View Full Version : The DEATH of Halo: MCC

DarkS1de Reborn
12-03-2014, 09:42 PM
Great news everyone!! MCC is broken even more than it was at the start thanks to the new update that just came out!!! Making the game completely unplayable from what I have seen. Including the all famous black screen... AT THE MAIN FREAKING MULTIPLAYER MENU!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and let's add on top of this shall we??

Microsoft is offering everyone who buys the game through the month of December 15,000 microsoft reward points or $15 for buying the game. What do we get for buying the game in november and fighting with this broken piece of crap from the start?? NOTHING!!!! Nothing but excuse after excuse and an apology from 343 and microsoft and how they are doing the best the can to fix the game they just continue to keep breaking. How wonderful right??

For me this was the final blow on the nail to their coffin... Bungie is probably laughing their asses off at microsoft and 343 and I am right there with them.. This has been nothing but a joke from the start..

Should we keep faith in 343 and hope they pull through and don't ruin whatever is left for halo??? Tough choices man, tough freakin choices...

12-03-2014, 10:09 PM
Microsoft and 343 have said they plan to make things right with the early adopters of the game. Just give it time. I'm sure it will be fixed in time for the Halo 5 beta

12-03-2014, 10:14 PM
And btw that 15,000 Xbox Rewards Points thing is for every game - not just a specific MCC thing. It's not meant to spite you.

12-03-2014, 10:19 PM
While the game still being broken is unacceptable, don't cry Armageddon just yet...

Legendary Nova
12-03-2014, 11:01 PM
* STILL can't even get the day one patch which means I can't even play H2A, H3, or H4 multiplayer, OR anything to do with online *

* Still doesn't care *

* Laughs at the people complaining about MCC *

12-04-2014, 08:50 AM
* Still doesn't care *

* Laughs at the people complaining about MCC *


I don't understand. Is everyone bitching about the multiplayer? Does anyone realize how whiny they sound? You got all 4 Halo games on a single next gen console. Why don't you cry a little harder? Be thankful for what you guys got. Jesus.

Here's a picture of a crying baby to put into perspective what the whiners sound like:

http://c11045744.r44.cf2.rackcdn .com/andrus-whiny-baby.jpg

12-04-2014, 10:47 AM

I don't understand. Is everyone bitching about the multiplayer? Does anyone realize how whiny they sound? You got all 4 Halo games on a single next gen console. Why don't you cry a little harder? Be thankful for what you guys got. Jesus.

To be fair, when a game is expected and advertised to work fully, and it doesn't so much so that half of the game isn't playable, people get upset. People are sick and tired of their brand new games not working (Unity, BF4, and now the MCC come to mind).

12-04-2014, 11:22 AM
People are sick and tired of their brand new games not working (Unity, BF4, and now the MCC come to mind).

That's why you don't pre-order or buy them the day they come out. This is the gaming world we live in where developers can release a half finished game and fix it with updates after the fact. That's the next-gen. They know that you'll buy the game one way or the other. This has happened enough lately that people should understand what they're getting into. Unity is glitchy, I accept that. Halo is glitchy, I accept that. Inquisition is sort of glitchy, I accept that. All people are doing by bitching and moaning so hard is putting unnecessary stress and pressure on the people trying to fix it.

12-04-2014, 11:23 AM
Yes, it does put pressure on the devs, but this isn't a developer issue: It's publishers saying "You must get X Game out on this date or else you lose money and funding", so devs ship unfinished games. If people don't make noise about it, publishers aren't going to get the hint that this practice has to stop.

12-04-2014, 12:09 PM
If people don't make noise about it, publishers aren't going to get the hint that this practice has to stop.

Publishers don't care if the developers release an unfinished game. As long as they get the money from when everyone buys it on the first day, they're golden. They bank on pre-orders and gamer's being uninformed at launch. If everyone stopped pre-ordering and started waiting for reviews (or any information AFTER launch really[Fun Fact: this is the reason trailers have gotten more flashy and demo's are non-existent]), they would be more informed and could decide to wait until the game was fixed. That's money not in the publisher's pocket. But so many people pre-order and buy on the first day that their bottom line is fine and will continue to be until gamer's wise up to the antics that keep publishers around.

Drth spartan
12-04-2014, 12:14 PM
It is odd that there is so many people with issues because I have never had issues after the first update so probably the issue only apply's to some people, I have talked to a ton of people over matchmaking and they don't have issues any more ether.

12-04-2014, 04:40 PM
Publishers don't care if the developers release an unfinished game. As long as they get the money from when everyone buys it on the first day, they're golden. They bank on pre-orders and gamer's being uninformed at launch. If everyone stopped pre-ordering and started waiting for reviews (or any information AFTER launch really[Fun Fact: this is the reason trailers have gotten more flashy and demo's are non-existent]), they would be more informed and could decide to wait until the game was fixed. That's money not in the publisher's pocket. But so many people pre-order and buy on the first day that their bottom line is fine and will continue to be until gamer's wise up to the antics that keep publishers around.

