View Full Version : GhostHammer's Video

03-19-2015, 09:14 PM
Is he gonna do it yet? I have been waiting for years.

03-19-2015, 09:24 PM

^ We're waiting... <.<

03-19-2015, 09:51 PM
I too ponder these life questions, Blackhawk (aka :bigpanda:).

You're not alone in this.

03-19-2015, 11:49 PM
lol, he tried to ban me for asking him this

03-19-2015, 11:55 PM
REDD Army put in a hell of a lot of effort to win 4 wars just to see Ghosthammer dance but he never delivered.

03-20-2015, 12:55 AM
Seriously. I haven't forgotten about this either.

03-20-2015, 04:32 AM
lol, he tried to ban me for asking him this

let me guess, harassement?

and nobody who was around at that time has forgotten. We will not forget!

Nicholas Sapien
03-20-2015, 05:47 AM
REDD Army put in a hell of a lot of effort to win 4 wars just to see Ghosthammer dance but he never delivered.

He should do the video then, he owes red army.

Keep asking him for it!

03-20-2015, 10:56 AM
Is he gonna do it yet?


03-20-2015, 12:53 PM
let me guess, harassment?

Wasn't even harassment. Hell people in the court room where like "Just do the video". Not my fault he decided to lie to half the community.

Lol its James
03-20-2015, 01:49 PM
He should do the video then, he owes red army.

Keep asking him for it!

03-20-2015, 02:03 PM
For posterity's sake and so everyone knows where this came from, GhostHammer made a deal with the REDD Army that he'd do this dance if we won Wars. Or something like that. We won the Wars, but we've been waiting for the video for a long time.
