View Full Version : Multi-Game Halo Draft Teams

12-27-2014, 10:26 PM
Teams are as follows as drafted by captains. Tournament is tomorrow (Sunday) at 6PM EST, if you cannot attend tell someone ASAP or else your team is going to be given the shit end of an otherwise blunt stick.

Anarchy's Officials:

Firedude's Flames:
Big Shot
Purple Gamer
Htown Balla

Nervy's Narcotic Nuts:
Barry Soap

Carpe's Fish:
Dark Remalf
Ronin Yukimura
Punctual Puppet

Crazy Killers:

Houdini's Magicians:
Dalton HD


Maps and gametypes per round TBD. Each round is best 3 of 5.

Maps & Gametypes
Will use default maps and on-disc gametypes for ease. Changes to gametypes in parentheses. If no parentheses, don't make changes. gametypes listed are on disc exactly as written out.
Round 1 - Games A and B
Halo 2 Midship - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo CE Derelict - Classic King Pro (Teamplay ON)
Halo 3 Narrows - Multi Flag (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 2A Zenith - Team Slayer BR
Halo 4 Skyline - Oddball

Losers Round 1 - Games H and I
Halo 2A Shrine - Team Slayer BR
Halo 2 Foundation - Oddball (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo CE Prisoner - Classic Slayer Pro (Teamplay ON, Score to Win 50)

Winners Round 2 - Games C and D
Halo CE Chill Out - Classic Slayer Pro (Teamplay ON, Score to Win 50)
Halo 2A Lockdown - Team Crazy King (Map loadouts DISABLED, Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 3 Construct - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)

Losers Round 2 - Game J
Halo 3 Guardian - Team Oddball (Score to Win 150, Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo CE Battle Creek - Classic Slayer Pro (Teamplay ON, Score to Win 50)
Halo 4 Abandon - Regicide (Team Play ENABLED, Score to Win 600)

Winners Round 3/Semi - Game E
Halo 2A Shrine - Multi Flag CTF (Map loadouts DISABLED, Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 4 Vertigo - King of the Hill
Halo 2 Turf - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)

Losers Round 3/Losers Finals - Game K
Halo 2A Shrine - Team Slayer BR
Halo 2 Gemini - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 3 Orbital - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)

Finals - Game F
Halo 2 Desolation - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo CE Hang 'Em High - Classic King Pro (Teamplay ON)
Halo 2A Lockdown - Team Ball (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 3 Isolation - Team Slayer (Starting Weapons BR & SMG)
Halo 4 Solace - Extraction

No continuation, Finals are Finals. I picked 7 maps from each game, and put them through a randomizer to determine which round each from each game was played. I then randomized the 5 chosen for each round for order played. I then picked gametypes for each round so that rounds had an even-ish spread between objective gametypes and slayer. I did my best to pick decent maps and gametypes for those maps.

Each round is best 3 of 5. If a team gets to 3 wins before finishing all 5 games, the round is over. If you have time you can finish the match's rounds if both teams wish (we're here for fun, right!?), but if the next match's team is waiting, we will continue.

If you're an officer for your army, a leader of anything in FC, or a captain of a team, take it upon yourself to make sure gametypes are done as laid out. If you have any questions, contact me.

If you have a no-show on your team, you can find a replacement of equitable skill. It is unfair if you get a better replacement than the teammate you had, but we'll try to be lenient to get games going. Contact me if your team is replacing someone or needs a replacement for confirmation with the other captains.

Double elimination, everyone is guaranteed 6 games minimum, and we are here for fun. If you have any ideas to improve upon this type of event, want to see another draft, never want to see another draft in your life, or have event ideas, contact me. I'm always looking for appealing events you guys want to attend.

12-27-2014, 11:57 PM
Those names are so corny you will be shitting kernals for a week

12-28-2014, 01:19 AM
sweet, first round bye. Wish we had more peeps sign up. See you gents on the battlefield.

12-28-2014, 01:53 AM
Name: NervyDestroyer
Willing to be a captain: NO
Which of the two dates CAN you attend a day's tournament for (Saturday 12/27 & Sunday 12/28): Both (why after Christmas though...)
Any special times you'd like for each date, based on your availability?: 2:00 AM
4v4 for full teams, or 3v3 for better connections and more teams: 4v4
Suggestions: With games like Sunset Overdrive, Middle Earth, Dragon Age, Far Cry, etc. wouldn't it be better to have it a bit after or before Christmas so people who want to participate can also enjoy the swath of new games?

Thanks for overlooking me. People on the list who posted a day after I posted this too.


12-28-2014, 02:30 AM
People who signed up but aren't on a team:
-Solus Exsequor (sexycore)

Could make a seventh team and then do an 8-team bracket giving a single bye instead of two.

Barry Soap
12-28-2014, 09:18 AM
People who signed up but aren't on a team:
-Solus Exsequor (sexycore)

Could make a seventh team and then do an 8-team bracket giving a single bye instead of two.


how are we not the Parrot Posse...

12-28-2014, 10:05 AM
People who signed up but aren't on a team:
-Solus Exsequor (sexycore)

Could make a seventh team and then do an 8-team bracket giving a single bye instead of two.

Raptor and Wolfpack will not be there.

I messaged guzzie and elite.

I have no idea how nervy was overlooked. I'll message you nervy, and you can take my spot. Seriously no idea how that happened.

purple gamer 17
12-28-2014, 10:39 AM

12-28-2014, 12:26 PM
Hey if you need one for an extra team or someone drops out let me know and I'd be more than willing to fill in. :)

12-28-2014, 12:53 PM
Hey if you need one for an extra team or someone drops out let me know and I'd be more than willing to fill in. :)

I'm sure a ton of people won't show, will keep you in mind.

12-28-2014, 01:41 PM

Nervy replacing an absent James
Wolfpack replacing an absent juicyparrot
SpartanBH gone, hopefully can find an equitable replacement.

12-28-2014, 06:58 PM
I'm really dumb and forgot my xbox at my other house.. So I can't play tonight.