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04-22-2015, 04:21 AM
Update 9.4

Mid-War Update


We're 3 months into the war. We've been seeing MCC steadily improve, and a new update (https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/4-21-15-halo-the-master-chief-collection-update-notes) just launched!

First of all, thanks for sticking with us so far. The war is nearing the final stretch, and it's about time for another update. So here it is.

The War So Far

This war began on January 25th, nearly 3 months ago. We've completed 11 battle nights so far, for a total of 178 games played. Here are a few more stats:

REDD has won 83 games.
BLUE has won 84 games.
11 games have been ties.
Conflict: 40 games
Asset: 32 games
Occupation: 31 games
Liberation: 30 games
Hill 30: 21 games
Sabotage: 16 games
Extraction: 8 games

(Click for big) (http://www.fcwars.net/node/warmap/l1/ap12.png)

Click here for this week's Attack Plans (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?15139-FC-L1-12-Attack-Plans-%2804-26-15%29).

Getting Feedback

For those that have been with us for awhile, we periodically try to put together surveys and questionnaires to help us get feedback from members about how we've been doing and what we can improve on. Well, we decided now was a good time to do just that.

Filling it out is totally optional, but it will help us figure out the best course of action for the future!

Click here to view it in a separate tab (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17dW6AuYpw94oqW2qgG4RL7Mh k6Gt9DV36B7VuueZkOc/viewform?usp=send_form).

The questionnaire is quite long, so make sure you can spare a few minutes before starting it. I tried to make it thorough, but it may be a bit too thorough. If you do complete the form, make a reply in this thread and you'll get a whopping 5,000 vCash as thanks. Maybe when Metkil fully implements the vBShop it'll be worth something. ;)

Weekly Events: Saturday at 8:00 PM EDT

Got some spare time? Starting this Saturday we are going to be holding weekly gamenights on Halo: MCC. We'll be focusing on fun custom maps and minigames. Got a few neat maps you downloaded? Bring them and we'll play them and have some fun for a few hours. 8:00 PM EDT. Be there.

FC is a community, not just your army, or your squad. Take a step out and have some fun with those from across the fence. They really aren't as evil as you think.


Attendence is mandatory highly encouraged.

8:00 PM EDT. Saturday.


Moving on...

You Get an Infraction, and You Get an Infraction!

FC is a community, not just your army, or your squad. Some people decide to cause trouble and be outright disrespectful, and those people usually don't last very long. However, sly comments and passive-aggressive behavior are much more common, and frequently slip past without getting rebuked.

We go through cycles of becoming very strict about enforcing rules, and then becoming more relaxed and letting stuff slide. Eventually we realize we're too lax, so we get serious and start being more strict again, and we're at that point again.

The first infraction someone receives is considered a warning, as it doesn't cause any suspensions or bans. Repeat infractions, though, lead to getting suspended from battle nights and temporarily banned from the forums. Get too many infractions and you'll end up being permabanned. However, after 3 months of good behavior your old infractions will start to expire, so you're not on thin-ice forever. Click here (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?14144-FC-Accords-Article-I-Principles-Conduct-and-Punishments#Punishments) for more details about infractions and punishments.

We're going to be cracking down on passive-aggressiveness and sly comments, both on the forums and during battles. Got your clan tag set to something you shouldn't? You better change it before we see it. Think before you say something on Skype or post on the forums. Just because it didn't get you an infraction a few months ago doesn't mean it won't now.

If you're uncertain about whether you should post something, ask your High Command or even your squad leader. They'll be able to advise you and help make sure you don't step over the line. Also, just to play it safe you should stand back from the line, as even stuff that's borderlined will likely be met with infractions now. You've been warned.

We even setup a quota: minimum 1 infraction given per day. Don't let it be given to you.

{We didn't actually set a quota}

The Remainder of the War

As I said at the start of the update, the war is nearing the final stretch. What do I mean by that? Well, wars usually progress in stages...

