View Full Version : Whats up guys, McKenna here

03-23-2015, 11:34 AM
So I probably have a few of these floating around here in this thread I've been around FC as a ghost for a while popping in from time to time when I think I am able to attend battle nights regularly. I'm a rather old member but still rather new all the same, most of my crew I had played with are forerunners, High Command and even got an old acquaintance whos a precursor if my memory serves me. The last war I had committed to was the final H3 war I was under Renegade of Funk when he was REDD Field Marshall and knew him well before that too.

Theres nothing more I can really say got any questions feel free to ask.

03-23-2015, 11:52 AM
Welcome back to the community, McKenna. Hope to see you on the battlefield!

04-07-2015, 10:59 AM
Hell yea! Some damn recognition! How's the corps treating you man?