View Full Version : Do the graphics people still take requests? ^-^

Barry Soap
04-06-2015, 01:21 PM
For banners and the like. :D

or is it gone? :(

04-07-2015, 12:04 AM
That all depends on what you want

04-07-2015, 01:39 AM
What if one wants a rather inappropriate (for those under 17 in the US) midget version of Jessica Rabbit wearing the female version of the psycho clothing from Borderlands? Or an anime version of the clown with the tear away face revealed as the Master Chief without his helmet?

04-07-2015, 01:47 AM
Or an anime version of the clown with the tear away face revealed as the Master Chief without his helmet?

He'd have to be here in a flash and gone without a trace.

04-07-2015, 01:55 AM
What if one wants a rather inappropriate (for those under 17 in the US) midget version of Jessica Rabbit wearing the female version of the psycho clothing from Borderlands? Or an anime version of the clown with the tear away face revealed as the Master Chief without his helmet?

There are places on the Internet where such things can be acquired.

This is not such a place.

04-07-2015, 02:13 AM
What if one wants a rather inappropriate (for those under 17 in the US) midget version of Jessica Rabbit wearing the female version of the psycho clothing from Borderlands? Or an anime version of the clown with the tear away face revealed as the Master Chief without his helmet?

I think Mythonian has some of those.

04-07-2015, 03:07 AM
I think Mythonian has some of those.

That was suppose to be a secret Mede. Now Myth is going to hack the shit out of you

04-07-2015, 01:17 PM
This thread got real interesting, real fast

04-07-2015, 01:44 PM
There are places on the Internet where such things can be acquired.

This is not such a place.
But it could be... [emoji8]

Barry Soap
04-08-2015, 11:27 AM
That all depends on what you want

What if one wants a rather inappropriate (for those under 17 in the US) midget version of Jessica Rabbit wearing the female version of the psycho clothing from Borderlands? Or an anime version of the clown with the tear away face revealed as the Master Chief without his helmet?

He'd have to be here in a flash and gone without a trace.

There are places on the Internet where such things can be acquired.

This is not such a place.

This thread got real interesting, real fast

Um... I just wanted a squad banner if anybody had a few minutes and/or was bored :c

If this is seen:

Render/Stock Image: 5066

Text: Equinox

Specific Size: Preferably/Roughly 350x100

Specific Colors: I was thinking a colour scheme involving black/white/grey/cyan would look nice ^-^

Other Comments: I appreciate it immensely :D ^-^

(Ok, stock image came out rather small, so if it's more convenient scaling an image down, here is the link to the image: http://www.rotheblog.com/images/design/wordpress/customtheme/header.jpg)

04-08-2015, 11:29 AM
Um... I just wanted a squad banner if anybody had a few minutes and/or was bored :c

Many people still do that, I believe. Mede and Kaz are some that you might want to hit up.

04-08-2015, 09:35 PM
Many people still do that, I believe. Mede and Kaz are some that you might want to hit up.

Wtf. Why do you categorize me with Kaz?

04-08-2015, 10:21 PM
Wtf. Why do you categorize me with Kaz?

Because you're a beautiful person inside and out. :mededust:

Also Kaz sometimes does things. That are similar in format. Using similar tools. On the same website.

Fun fact, that emoticon is actually named "mededust".