View Full Version : Host Advantage balance suggestion

01-25-2015, 11:07 AM
Host advantage is huge when it comes to making matches fair and I found a solution on how we could balance it.

As we all know the Party leader of the lobby gets host advantage and can be changed by somebody else starting a lobby. The game doesn't assign a host anymore like in the previous Halo games.

So my solution is that REDD hosts one half of the games and BLUE hosts one half of the games in each of the games we will be playing. And you can choose who you want to give host to so you can give it to the best person on the team so they can dominate or you can give it to the worst player and help them out more.

I know what some of you may be thinking. You might already say that this is already in place by REDD hosting the 5v5s and BLUE hosting the 6v6s but this will not work. You know why? If one faction hosts the games of Halo 2 and one faction hosts Halo 2 Anniversary it will still be unfair. Halo 2 Classic is the most host reliant game in MCC, so if you get one Faction to host the entirety of the Halo 2 Classic games, there is no doubt they will win.

You might also be thinking, Host doesn't make much of a difference. But it does. ESPECIALLY IN HALO 2 CLASSIC! Don't believe me? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hujtj78MHZ4

This will make the games more fair and balanced.

01-25-2015, 11:51 AM
I always felt like a god in h2 with host BR.

I say just keep it as it is. Defending army gets host. It's part of the home field advantage.

01-25-2015, 12:16 PM
I really don't think host advantage is something we should be worrying about right now. We are having enough issues just getting battle nights to happen.

The impact of a host advantage is negligible compared to poorly balanced match ups.

01-25-2015, 12:22 PM
I really don't think host advantage is something we should be worrying about right now. We are having enough issues just getting battle nights to happen.


I always felt like a god in h2 with host BR.

I say just keep it as it is. Defending army gets host. It's part of the home field advantage.
Also, agreed.

Host advantage is a weird thing to try to control - and we kinda can. However, as long as the defending team is the group making the lobby, everything should be "okay" for the majority of the problems that may result.

01-25-2015, 12:56 PM
Defending team "hosts" game. Has been this way for ages.

But even then, party leader =/= host, there's no efficient way of seeing who is host and trying to change it.

01-25-2015, 01:49 PM
Defending team "hosts" game. Has been this way for ages.

But even then, party leader =/= host, there's no efficient way of seeing who is host and trying to change it.

But in MCC the player who starts the lobby is host. It has been tested and is how PGL matches are played.

01-25-2015, 01:54 PM
But in MCC the player who starts the lobby is host. It has been tested and is how PGL matches are played.

Even if that's so, there's a plethora of things that can happen we'd need rules covering.

But, as I said, defending team is ruled to be host right now. That's about as good as it'll get.

Nicholas Sapien
01-25-2015, 06:51 PM