Establishing position. Early in the war, the main focus is trying to secure a foothold in enemy territory and hold the foothold as the next stage happens.
Meeting Capital Battle requirements. In order to attack a Capital, each army has to first secure enough gametypes wins, as follows:


Reach the Capital. From the foothold you established earlier in the war, push forward and reach the enemy Capital.
Attack the Capital. Declare victory over your foes by capturing their Capital Planet.

At the moment, we're between stages 1 and 2. While neither side has established a secure foothold, both armies are at the verge of meeting their requirements. REDD needs 4 Conflict wins and 1 Hill 30 win, while BLUE needs 8 Hill 30 wins, 1 Liberation win, and 1 Sabotage/Extraction win.

Once the armies satisfy the last few gametype wins, it'll be an all-out race to get to the enemy capital and secure the war. Good luck to everyone, and I hope you're looking forward to an epic Capital Battle!

Quick Outlook to the Future

The following is just to give you guys an idea of what's to come between now and Halo 5's release at the end of October. Keep in mind this is just my guesses and nothing is set in stone (except the Anniversary stuff).

This war will last about another month, ending in mid to late May.
FC's 9th Anniversary celebration will happen on June 14th.
We'll be starting a new war in July. Your feedback in the Questionnaire will have a major impact on how the war will end up, btw!
The next war will end in September or early October.
Halo 5 releases October 27th. The hype is real.

Those are my predictions for the next 6 months. We'll check back later and see if I was right or wrong, but right now I'm feeling pretty confident.

~Mythonian :cyborg:

Solus Exsequor
04-22-2015, 07:04 AM
I've filled it out

I'm going to miss the 9th, shame :( hopefully events run on because I'm away 11th-15th

04-22-2015, 07:08 AM
first of all, 1 game lead! suck it red! (and green)

i'm joking of course, but i am kind of surprised at how equal it's been throughout the war. neither side pulling way ahead, awesome.

I have a few concerns, you say the war will end in a month? it'll take minimum a week to meet the gametype requirements alone, probably one or two, and it'll be a minimum 3 weeks to reach a capital if one side wins every attacking map, which is doubtful, especially on such an even war. And for the next war, a planned ending already? I don't like this. It should proceed naturally and end when one side, you know, wins. Besides, why end the war when halo 5 comes out? It might have issues on launch. there should be no need to wait in peacetime for them to fix their shit.

Legendary Nova
04-22-2015, 07:11 AM
Weekly Events: Saturday at 8:00 PM EDT

Got some spare time? Starting this Saturday we are going to be holding weekly gamenights on Halo: MCC. We'll be focusing on fun custom maps and minigames. Got a few neat maps you downloaded? Bring them and we'll play them and have some fun for a few hours. 8:00 PM EDT. Be there.

FC is a community, not just your army, or your squad. Take a step out and have some fun with those from across the fence. They really aren't as evil as you think.


Attendence is mandatory highly encouraged.

8:00 PM EDT. Saturday.

Not trying to sound like an ass here, but Renegde already has a customs night at that time. I don't know about the others, but I definitely don't want that broken unless this is going to be just as awesome. (I also may or may not have 30+ custom game types for H2A and H4 that we can use once I get back from my holiday.) Would this custom night thing be worthy of its own sub-forum, maybe in the Forge Department category?

I also did that form. IMO, it needed more questions! ;)

Other than that, all around good progress from my perspective. Still a few things here and there that can be improved, but it's definitely getting along nicely.

04-22-2015, 08:01 AM
Not trying to sound like an ass here, but Renegde already has a customs night at that time. I don't know about the others, but I definitely don't want that broken unless this is going to be just as awesome. (I also may or may not have 30+ custom game types for H2A and H4 that we can use once I get back from my holiday.) Would this custom night thing be worthy of its own sub-forum, maybe in the Forge Department category?