We all have the right to critique a game. We were informed of working multiplayer with all 4 halo games and campaigns with a remastered Halo 2. We got half. You can't blame people for being upset with a game that doesn't deliver. Pre-ordering dates back long before this latest trend has been happening so there is no reason why everyone should stop pre-ordering since we have done it since the days of Halo 3. Sure some games had a bit of a hiccup coming out, but they were in full working condition and the small issues could be ironed out with a quick 6mb update. Now all the sudden we should stop pre-ordering because of a few lazy developers? The uproar being caused now, while some being unnecessary ramblings, is sending a message that this practice is stupid and they need to finish their games before releasing them. I can get in line to get the new iPhone and have the full product on day one. Why should games be any different? Rather than blaming us that enjoy pre-ordering a game we are hyped for, blame the developers for not releasing the game in a working state. Nothing wrong with Pre-ordering, everything wrong with unfinished products

12-04-2014, 05:05 PM
Preordering is a problem, but explaining it is difficult and I'm on a phone now instead of my laptop.

DarkS1de Reborn
12-04-2014, 05:47 PM
The problem has NOTHING to do with pre-ordering.. I have never once had such an issue with a game I ever pre-ordered.. They have all worked as promised. The problem is microsoft and 343 promised a game that they have had plenty of time to work with to be in full working order and since day one it has been nothing but problem after problem.

Every single update has been a joke. Doing the exact opposite of what they say it was supposed to do. I as a consumer and future customer have the right to bitch about the game I payed for and expected to be in working order... To blame it all on pre-ordering is just ridiculous and ignorant.. It is just the producer being incompetent and lazy as all hell and in the end it will hurt them more than anything.

And Maxdoggy it's only Halo MCC on the online store and any other halo related material... They have said that specifically for the month of December.. So unless they changed it to all games, everything I have read says if you spend $59.99 for the digital copy of Halo : MCC

Carpe Vexillum
12-04-2014, 09:44 PM
Your lack of faith is disturbing. When it works again, and it will work again, we will see you there. The industry always rebounds.

12-04-2014, 11:25 PM
Just imagine if they didnt make halo the mcc in the first place..

Drth spartan
12-05-2014, 01:31 AM
A game that Has four Games in it half of which Are over ten years old With original engines for all of them will have bugs how could it not but really is it so bad that you would rather not have it, for me at least I am glad I can play all halo games on one console With online for all of them, and if online is not working you still have four amazing games on one console, I think we take for granted online but remember Halo CE had no online Halo 2 had no online CO OP so why are we complaining about features that were never in the games in the first place when we should be glad we can relive Are favorite Games in HD with friends instead of being alone playing Halo CE campaign over and over, bugs will be fixed multiplayer will work just give it time and enjoy reliving old memories

12-05-2014, 01:58 AM
To be fair. This was expected. Not the death of MCC, it'll be fixed. I mean the game being buggy/not complete. I could go into great detail and explain every point to why it SHOULD have been expected. And none of the reasons have anything to do with 343 being lazy.

As for pre-ordering. That is just a fancy gaming word for "investing". When you pre-order a game, you're taking a chance and a risk. If any of you have Steam, you'll know that they offer "early access" which is based around the concept. That concept being "You're investing in a product/game that isn't complete YET". If you need to see it in another example, take the early adopters of consoles.

Bottom line is - Pre order or not, you should never expect a developer's first game with new hardware to be fully working bug-free. Dice, 343, Ubi, etc are not lazy developers. They're still figuring out the hardware.

12-05-2014, 02:04 AM
Jesus guy. Reborn is angry face :evil: ! I've been all kinds of misunderstood. I'm not blaming pre-ordering directly. I'm saying it's a factor. Along with the publishers and the developers. But I'm saying pre-ordering is what lets them get away with this sort of thing. So cool your jets Goose. Also, I agree with Darth, again. Gotta tell ya, I like the cut of this guy's jib.

- - - Updated - - -

And Platinum. He's a chill logic bro too.

Drth spartan
12-05-2014, 10:05 AM
I don't think this will be the end of halo because HALO:cyclopsbanana:

12-05-2014, 01:09 PM
Remember when you played Halo CE and Halo 2 on the 360? No achievements, glitches, and game crashes (at least for me using hard copies). I'm just waiting to see how everyone reacts to the new RRoD... :P It could always be worse. I bought my 360 pro 20Gb console the week it released... Never again. RRoD, even though I had the super loud extra fans that clipped on the back. Here's hoping Halo 5 Guardians has a limited edition X1... Had the REACH Limited Edition 360, best 360 I ever had.

Eagle out.

12-05-2014, 06:49 PM
Halo 2 on 360 had a glitch for me. Every once in a whike the landscape would be stamped on the screen like a water mark. Glad that's gone.

Jam Cliché
12-05-2014, 06:58 PM
Halo 2 on 360 had a glitch for me. Every once in a whike the landscape would be stamped on the screen like a water mark. Glad that's gone.

