View Full Version : A massive recruitment campaign.

04-15-2015, 12:06 AM
There is no need to write a massive paragraph on this suggestion, it's exactly as the title of this post says.

Everyone knows about this problem, but I don't see a lot of conversations about it or even people trying to remedy it.

So I ask people in both armies to begin leading a massive campaign in recruiting.

It's rather easy.

When you're playing Matchmaking, just send a message out to the best player or players in the game. If everyone does this as they casually play, even if the numbers we get in return are low, at least they're coming in.

Also: http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?14808-Need-a-new-Promo-Vid/page3

Has anything come of this? If something has, so be it. If nothing has, can we get back on track with it?

I would also like to open the floor to others who wish to post good ways to recruit. So shoot!

04-15-2015, 12:33 AM
While I always am up for recruiting campaigns, I believe messaging the best players in a game is normally not the best course of action. FC should focus on recruiting the right people, rather than the most skilled. We want motivated individuals who want to make FC a part of their lives as we all have. One of our better sources of recruiting is normally through websites and forum boards; where we can message people looking for communities and whatnot. We need to reactivate our Web Recruitment Division that did so well at the release of MCC, it just died off because of how unsuccessful MCC's launch was. But if we get enough people reaching out to others who are actively searching, then it would be a boon for us. Remember, we want the RIGHT people, not the most skilled.

I have posted numerous topics on how to recruit in MM. They should be in each army's forums; it's a great technique of recruiting the people we want.

Legendary Nova
04-15-2015, 01:32 AM
Zeta had a good thread about this but it got hidden in the pre-MCC cleanup. Plus, like Spartan said, we do have a hidden web recruitment subforum that I'd especially like to revive now that the MCC is (mostly) fixed.

04-15-2015, 10:21 AM
. We need to reactivate our Web Recruitment Division that did so well at the release of MCC, it just died off because of how unsuccessful MCC's launch was.

I'd be perfectly fine with joining this and helping stabilize it.

Dark Remalf
04-15-2015, 11:48 AM
I would be down for this to be honest, we do have another FC recruitment Vid that was made recently by one of our members.


Nicholas Sapien
04-15-2015, 11:57 AM
recruiting is easy
I can do it, but I have an excuse not to

04-15-2015, 12:44 PM
If anyone has an interest in rejuvenating and/or joining the Web Recruitment Division, please contact your army leaders so they can give you the forum permissions to view the hidden subforum.

04-15-2015, 02:27 PM
While I always am up for recruiting campaigns, I believe messaging the best players in a game is normally not the best course of action.


There is a reason FC doesn't require tryouts. We are not MLG nor have we ever claimed to be. Recruit those who desire to be a part of the community. Remember that we all were complete shit at Halo at one time also.

Mos Deaf
04-15-2015, 08:49 PM
I may or may not be currently writing a script for such a video that would then be used in the manner of trying to impress/attract potential candidates to join our merry band of soldiers.

Said script also may or may not be extremely silly and again, may or may not have forced Legendary Nova to confess his true feelings for me. Allegedly.

Legendary Nova
04-15-2015, 08:53 PM
Said script also may or may not be extremely silly and again, may or may not have forced Legendary Nova to confess his true feelings for me. Allegedly.

I have no idea what this rookie is talking about.

You can prove nothing!

04-15-2015, 09:17 PM
Recruitment is only part of the "solution" to low member count. I would say that more important than recruiting, is retainment; especially given the current state of MCC and the entirety of halo community for that matter.

Mos Deaf
04-15-2015, 10:37 PM
Recruitment is only part of the "solution" to low member count. I would say that more important than recruiting, is retainment; especially given the current state of MCC and the entirety of halo community for that matter.

Baby, when they meet me, they'll either want to stay for a long time, or run away from me. One of those two.

Sangheili Ekim
04-16-2015, 11:56 PM
Would like to head back on the recruitment trail soon ;)

04-17-2015, 12:21 AM
Recruitment is only part of the "solution" to low member count. I would say that more important than recruiting, is retainment; especially given the current state of MCC and the entirety of halo community for that matter.

I agree. Which brings me to another suggestion I've wanted to bring up, but don't really know how.

Forum activity. The forums seem deader than dead. Which is never good. Especially, when people join and look through our site. I don't know how to improve forum activity, other than just having people use the site more.

04-17-2015, 11:09 AM
A lot more people will be playing halo once ranks are out (within a few days!). So now is the best time to start this imo.

Legendary Nova
04-17-2015, 07:54 PM
I agree. Which brings me to another suggestion I've wanted to bring up, but don't really know how.

Forum activity. The forums seem deader than dead. Which is never good. Especially, when people join and look through our site. I don't know how to improve forum activity, other than just having people use the site more.

The forum isn't really that dead right now. We have quite a few active threads, but I do agree that they could get better. If you think about it, though, more people would mean more forum activity.

A lot more people will be playing halo once ranks are out (within a few days!). So now is the best time to start this imo.
