View Full Version : June- month of challenge

05-23-2015, 06:03 AM
Well hey there, friendly neighborhood sleek here.

Throughout June, i will be going all out trying to complete the halo LASO playlists, as well as speedruns and other difficulty/time based achievements. I'm here to recruit a team, a mighty team, who can conquer all challenges placed before them! You can choose to join me only for some parts of the journey, or offer to help through the whole thing. These are the achievements i'm going for, in order of my attempted completion. There is a hard end to my challenge at june 25th, as i have other obligations starting then. (i'll be doing them all solo if nobody wants to join me. Team of one, Ouh rah!)

P.S, i'll be making a skype group to help coordinate, so gimme yer name if i don't have you already!

PHASE 1: The warmup.

Limit: 3 people.

This phase will repeat after the successful completion of a Phase 2 laso playlist. Choose the ones from the game we'll play.

Halo CE: Easy run through and strategizing. Overshields are for Sissies, Walk It Off, That Just Happened, Look Out for the Little Guys, Leave It Where It Lay, Pacifist, All According to Plan..., Beachhead

Halo 2: Easy run through and strategizing. Needs More Whammy Bar, Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate, Commuter, He Never Gets Me Anything

Halo 3: Easy run through and strategizing. Begins with a Single Step, Who Needs Them?, Annual, mind the gap

Halo 4: Easy run through and strategizing. This is my Rifle, This is my Gun, Bros to the Close, No One Left Behind, What Power Outage?, No Easy Way Out

Phase 2: LASO playlists

limit: 3 people, 1 for halo 2.

LASO master achievement. Games can be played in no specific order. I recommend halo 2 as last so we can devote our undivided attention to it.

Phase 3: Speedruns

limit: 0, sorry, it's faster that way.
this phase will only be done if i have time. I don't expect to reach this phase, i'll list these if they become relevant.

Phase 4: Spartan ops

limit: 3 (I'll be doing them solo legendary as well for that achievement, but i want the complete legendary completion, solo and co-op.)
this phase will only be done if i have time. I don't expect to reach this phase, i'll list these if they become relevant.

Phase 5: Cleanup

limit: 3
this phase will only be done if i have time. I don't expect to reach this phase, i'll list these if they become relevant. skulls, terminals, etc. I have them all, just helping out.

Phase 6: Matchmaking

Limit: 7- varies on playlist
this phase will only be done if i have time. I don't expect to reach this phase, i'll list these if they become relevant.

NOTE: JamieDJ will be streaming us when we start our Run! we'll be starting with Halo Ce, going to halo 3, halo 4, and then finishing with halo 2. And then maybe the Legendary master chief playlist if we're good enough. (Though i think halo 2 may be our downfall. curse you gravemind!)

The team:
Legendary Nova (if his connection holds out)

Legendary Nova
05-23-2015, 06:09 AM
If I get better internet within the next few weeks, I'd definitely be up for helping with this.

Barry Soap
05-23-2015, 09:23 AM
I'd definitely be up for helping with this.

Me too. Definitely need those achievements, and I'll lend a hand where it's needed. :)

05-23-2015, 09:26 AM
Me as well! I've been trying to complete these for some time. Would love to have some help!

05-23-2015, 03:17 PM
Count me in. I love speedrunning!