View Full Version : feeling pissed off? share your story

Officer Demon
10-23-2014, 08:58 PM
So I'm pretty fucking pissed about all of fc right now. It has been awhile since I have been active in the forums and last I knew I was still a second lieutenant in rank. I login today and I'm back to being a fucking pfc. What happened? I lost my squad last war from a merger and now I'm a pfc back to being a bottom of the barrel fish. What the fuck?

10-24-2014, 12:33 PM

If you have any issues, please contact me directly and remain professional. We have been trying for the last 2 months to revitalize Kelevra and Marauder to no avail. It is up to us as leaders to provide members of our community an active experience, and it is hard for us to do that when officers go inactive for long periods of time. As such we find them new placements where they can enjoy all that FC has to offer.

Being an officer is a job and a duty. It requires activity.

As always, any issues contact myself or the leader of your choice.
