View Full Version : How I've been Recruiting on XB1

Barry Soap
04-27-2015, 06:20 PM
As many of you know, I've recently started a squad called 'Equinox' as an effort to raise the numbers for FC and to balance the armies. Upon creation, I realised that recruitment isn't as easy as it was for H4, with a simple mass-message through Xbox. I tried numerous things while recruiting to see which method was the most effective, such as Halo Waypoint posts and individual messages (inviting the players with mics, etc).

I then tried what I believe is the most effective way of recruiting, and if you're looking to recruit people, I suggest you follow this method.

Xbox One now has an increased 'Recent Players' list of 128 people, so the potential for mass messaging is definitely there. However, although you can't mass-message on Xbox, there is a way to do it on Xbox.com which is slower but more efficient.


After logging in, scroll over your name and click 'Messages'.


After being taken to this page, hit '+ New Message'.

A box will pop up, upon which you click 'Add Recipients'. This is where the slow part comes in. You'll need to go onto your recent players list on Xbox, and type the names of the people you want to message into the 'Search Gamertag' box on the site. After typing it in and searching, you click their name, and then rinse/repeat. Bare in mind you can only send 32 messages at a time, but you can copy and paste what you want to say in the message field.

I don't know if people will follow this method, or completely ignore it. Probably the latter, but I thought it was worth mentioning as we're unfortunately seeing a decline in members, as well as those willing to recruit. :(

04-27-2015, 06:21 PM
That's how I've been doing it for 8 years xD

Good job Barry! c:

Barry Soap
05-10-2015, 10:16 PM
BUMP for Ominous :)