I also did that form. IMO, it needed more questions! ;)

Other than that, all around good progress from my perspective. Still a few things here and there that can be improved, but it's definitely getting along nicely.

perhaps you should run the event, you seem to have experience in it and you have a ton of gametypes right? (:3)

Dark Remalf
04-22-2015, 08:47 AM
I will change the time of battalion scrims to an earlier time to allow players to attend community nights as well. :)

Nothing wrong with making a slight change of time. This is for a good cause and will get rid of a lot of tension between armies.

04-22-2015, 08:59 AM
Besides, why end the war when halo 5 comes out? It might have issues on launch. there should be no need to wait in peacetime for them to fix their shit.

Yes. Please don't just end the war because another release is imminent. The last Halo 4 war was ended prematurely and we suffered because it took months of peacetime and then delaying things before we had a real war again.

Dark Remalf
04-22-2015, 09:13 AM
Houdini has a good point, I would rather let this war flow naturally than pushing it forward to its end.

04-22-2015, 09:16 AM
I have completed the questionnaire

Ominous Solace
04-22-2015, 10:45 AM
Guys I think you're missing the point that he said these are his PREDICTIONS.

Anyways, good update Myth!

Barry Soap
04-22-2015, 10:55 AM
first of all, 1 game lead! suck it red! (and green)

i'm joking of course, but i am kind of surprised at how equal it's been throughout the war. neither side pulling way ahead, awesome.

I have a few concerns, you say the war will end in a month? it'll take minimum a week to meet the gametype requirements alone, probably one or two, and it'll be a minimum 3 weeks to reach a capital if one side wins every attacking map, which is doubtful, especially on such an even war. And for the next war, a planned ending already? I don't like this. It should proceed naturally and end when one side, you know, wins. Besides, why end the war when halo 5 comes out? It might have issues on launch. there should be no need to wait in peacetime for them to fix their shit.

Yes. Please don't just end the war because another release is imminent. The last Halo 4 war was ended prematurely and we suffered because it took months of peacetime and then delaying things before we had a real war again.

See, although they may be predictions, that's assuming FC has enough people actively participating in the wars to continue with MCC.

A lot of people have already left or are boycotting the battles because of MCC, as if they're irreconcilable to the game. I don't know about anybody else, but I personally would rather put my money on Halo 5 and move to it straight away, because both REDD and BLUE are almost relying on one squad each for attendance.

04-22-2015, 12:00 PM
I did the thing for the thing.

Also, as a heads-up, calling Mythonian a robot or Skynet will result in an infraction point. Let's hit our infraction quota, guys!! :P

Dark Remalf
04-22-2015, 12:03 PM
That's true Solace & Barry, I'm sorry lol

I was just giving my input in the case the topic of ending the war arises at some point. That's all :)

04-22-2015, 12:09 PM
Myth Is the hero we all need and deserve.

04-22-2015, 12:13 PM
See, although they may be predictions, that's assuming FC has enough people actively participating in the wars to continue with MCC.

A lot of people have already left or are boycotting the battles because of MCC, as if they're irreconcilable to the game. I don't know about anybody else, but I personally would rather put my money on Halo 5 and move to it straight away, because both REDD and BLUE are almost relying on one squad each for attendance.

I totally understand that. I'm just have this feeling of deja vu. It's like we moved on from a game with low attendance and put all of our money in this highly anticipated super awesome game before. And instead of being the game we dreamed of it being, it was crap and we lost members instead of gaining members.

But maybe I just imagined it...

Barry Soap
04-22-2015, 12:20 PM
I totally understand that. I'm just have this feeling of deja vu. It's like we moved on from a game with low attendance and put all of our money in this highly anticipated super awesome game before. And instead of being the game we dreamed of it being, it was crap and we lost members instead of gaining members.

But maybe I just imagined it...

Is it really that bad now though? I feel like people are just disliking MCC for the sake of it now, or just to ride the bandwagon. Matchmaking wait times are gone, the promised games have been delivered, an update has just came with news of new ranking systems, etc. I'm still confused as to why people are still not playing it tbh. :(

Myth Is the hero we all need and deserve.

