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View Full Version : A Word About War Council Transparency

Jam Cliché
02-09-2015, 06:24 PM
Two weeks ago, a decision was made by the War Council in light of continuing issues with MCC to limit the Field Marshals' choices on map selection to H2A and H4 maps. That decision has been rescinded. I want to also come out and say that I was the first one to originally suggest the option. Here's what happened:

I and two other members from my Squad who are in the War Council gave anecdotal evidence on our experiences after the first battle night. The conclusion was that we felt that Halo 2 played poorly online. We also concluded the same thing about the titles except for H2A and Halo 4. So I suggested that we limit our map selection to those games until the next content update for the game. With two other WC members behind me, we pressured the rest of the War Council to do the same. Some found no fault with the logic, others dissented but reluctantly agreed.

A poll came up quickly about the decision. The argument was that the War Council did not consult with the community about the decision, and that for an indefinite period of time, the War Council would continue to act without consulting you all. And that argument was right. It is our job as community leaders to balance the needs and wants of the community, and we left you out of the equation. Whether we felt it was wise for the stability of our events or not, we should have included your opinions and experiences in our judgment. By pushing the other members of the War Council, I acted to limit that inclusion. I did so hastily and with little regard to the rest of you, and I am truly sorry.

To those that voted in the poll and disagreed with the War Council's decision, please forgive our lack of discretion to you. And to those that agreed, we appreciate the support, but it is not right to vilify those who opposed your viewpoints. Anarchy and JamieDJ were not trying to spread discord in the community by bringing this issue to light, and it is wrong to target them for doing so.

Going forward, the High Commands of both armies will factor the opinions of our members into our map choices, just as we will factor war tactics and the state of the game. If you want to play a specific map come Sunday, refer to the WARMAP (http://www.fcwars.net/node/warmap/l1/br02.png) and ask your High Command what options are available so that we can make those decisions. We are listening.

I'm leaving this thread unlocked for anyone to speak their mind. But if you fight among yourselves, know that this is your only warning. Infractions will be issued to all parties involved in any offensive behavior, no matter who thinks who is right.

02-09-2015, 06:36 PM
If every decision was left to a poll, nothing would get done. BN would have to be every 2 weeks to account for polls and stuff. That being said, it is everyone's right to voice their displeasure. From my understanding, when the poll was first introduced, it had an aura of bias toward keeping the maps. That is unacceptable as it is swaying public opinion to suit your interests rather than let everyone form their own damn opinions. After the poll was closed as per the request of Jamie, someone made a thread cause they didn't get to vote. That is also unacceptable as a simple PM to a leader would have sufficed. Making a public spectacle frankly makes us look like a bunch of disorganized asshats to all potential recruits. The poll in of itself, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The clear biased as was reported is. If you want to dispute an HC decision, do so with the respect and dignity those higher-ups deserve. The amount that these people sacrifice is unmatched so for you to knowingly treat them like shit cause you didn't get your way is frankly revolting. MCC is a colossal failure and tensions are high, but running around and acting all entitled is just plain wrong.

Jam Cliché
02-09-2015, 06:44 PM
If every decision was left to a poll, nothing would get done. BN would have to be every 2 weeks to account for polls and stuff. That being said, it is everyone's right to voice their displeasure. From my understanding, when the poll was first introduced, it had an aura of bias toward keeping the maps. That is unacceptable as it is swaying public opinion to suit your interests rather than let everyone form their own damn opinions. After the poll was closed as per the request of Jamie, someone made a thread cause they didn't get to vote. That is also unacceptable as a simple PM to a leader would have sufficed. Making a public spectacle frankly makes us look like a bunch of disorganized asshats to all potential recruits. The poll in of itself, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The clear biased as was reported is. If you want to dispute an HC decision, do so with the respect and dignity those higher-ups deserve. The amount that these people sacrifice is unmatched so for you to knowingly treat them like shit cause you didn't get your way is frankly revolting. MCC is a colossal failure and tensions are high, but running around and acting all entitled is just plain wrong.

I appreciate the response and I can see your point of view. I don't disagree either. It's always been the Field Marshal's choice to attack a particular map, whether they consult with everyone, no one or just a few. And if we try to get a vote for every little thing, we'd be a very slow community. That's why we vote for Field Marshals. By voting for your army's leader, you put your trust in them to act for your best interest. Such is the representative view of governing bodies. Indeed, we never meant to deceive anyone when we made that decision.

However, as far as I know, Carpe does involve the REDD army heavily in the map choices for the week, and it came as a surprise to them that he did not do so for the last battle night. This is because I pressured him during the War Council meeting to decide on the issue right away. This was a mistake.

02-09-2015, 06:45 PM
Yay for Justice.

Nicholas Sapien
02-09-2015, 06:51 PM
Community is voiced through their representatives in high command.

All Hail Myth

02-09-2015, 07:02 PM
I think FC should also take a stand on obesity and tree nut allergies.

If you are fat and can't eat a snickers bar, get out of here.

02-09-2015, 07:11 PM
Just a few things, since my name is being brought up into this quite often....

