View Full Version : What Happened

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 04:50 PM
Hello everyone. Recently I have been in touch with some now-retired and active FC members, I was astonished to hear what I heard..

A few days ago I was pitched the idea of coming back to FC and buying an Xbox One. The thought of this has been put on the back burner due to the horrible actions and events that have happened since my departure at the end of 2013-2014.

EVERYTHING said about this community has been bad. I have not heard a single nice/positive thing about FC and it makes me sad. It seems that the community has been led astray from its original path of Fun and Respect. Friends that I still talk to today who I met in the community have left for reasons that people shouldn't be leaving for, people left in H4 for the game being terrible. Now people are leaving because of other members and childish antics.

Where has the Fun and Respect gone?


Legendary Nova
05-16-2015, 04:58 PM
I would agree to a point with what you've said, but I'd also like to point out that you've more than likely only heard one side of the story. If you only ask people who have left the community, you are mostly just going to hear the reasons they left - the bad things. I'm also not entirely sure who the active members you've been talking to are, but I know a lot of people who would say the opposite of this. Sure, the community has a few issues at the moment, but it definitely hasn't 'lost' respect and fun like you think, and a lot of people are working pretty hard to continue improving it.

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 05:04 PM
but it definitely hasn't 'lost' respect and fun like you think, and a lot of people are working pretty hard to continue improving it.

I disagree with this completely, especially when members are leaving because there is a lack of respect.

Barry Soap
05-16-2015, 05:09 PM
I agree with the whole OP.

05-16-2015, 05:19 PM
i will agree, i've only been active on the fringes of FC and i've seen at least one new recruit flat out leave, pissed and feeling disrespected for various reasons, even by the high command. I'm not super active on anything other than some skype groups and the forums, so i can't say for sure how the overall picture is, but the respect issue needs to be cracked down on a bit.

05-16-2015, 05:30 PM
#ThePurgeBegins #WhatWillYouDoTonight #NoLaws #OverusingHashtags #ForRealiShouldStop #ThisIsTheLastOne #Tacos

Community had drama llamas back then as well.....Trust me. I was in SecondNature, we were straight up drama llamas.

05-16-2015, 06:04 PM
People just are focused on just winning and get pissy when they lose. When I first joined, losing a game or so was never an issue because we had tons of fun. Now (before I stepped away again) it's like if my team loses, everyone is in a bad mood and there in nothing but complaining happening :/

I'm sure in other groups, this isn't an issue. But it really kills the enjoyment when everyone you have to play with are all angry at the game AND each other :/

- - - Updated - - -

People just are focused on just winning and get pissy when they lose. When I first joined, losing a game or so was never an issue because we had tons of fun. Now (before I stepped away again) it's like if my team loses, everyone is in a bad mood and there in nothing but complaining happening :/

I'm sure in other groups, this isn't an issue. But it really kills the enjoyment when everyone you have to play with are all angry at the game AND each other :/

Solus Exsequor
05-16-2015, 06:09 PM
Can't agree more Fernando, I've been saying this for months now. Through many fiascos.

I applaud you, and stand united in your opinion because simply this is not the community you, Barry and I all joined March 2013. It's morphed to so,etching much different.

05-16-2015, 06:18 PM
I don't know much about what has been going on other than what I've heard but it hasn't sounded as bad as you made it sound. Still as I always say, if you aren't happy about the state of the community then make do something about it to change it and make it better. People always have the power to change to state of FC. c:

(Although I wouldn't buy an Xbox One just for that xD)

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 06:19 PM
I don't know much about what has been going on other than what I've heard but it hasn't sounded as bad as you made it sound. Still as I always say, if you aren't happy about the state of the community then make do something about it to change it and make it better. People always have the power to change to state of FC. c:

(Although I wouldn't buy an Xbox One just for that xD)

A post to highlight the issues helps :)

Nicholas Sapien
05-16-2015, 07:10 PM
issues have been around since halo reach, nothing has changed

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 07:13 PM
issues have been around since halo reach, nothing has changed

things have changed when members leave because they don't feel respected or are having fun.

