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View Full Version : Rumor: Silent Hill coming back to life..... on XBOX ONE??!! (my thoughts)

05-30-2015, 02:43 PM
(Reminder, this is purely my opinion)

I'm sure many of you have heard in the past day that rumor is going around that Microsoft is in the process of buying Silent Hill from Konami and plan to make it as an Xbox One exclusive only. But the rumored pricing is being reported as "in the Billions".

Billions?! You mean $1,000,000,000+?! HOLY S%@$!

After seeing what the game was about through the PT game, I'v always had interest into this game, however it was to be a Playstation Exclusive only. Just a couple of weeks ago, Konami announced that Silent Hill had been canceled. Leaving the game in the fire pit where many games we wanted have gone to die. But, it appears Microsoft has stuck their hand into the fire and pulled Silent Hill out. Fans are happy to hear this, but many are upset that it's Microsoft that is doing this. Frankly, I'm happy it's them. That way I can play the game I wanted without having to go buy a PS4 just for it.

But for "BILLIONS"?

Something doesn't seem right. Why would you pay "Billions" for 1 game? Sure, you can say Microsoft has already done that with Minecraft, but that's including the purchase of the game developer as well. So they didn't just buy 1 game, they bought the whole package. So that's making me think.

Konami recently came out and said they plan to stick with console gaming. While other reports are coming out that they are actually more focused on Mobile Gaming. If that's the case of them trying to go Mobile, that would explain why Kojima isn't to happy where he is at and probably will end up leaving Konami.

Let's take a quick look at the 2 biggest games Konami is/was working on.

- Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain
- Silent Hill

Why did I just mention those 2? I have my reason and here is why.

No one is going to spend Billions on just 1 game. Let alone a game that is yet to be proven as a possible success. So why drop that much money on a question mark? That's because they're not. I actually see Microsoft trying to buy the rights to both of those games. Metal Gear Solid has been a very successful franchise even since its days of when it was an exclusive to only Playstation and still is to this day. But is that all they are trying to do? I say no. I think there is something else happening. Something people may not expect that much.

I think Microsoft is trying to lure Kojima over to Xbox. Kojima wanted both of these games to be big and always tried. It was Konami that was making them lag behind, which ended up leading to Silent Hill being canceled. Konami also said they don't plan to make another MGS game after 5. Leaving that franchise wide open. It's a perfect set up for a company to swoop in and make an offer for the IP... and that's what I think Microsoft is doing.

To follow with the rumors, I can see a deal happening very soon (before E3) and this will turn into the biggest announcement at this years E3 that will shake the gaming universe even more than when Microsoft said Tomb Raider is going to be a timed exclusive. Silent Hill is reported to be at 80% complete. MGS5 is looking at a late 2015 release, so it's nearly done as well.

Think about this real quick. If your console is losing in sales and you are looking for a way to catch back up, wouldn't you try to get the best on your side? These 2 games were destined to be one of the biggest games in a while. Making them XB1 exclusives would not only be huge, but it would skyrocket sales for the XB1. So you got to spend money to make more money.

If this happened, this will either be the smartest thing Microsoft has ever done or become one of their biggest mistakes. In my opinion.... I think this would be the smartest thing Microsoft can do right now to catch back up.

05-30-2015, 07:03 PM
I hope Silent Hills, if it is made, is made with the care and detail that went into the earlier installments. If MS can get Kojima on board, a lot of money would be made.

Also, fuck Konami

05-30-2015, 08:01 PM
Phil Spencer has confirmed that this isnt true: https://twitter.com/XboxP3/status/604697441447731201

05-30-2015, 08:38 PM
Yeah that $1B valuation and rumor was probably started by someone from Kojima's team that wanted Microsoft to consider such a deal.

Also, fuck Konami and what they're doing to Kojima's team and staff.

05-31-2015, 07:26 PM
Phil Spencer has confirmed that this isnt true: https://twitter.com/XboxP3/status/604697441447731201

His full statement was basically denying the "Billions" rumor (at least from what Gamespot has said). But of course he would deny it. It's 3 weeks till E3, and having a possible ground breaking move leak before your planned announcement, you'll be on the defense and try to deny it. They did the exact samething with Xbox Ones selling without a Kinect

05-31-2015, 09:22 PM
His full statement was basically denying the "Billions" rumor (at least from what Gamespot has said). But of course he would deny it. It's 3 weeks till E3, and having a possible ground breaking move leak before your planned announcement, you'll be on the defense and try to deny it. They did the exact samething with Xbox Ones selling without a Kinect

With the Kinect thing that was more of a "holy shit let's change this because people are bitching" move than anything else, IMO.

05-31-2015, 10:09 PM
With the Kinect thing that was more of a "holy shit let's change this because people are bitching" move than anything else, IMO.

Yeah it wasn't a secret they were keeping or anything. They didn't want to sell a standalone Xbox but after their horrible E3 reception they did 180s on quite a lot of things.

05-31-2015, 11:54 PM
Yeah it wasn't a secret they were keeping or anything. They didn't want to sell a standalone Xbox but after their horrible E3 reception they did 180s on quite a lot of things.

So what's stopping them from doing a 180 on this? ;)