View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

11-26-2014, 07:44 PM
I'm so hapy to say, at about this time tomorrow, I will be gettinga an Xbox One, with of course the MCC. Now i'm aware of the issues wih the game, but have faith that 343i will make it right.

I'm even happier that with getting an X1, I will be able to once again participate in this awesome community once more. Old and new members alike, I've missed you and am so happy to be back!

feel free to add me, as I can't wait to play!!!

GT: JamieDJ8887

On a side note:

I am planning on getting GTA5 also, but was wondering what other games are worth the money? I'm open to all suggestions, as I like almost all types of games.

11-26-2014, 09:32 PM
Good to see you back Jamie!

On a side note: Far Cry 4 has had some good reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed Thief. Destiny's good depending on who you ask. AC: Black Flag, and Unity are worth picking up.

11-26-2014, 11:32 PM
I'm not saying it's a coincidence but on the day you post you're getting an Xbox One an update is released hours later that reportedly fixes most of the MCC's problems (https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/11-26-14-halo-the-master-chief-collection-content-update-notes). IT'S HAPPENING!!!

If there's one game that blew me away with how surprisingly good it was, it's Shadow of Mordor. On this Black Friday Thanksgiving weekend you can get it for like $25 at GameStop or Best Buy. Totally worth that money.

I enjoyed ACIV: Black Flag. Haven't touched Unity yet - waiting for their newest patch to hit which is supposed to fix most of the problems.

Destiny is great, too. A little disappointing, but nevertheless it's good.

11-27-2014, 07:29 PM
AHHHHHH JAMIE!!!! My brother from another mother man!!!! We gotta catch up!!! And Beat your wife in golf again!! :D

11-27-2014, 08:34 PM
AHHHHHH JAMIE!!!! My brother from another mother man!!!! We gotta catch up!!! And Beat your wife in golf again!! :D

add me! :D

Lol its James
11-27-2014, 08:50 PM
Jamie my home bro, my XO twin! I'm glad your back brah