Nicholas Sapien
05-16-2015, 07:18 PM
things have changed when members leave because they don't feel respected or are having fun.

for as long as I have been here things haven't changed just people leaving and new ones coming in

War is competitive, not everyone is gonna be happy about losing. I feel for the reds though, they have had it tough this war.

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 07:22 PM
for as long as I have been here things haven't changed just people leaving and new ones coming in

Exactly, i haven't seen a balanced war in a long time. People leave in mass amounts and new ones come in, at a slow pace.

Solus Exsequor
05-16-2015, 07:23 PM
If we had a balanced war no one would win

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nicholas Sapien
05-16-2015, 07:25 PM
Exactly, i haven't seen a balanced war in a long time. People leave in mass amounts and new ones come in, at a slow pace.

Making balanced would make it fair for both sides, but implementing something like that would require very good ties between both armies to the point where you are the color of FC comes first and not the color of your army.

05-16-2015, 07:31 PM
If we had a balanced war no one would win

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can confirm from experience.

- A vet of the Neverending War of Halo 3

Fernando Naranj
05-16-2015, 07:33 PM
Can confirm from experience.

- A vet of the Neverending War of Halo 3

But, It ended and someone won :p

Nicholas Sapien
05-16-2015, 07:56 PM
But, It ended and someone won :p

cause halo reach was coming, too bad both sides cheated. One side more than the other

Solus Exsequor
05-16-2015, 07:57 PM
cause halo reach was coming, too bad both sides cheated. One side more than the other

A balanced war will never end naturally, or fairly.

Is that correct to say?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Zeta Crossfire
05-16-2015, 10:39 PM
Did someone necropost this from 2013?

05-16-2015, 11:00 PM
Did someone necropost this from 2013?

05-16-2015, 11:30 PM
Did someone necropost this from 2013?

Who is this stranger?

I haven't seen all of these issues with respect. I do think we need to tone down the competitive nature of things. Wanting to win is fun, but when it is detrimental to your battle night experience nobody wins.

05-17-2015, 12:25 AM
Wasn't this community about "Having Fun" first and "Winning" last? I see it flipped as of recent.

I agree, if the armies were 100% balanced, the war will never end. But when you have a so-so group facing a Pro Squad... it never ends good or any fun for the so-so squad. The "Balancing" that needs to happen is having the right squads facing an equal strength squad. Sure, there will be that one squad that will be "better", but they will have a harder time trying to prove how much better they are when they keep fighting people close to their skill.

Yes, it's going to get real boring facing the same guys over and over and over again 3-5 times (if not more) a battlenight. But that's the real only way we can have the wars balanced rather than forcing squads to change armies every war like we have had to do on MANY occasions that have ended up upsetting a ton of people, which led to many to quit. My answer to those that don't want to play the same guys over and over? Join a new squad and help another squad out. Gives you new players to face and play with which can lead to new friends and more people to play on your free time.

Trust me, i know this for a fact.... it was a massive bitch trying to kill Guzzie


05-17-2015, 01:45 AM
Damn, by the way people are talking in this thread it is almost as if FC never had issues or drama before.

05-17-2015, 01:58 AM
Damn, by the way people are talking in this thread it is almost as if FC never had issues or drama before.


Silko is right. FC has been through A LOT and is still running to this day. I'v seen worse happen to a community than what FC is going through that seems "so bad". These "issues" have been here for a long time and we have worked with it each time.

Hate saying it: Shit happens .-.

Ominous Solace
05-17-2015, 02:00 AM
If there is so much an issue that you would post a thread about the "issues" why not help change them?

05-17-2015, 02:06 AM
If there is so much an issue that you would post a thread about the "issues" why not help change them?

Also asking for someone to post these "issues" that you are going on and on kinda undermines your whole stance. Can we just get a mod to close this thread down? This thread is going no where.

Ominous Solace
05-17-2015, 02:17 AM
Thread closed per request of members.
