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View Full Version : Destiny's New Patch (RIP Loot Cave)

09-26-2014, 01:32 AM
It is now even harder to lvl up weapons and get loot drops...


Eagle out.

09-26-2014, 03:47 AM
and, with not being able to get shards from queens wrath mission items, i'm about done with destiny. hardly anything that could last the promised ten years, unless they start releasing major free content patches and dlc on a weekly or twice weekly basis for the next 3-4 months.

i'll probably stay long enough to get the raid done, and then that's about it.

they should really focus less on loot exploits and more on adding in content. old russia should have been one of ten or more areas on earth. and the other planets should have been similar.

i'll stop before i start ranting too hard, as i'm already getting off topic.

Legendary Nova
09-26-2014, 04:57 AM
Darn loot cave never gave me anything good anyway...

09-26-2014, 08:09 AM
looks like i'm going to pass on destiny after all...

09-26-2014, 03:23 PM
I got to level 28 without using the loot cave hardly at all.

Used it for 20 minutes, realized it was boring and stupid, and then went back to playing the game as it was intended to be played.

they should really focus less on loot exploits and more on adding in content. old russia should have been one of ten or more areas on earth. and the other planets should have been similar.
major free content patches and dlc on a weekly or twice weekly basis for the next 3-4 months.

Yes it would be nice to have more areas, but saying the game needs 10x more content is way too much. Maybe 30% more or so would have been perfect, IMO.

I've put ~180 hours into the game already, and have already gotten more than my $60 worth of enjoyment.

If you look around the areas of Cosmodrome, Ocean of Storms, Ishtar Sink, and Meridian Bay, there are lots of areas that will be used in future content that they will be releasing. What has been released so far is only the beginning.

i'll probably stay long enough to get the raid done, and then that's about it.

The Raid is amazing. It is hard and will take hours to complete, but it is extremely rewarding. Can't wait for the next one to be released.

09-26-2014, 03:31 PM
For people who want to break the system, a new loot cave is available: http://kotaku.com/theres-already-a-new-loot-cave-in-destiny-1639545105

09-26-2014, 04:10 PM
Max! You dont give crack addicts more crack to shut them up! God damnit

09-26-2014, 06:00 PM
Why is everyone so butt hurt about the loot cave being gone? The reason gear is legendary is because it is actually suppose to be hard to get. Not where you sit in one spot and kill weak enemies for hours until you get legendary gear. I am glad they took it out. Even so if you want to complain that much, there are way easier way to get legendary gear. Do the queen's wrath stuff, beat the missions and what do you know, a free legendary armor every time. There is also Xur who comes every weekend guaranteed and he always sells legendary and exotic gear for strange coins and motes of light. And if all that gear isnt enough, you could easily just rank up one of the factions and buy your gear which isn't all that hard to do. The game is way more fun when you earn your gear instead of exploiting for it anyways

Jam Cliché
09-26-2014, 06:03 PM
There's another one now anyway. xD

09-26-2014, 06:40 PM
Why is everyone so butt hurt about the loot cave being gone? The reason gear is legendary is because it is actually suppose to be hard to get. Not where you sit in one spot and kill weak enemies for hours until you get legendary gear. I am glad they took it out. Even so if you want to complain that much, there are way easier way to get legendary gear. Do the queen's wrath stuff, beat the missions and what do you know, a free legendary armor every time. There is also Xur who comes every weekend guaranteed and he always sells legendary and exotic gear for strange coins and motes of light. And if all that gear isnt enough, you could easily just rank up one of the factions and buy your gear which isn't all that hard to do. The game is way more fun when you earn your gear instead of exploiting for it anyways

Amen Chill, Amen. One of my biggest worries for Destiny is the community. They targeted both MMO and fast paced shooters crowds and as we can see the fast paced shooter crowd have been impatient and the largest source of the whining. I for one liked the fact that we are not showered with loot in this game. After playing MMOs for about 9 years you learn to do more with less. Many times when I have played I have beaten out these guys who are way better geared then I am in both PvE and PvP.

09-26-2014, 08:56 PM
Wait did Chill actually say something smart?

09-26-2014, 09:59 PM
I actually say smart things a lot, just nobody believes me.

And for all the people who complain still than they can read this

Basically with this huge change happening you are more likely than ever to get better gear so nobody should complain that they are losing their loot caves

09-26-2014, 10:41 PM
I wish I had more time to play Destiny, but I've been too swamped with stuff. So for those bitching about their precious little "Loot Cave," I haven't even been able to get my character past level 10 and I still need to do the strike on Earth.