04-22-2015, 12:26 PM
I've filled it out, nice update btw

Lol its James
04-22-2015, 12:32 PM
I have completed the questionaire

04-22-2015, 12:57 PM
Let's hit our infraction quota, guys!! :P

^^^ I can't be carrying you people anymore. You people need to carry your own damn weight!

04-22-2015, 01:42 PM
Signed and dated.

Mos Deaf
04-22-2015, 02:45 PM
perhaps you should run the event, you seem to have experience in it and you have a ton of gametypes right? (:3)

I can help with this! I used to host Halo 4 customs nights called NO PANTS DEAF JAM. (My buddy was NoPantsNash). Also I've got my mini-collection that I could use some playtesting on :)

Is it really that bad now though? I feel like people are just disliking MCC for the sake of it now, or just to ride the bandwagon. Matchmaking wait times are gone, the promised games have been delivered, an update has just came with news of new ranking systems, etc. I'm still confused as to why people are still not playing it tbh. :(


Well, modern Humanity tends to focus on the negatives. Seriously, it's not just us. Destiny's been hit hard, and the Star Wars Battlefront community is practically on civil war (heh) over what's been announced and speculated for the upcoming Battlefront game.

Also, is that who I reincarnated from? I heard stories of a demon, long exiled into the darkness.

^^^ I can't be carrying you people anymore. You people need to carry your own damn weight!

Hey, if it helps, I already have 1 infraction that I'm still waiting to hear about.

04-22-2015, 03:19 PM
Yes. Please don't just end the war because another release is imminent. The last Halo 4 war was ended prematurely and we suffered because it took months of peacetime and then delaying things before we had a real war again.

RIP Wes and Donkey.

04-22-2015, 05:05 PM
As others have already clarified, we have no plans to end this war or the next prematurely. Those were merely guesses at what I think is likely to happen for the next six months. I could be totally, 100% wrong.

Renegde already has a customs night at that time. I don't know about the others, but I definitely don't want that broken unless this is going to be just as awesome.

Renegade's customs night was known when about when we were discussing the event. We looked at other days throughout the week that we could do the event, but none of them worked very well. If you and the rest of Renegade prefer to do something separate, that is totally fine, but I expect that it will be just as awesome, if not even better.

04-22-2015, 05:11 PM
Renegade's customs night was known when about when we were discussing the event. We looked at other days throughout the week that we could do the event, but none of them worked very well. If you and the rest of Renegade prefer to do something separate, that is totally fine, but I expect that it will be just as awesome, if not even better.

Just hold up! I thought that Renegade's custom night WAS the damn event.

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/87/87daf2b40ffe2bdb44b6261bd 077b292430ce79bc088c70930 7899f34d727470.jpg

04-22-2015, 05:18 PM
Just hold up! I thought that Renegade's custom night WAS the damn event.

Works for me.

04-22-2015, 07:02 PM
RIP Wes and Donkey.


Also, I aced that survey.

04-24-2015, 03:41 AM
Works for me.

Nicholas Sapien
04-24-2015, 04:24 PM
so basically nothing has changed?

04-24-2015, 05:07 PM
so basically nothing has changed?

War. War never changes.

04-24-2015, 05:11 PM
so basically nothing has changed?

The more things change, the more things stay the same.

Solus Exsequor
04-27-2015, 09:34 AM
Werz muh vcash

04-27-2015, 11:58 AM
Werz muh vcash

I know right!? gotta get paid!

05-11-2015, 05:42 PM
Just checking in on everything that's been happening. It's been a while.

I'm really surprised how even this war seems to be, hopefully it continues to stay that way without becoming more like a marathon. Go REDD.

Also, I notice you guys removed the Executive gametype. That's too bad. I always liked that one.

Barry Soap
05-11-2015, 06:35 PM
Also, I notice you guys removed the Executive gametype. That's too bad. I always liked that one.


05-11-2015, 07:35 PM

I agree with Barry's response.

05-15-2015, 10:15 PM

Eagle out.