That's called a burn-in or ghosting. It's a result of the screen you had at the time, not the game itself.

12-05-2014, 09:05 PM
December 25th will be the actual release date of Halo: The MCC


12-08-2014, 09:38 PM
It seems as if there is a divide in the fan base, and for good reason. On one hand I certainly can empathize with the frustration of the fan base. By spending 60 dollars (at least), you hold the expectation that the product should be fully functionall. This is especially true if you consider that there are games cheaper, without the massive budget who manage to pull off a launch more effectively. Yet, I don't agree with the 343 bashing, we have to understand that this is ultimately a business, and shareholders are always breathing down the neck of the publishers. You know what they say, "Sh** rolls downhill", it was only natural that the developers faced the monumental pressure of a hasty release.

In addition, I'd highlight the difference between dysfunctional and not functioning, MCC being the former. While it sucks the multi-player isn't up to snuff at the moment, the campaign is absolutely phenomenal. We still were given a great product because of it. The future of MCC is looking optimistic, to say the least. We are given regular updates, heck, they are even pushing back the release of Spartan Strike, with the attempt of not abandoning their current fans and project. I wouldn't give up on this one quite yet, especially if you are a fan of the series.

12-09-2014, 09:40 AM
It seems as if there is a divide in the fan base, and for good reason. On one hand I certainly can empathize with the frustration of the fan base. By spending 60 dollars (at least), you hold the expectation that the product should be fully functionall. This is especially true if you consider that there are games cheaper, without the massive budget who manage to pull off a launch more effectively. Yet, I don't agree with the 343 bashing, we have to understand that this is ultimately a business, and shareholders are always breathing down the neck of the publishers. You know what they say, "Sh** rolls downhill", it was only natural that the developers faced the monumental pressure of a hasty release.

In addition, I'd highlight the difference between dysfunctional and not functioning, MCC being the former. While it sucks the multi-player isn't up to snuff at the moment, the campaign is absolutely phenomenal. We still were given a great product because of it. The future of MCC is looking optimistic, to say the least. We are given regular updates, heck, they are even pushing back the release of Spartan Strike, with the attempt of not abandoning their current fans and project. I wouldn't give up on this one quite yet, especially if you are a fan of the series.

Game is fine, everyone needs to relax

12-09-2014, 12:48 PM
When Dr Evil gets angry, Mr Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr Bigglesworth gets upset...... People..DIE!

DarkS1de Reborn
12-09-2014, 04:48 PM
Sure seems fixed to me.... Finding more games just to not load the map and get thrown into other peoples parties.. Shooting people 15 times and not getting the kill then dying to a sole grenade.. Sniping people in the skull and it doing no damage what so ever. Connecting to games the flying around the map literally because of how bag the lag is from it speeding through the processes now.. Yep getting so much better.. But hey we can stay in the same party sometimes now..

Jam Cliché
12-09-2014, 05:48 PM
There's little point in getting angry now. The game release bombed, and we hated that. Updates didn't fix it right away, and we hated that. But now it's been weeks, and we've watched rolling updates steadily improve experiences. Is it perfect? No, and that's unfortunate. But looking at the game after each little update and getting angry that it's not the magic fixer update is absurd. Acknowledge that whatever fucked up in the beginning is clearly a major issue and that each update is only going to do so much. It's a poor reality, but we live in it.

If you let this negativity continue to gain momentum, you'll NEVER enjoy the game, and it's still a year before Halo 5 comes out.

12-09-2014, 07:27 PM
What is dead may never die.

DarkS1de Reborn
12-09-2014, 08:12 PM
I could honestly not care less about halo 5... Halo 4 other than the story sucked.. Only bought this for halo 2, could care less about the rest of the game.. Continuous disappointment time and time again leads to nothing. Can't find the positive in a pile of shit unless there is a diamond deep in it..

12-10-2014, 08:18 AM
Shooting people 15 times and not getting the kill then dying to a sole grenade..

That happened long before MCC. Hit registration is balls in Halo CE as it always was. Halo 3 had pretty bad hit registration also. The game crashes a few times yes, but sitting here acting like it's the damn anti-christ is just going to snowball until you become quite literally impossible to please. The game is working and people are getting into matches in 20 secs to a minute disregarding crashes which is only about 2-3 times per matchmaking sesh. New hardware, new developer, take that into account

12-10-2014, 08:39 AM
So after a hiatus since school started back up, I decided to play MCC to see what everyone was moaning about and I had no problems. I wanted to get into a game to kill 15 minutes before a class and I got into 2. Try playing without other people. The only problems I had started once someone wanted to play with me and joined my party unannounced.

Drth spartan
12-10-2014, 11:55 AM
So after a hiatus since school started back up, I decided to play MCC to see what everyone was moaning about and I had no problems. I wanted to get into a game to kill 15 minutes before a class and I got into 2. Try playing without other people. The only problems I had started once someone wanted to play with me and joined my party unannounced.

They fixed the party issues last I heard