheld consoles and a lot of games which were pretty fun like Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, and Zelda. My parents bought me a game boy color the second week it came out and my sister bought a Nintendo 64 on her birthday. We just played games every other week. From Mario 64 to Mario Kart Racing. I went from genre to genre of gaming. Genesis to Gameboy Color to Nintendo 64 and PS2.

What got me into Xbox/Xbox 360:

Surprisingly on my 6 birthday, my father bought me a Xbox the first edition with Halo: Comvat Evolved. By then I thought halo was boring, but until I invited my friends over every other weekend. We played hours and hours of Halo. Halo has been my favorite since the Evolved first came. Then Halo 2 and Halo 3 on the 360. I wish I joined FC in Halo 2, but i was too young. On the other hand, my cousin joined it and retired after Halo 3 wars. I forgot his GT since he changed it, but he said it was a lot of fun. Later Juicy introduced me to FC, and I felt welcomed within the community.

Gaming can really change your life, but as long you don't take it as a addictive hobby. I'm still going to pursue my dream as graphic designer, game designer, and computer engineering. Glad I can explain my story.

09-25-2014, 01:36 PM
I started gaming back when the gameboy was still a thing. My parents got me it for chrismas. As for Xbox I can thank playing Halo ce with my cousin for that. Halo ce was my first Xbox game I ever played and I loved it the moment I picked it up

09-25-2014, 02:13 PM
First system I vividly remember playing was the Sega Genesis when I was like 2 or 3 (I'll always consider Sonic Spinball the first game I REALLY remember playing). Then I got an N64 when it first came out with Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Star Fox 64. Soon after that it was Gameboys and PS1 and Dreamcast and PS2 and GameCube...

Then I went over to a friends house when I was 9 and played HALO for the first time in 2001. The first mission I KNEW that I had to eventually get an Xbox and Halo. I never got past the first two levels on Halo until a few years later when Halo PC came out. Right after that I got an Xbox in 2003 and have had Xbox Live since 2004 (gonna be my 10th year anniversary in December)!

Jam Cliché
09-25-2014, 04:50 PM
Uncle had a Playstation.


09-25-2014, 07:49 PM
What got me into gaming?

It started with my grandparents and Super Mario World. My grandparents, my cousin, my sister, and I all found the secrets and could beat the game only playing like 2 or 3 castles. (we got to the end that quick) Then the Gamecube was the "next big thing" and I remember getting one for Christmas with my sister. We would play a lot of Mario Party 5 on that old thing. My favorite game for the longest time was Resident Evil 4. I beat that game 22 times. It takes AT LEAST 6 hours to beat in a single playthrough. Metal Gear Solid 3 is also up there.

What got me into xbox?

Well I got it for Christmas along with Halo CE and I played that game forever. My dad and I completed it on Legendary one night. I remember playing the original Splinter Cell. There was this one game, Fuzion Frenzy that was extremely enjoyable. Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks remains one of my favorite games to date. Then the 360 was released and I damn near had a fit. I got it about a year after it came out and I played Halo 3 and Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 a lot. When I found out about Halo 3's custom games, I never stopped playing. I got a close niche of friends and we played all the time. Notable people: Sinless Straker, Hammer Hawk (Ghostliertax on my Friends List), and Trident who was my Left 4 Dead buddy. Hammer Hawk is the only one I still keep in contact. My best friend at the time was Nick whom I went to school with. His GT was DEATHBYCOMEDY and we played everything. My cousin, Jdog 0220 would frequently join us in our shenanigans. DEATHBYCOMEDY moved to PC gaming which I was unable to do and then I transferred to a new school so we kinda just started drifting apart which I deeply regret. If you read this far, you actually don't suck!

Zeta Crossfire
09-25-2014, 08:03 PM
What got me into gaming

My dad had an old NES and I'd play super Mario, but honestly I never liked it. My parents bought me an N64 with Super Mario 64 and I was hooked. It gave me the freedom the old NES versions never gave me and I played it so much. Then I got a Game Boy color with Pokemon blue and It was then I was hooked on playing video games. Zelda OOT/Majoras mask, Rouge Squadron, Pokemon Stadium, Goldeneye, Smash Brothers, Pokemon Blue/Red, Mario Party, ect those games got me into gaming.

What got me into Xbox

I went with my friend to a midnight launch for the original Xbox, having no idea what it was, him getting the Halo Xbox and me going over to his house nearly every chance I could. A few months later Christmas and my birthday had passed so I saved enough money to buy my own Xbox. I bought Halo and couldn't stop playing the game. Eventually I also bought Counter-Strike for the Xbox, Conflict: Desert Storm, Crimson skies, Halo 2, but my Xbox was almost exclusively my Halo machine for the most part. Taking my Xbox to my friends house who had 4 TV's and all the neighborhood kids would link up our consoles to play.

09-25-2014, 08:12 PM
Pretty much the rejection from girls got me into gaming.

09-25-2014, 08:51 PM
I think I've seen this thread somewhere before.


What got me into Xbox? Somewhere down the line we ended up with one for Christmas. With Halos CE-3

Legendary Nova
09-25-2014, 08:56 PM
I think I've seen this thread somewhere before.


Obviously, I didn't check hard enough when making sure this wasn't a double thread. But this thread has way more meaning than yours. =P

Man! We ARE copies, aren't we?

09-25-2014, 09:05 PM
Plot twist: Spattan is Legendary's twin that he never knew existed

Legendary Nova
09-25-2014, 09:13 PM
Plot twist: Spattan is Legendary's twin that he never knew existed

I love it how he said Spattan is MY twin and not the other way around!

09-25-2014, 10:04 PM
Am I the only person who thinks it would be absolutely hilarious is Myth came in and broke this thread?

Cousin = Legend of Zelda
Other Cousin = Donkey Kong 64
Friend = Goldeneye 007
Other Friend = Kingdom Hearts

After KH, that's all she wrote for me. I was hooked.

Got an Xbox one(see what I did there?) for Gaylo. Got a 360 for Gaylo 3. Totes probs gonna get an Xbox One(this shit is coming full circle) for Gaylo 5.

09-25-2014, 11:24 PM
I believe it's pronounced "Graylo" Ha? Haaaaaaa..? I'll get off the stage...