The poll that was created, was created in haste, and high tensions. I understand that and already discussed my views and thoughts with my respective HC. I created the poll with good intentions, but realize it kind of was biased, as we had just found out that WC had pressured our FM to only choose H4 and H2A maps until "further notice".
Again, although we support and respect our HC, we were a little taken aback that this kind of decision was made with no response from the entire community. Not just that a couple maps were chosen, as I understand that we would have played those maps anyway, but that a decision was made that affects the entire community for what could be an extended period of time.

So the poll was created, changed and formed to show that we should always have a say. This community needs some transparency or it could feel as though this community was not created for us. I do apologize for the poll as it is not suitable for new recruits to see, but to be fair, this community has not grown in a long time. Is that really from a poll, or from the lack of fun this community is now having with FC?

Please dont take that the wrong way, because I love FC. I fell in love with this community the day I joined. I know a lot of you put your hearts and souls into this place and we all respect that. Understandably, decisions will be made that not all of us can be happy with, but does that mean we should not feel included?
MCC will hopefully work soon, and with that we should look forward to how we can change and not about what's already happened.


02-09-2015, 07:30 PM
If every decision was left to a poll, nothing would get done. BN would have to be every 2 weeks to account for polls and stuff. That being said, it is everyone's right to voice their displeasure. From my understanding, when the poll was first introduced, it had an aura of bias toward keeping the maps. That is unacceptable as it is swaying public opinion to suit your interests rather than let everyone form their own damn opinions. After the poll was closed as per the request of Jamie, someone made a thread cause they didn't get to vote. That is also unacceptable as a simple PM to a leader would have sufficed. Making a public spectacle frankly makes us look like a bunch of disorganized asshats to all potential recruits. The poll in of itself, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The clear biased as was reported is. If you want to dispute an HC decision, do so with the respect and dignity those higher-ups deserve. The amount that these people sacrifice is unmatched so for you to knowingly treat them like shit cause you didn't get your way is frankly revolting. MCC is a colossal failure and tensions are high, but running around and acting all entitled is just plain wrong.

What separates this decision from others in WC is that this was a decision that was based entirely on how everyday members of FC play and enjoy our battle nights, but was made by those least likely to actually play on battle nights. Unlike decisions on, say, Rules of Engagement, website layout, accords, discipline, and organization, this was something that is basically deciding on what game you're going to play. Members come here to play some good ol' Halo, they know what they like to play and what they don't like to play, it never should have been the decision of a select few when 50+ are playing on battles.

Everyone has their own favorite Halo game. Telling people they're going to play Halo 4 and H2A for the next month is bound to make some people who LOVE Halo: CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 unhappy. Them not having a say in the matter will make them less happy.

The decision also seemed to be based on the anecdotal evidence of the experience a few people had, without weighing in on the experience of others. Ie: Jam had a bad experience on Halo 2 when we played it, he pushed for it and older games to be temporarily removed. Bellator on the other hand had awful experience with H2A that same week, yet only one squad had a WD and HC member giving a strong voice in WC. There were a lot of angles and a lot of opinions that were not taken into account, and with something as touchy as Halo games, telling people they'll be playing Halo 4 primarily come next battle night is like telling a Star Trek fan they're going to exclusively watch Voyager for the first few weeks of the start of their local Star Wars fan club because things.

This was simply the type of decision that warranted community opinion more than anything in the world, and the community's feelings were not taken into account correctly.

As for the poll being misleading, I disagree, but if you and others feel it was misleading, I apologize. The original plan was to do Halo 4 and H2A for about a few weeks or a month, or until we deemed it safe to go back to other games. So the "Until further notice" was, for all intensive purposes, accurate. That "estimated" timeline shrunk as more people became opposed until it dwindled to what it is now, a supposed FM decision to conveniently pick Halo 4 and H2A maps.

And for the record, I feel that members are much more entitled to good decision making than we WC members are to be given slack. At its core, we're leading in order to provide the members a solid community founding for the present and future, by providing the experience we all most want. As WC members, our vote in most of that should not hold any more weight than yours, or Axel's, or Toast's, or htown's, or anyone's. It is only in decisions that the community members shouldn't have to think about, or lack the power to understand, or otherwise have "hired" us to know and understand with our experience that we should have any more authority than Joe Shmoe from Squad#2. Every decision we make should be made with equal more emphasis on the membership's desires and opinions for the future rather than the WC leaders' around us. The members have the full power and should have it. WC just acts on their behalf.

I think FC should also take a stand on obesity and tree nut allergies.

If you are fat and can't eat a snickers bar, get out of here.

Off-topic comments are not appreciated. If you don't care about the thread, please don't post in the thread.

02-09-2015, 07:34 PM
Off-topic comments are not appreciated. If you don't care about the thread, please don't post in the thread.


02-09-2015, 11:01 PM
Like I said Anarchy, I'm all for expressing distaste at a decision. When it's done in a way that disrespects the people that sacrifice to keep this place functional, I have a huge issue with that.

Nicholas Sapien
02-10-2015, 01:08 AM


Praise Myth