View Full Version : Map Selection Change

06-04-2015, 11:04 PM
This one may go without saying, but please remove H1, H2, and H3 from the map pool.

Last war we made a big deal about having lots of diversity in the map selection. This was caused in part by the quantity of maps promised by MCC, but also be the fact that in the past we have had repetitive battle nights playing the same handful of maps over and over again. I think it is pretty clear that MCC did not live up to its promises.

After this last war, I'm done with variety. I want to play well made maps with limited lag. That means H2A and H4.

Another thing that would be nice and may help resolve issues with repetitive battle nights is to have the war map formed around having the most high quality maps in the center. I don't think people dislike playing the same maps over and over again. I think people dislike playing the same bad map over and over again. If the map is lots of fun to play on, I wouldn't have an issue with it being played more frequently that the less fun maps.

The most significant criticism changing how the map selection is done is the fact that this is different than what we have done in the past. Historically it has been the HCs decision to make strategic choices with regards to map layout. Honestly, I don't see a significant difference in how the placement of a specific map will impact the war. Whatever strategy is used when selecting map locations is not nearly as important as ensuring high quality and fun battle nights.

This would be really easy to implement. Just stick up a poll or a Google Form with all of the maps that would be in the map selection process and let the community vote for their favorites. The highest ranked maps are put in the most played locations, the lower ranked maps on the outsides of the war map.

We could even make an exception and put good maps at the capitals to ensure that the capital battles are fun.

To determine which map locations are the most played we could do some sort of analysis on past wars (provided somebody still has the links to the Statbooks and War Map images). But I don't think we really need to go that technical with this. Common sense should be enough to determine where the best maps are placed (the center). Hopefully we will have enough forge maps to complement the on disk H4 and H2A map selection so that even the "bad" maps that are placed on the war map are still high quality. Instead of playing bad maps, we'll be playing maps that the community wants to play and our favorite maps most often (theoretically).

In case you were interested in the stats of what maps where played last war (game: number of battle nights):
H1: 3
H2: 8
H2A: 10
H3: 4
H4: 5

06-04-2015, 11:09 PM
This is on the horizon to be discussed by War Council. For now, we are focusing our attention on the 9th Anniversary Events. This will be addressed at a later date. (likely after the Anniversary)

06-04-2015, 11:11 PM
I'll mostly agree with this. H2C and HCE have very bad maps compared to H3, H4, and H2A. Although i wouldn't mind cutting H2A out of the playlist either, I'd understand if people want to keep that in.

Nicholas Sapien
06-05-2015, 06:18 AM
H3 ftw

Solus Exsequor
06-05-2015, 08:01 AM
My solution,


I enjoyed H2A more as it was different, this is technically a H2A game. As it is the centrepiece of MCC.

06-05-2015, 09:43 AM
I'll mostly agree with this. H2C and HCE have very bad maps compared to H3, H4, and H2A. Although i wouldn't mind cutting H2A out of the playlist either, I'd understand if people want to keep that in.

I also agree with removing H2A, but I feel like there would be strong opposition to that suggestion.

Solus Exsequor
06-05-2015, 12:47 PM
H2A was and is a far better game than H4.

06-05-2015, 12:51 PM
H2A was and is a far better game than H4.

No. H4 forevah

Drth spartan
06-05-2015, 01:09 PM
We will be more skilled in H5 Guardians If we just played H4 but not so much if we played H2A.

06-05-2015, 01:35 PM
We will be more skilled in H5 Guardians If we just played H4 but not so much if we played H2A.

06-05-2015, 07:46 PM
I like all of the games. I want to keep playing them all.

06-05-2015, 09:55 PM
I like all of the games. I want to keep playing them all.

Barry Soap
06-06-2015, 02:24 PM
I like all of the games. I want to keep playing them all.

I feel... Sarcasm...? Maybe...? No... Yes...? Maybe...

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 04:18 PM
H2A is just like CE H2C an H3. The shots don't register right and never have yet, most maps are completely broken with spawns and swap constantly. If you wanna say that game works better then you obviously don't play halo much.. Go play h2a ranked and take a vid of every single match you play and go watch how 1/3 of shots ALWAYS miss even when the shot is dead on and it is NOT due to your connection. Yes the game connects better than the others, but as for gameplay it is still quite broken. Hit detection is extremely inconsistent. The game still has massive packet loss and netcode issues which cause terrible bullet refunding problems, to the point where sometimes 30% + of fired bullets are not recognized during the handshake between host and client.

06-06-2015, 04:58 PM
H2A is just like CE H2C an H3. The shots don't register right and never have yet, most maps are completely broken with spawns and swap constantly. If you wanna say that game works better then you obviously don't play halo much.. Go play h2a ranked and take a vid of every single match you play and go watch how 1/3 of shots ALWAYS miss even when the shot is dead on and it is NOT due to your connection. Yes the game connects better than the others, but as for gameplay it is still quite broken. Hit detection is extremely inconsistent. The game still has massive packet loss and netcode issues which cause terrible bullet refunding problems, to the point where sometimes 30% + of fired bullets are not recognized during the handshake between host and client.

I have never experienced any of what you describe above :/

I think the majority would want to have H2A on the roundup

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 05:32 PM
How much H2A do you play? Every single game I play I can point out every single shot that hit but didn't register. That and the shield pop is ridiculous. Shields flare a hell of a lot more than they should acting as if shots continuously register when they don't it just looks like it. Specially with a burst shot from a br. This is coming from someone who used to play to a lot and can easily call out bs. Lets take hippie for an example, earlier he loaded a clip playing h2a on Zenith he had the drop on this dude hardcore, put 4 FULL shots into him and his shields didn't drop at all. He took 9 shots or some crap total and every single one was from his view of the sights were dead on and yet the game only registered 2 and the other dude killed him in 5. It's all a matter of perspective and watching your own gameplay and realizing you are getting screwed on what you think is really working or not.

06-06-2015, 05:41 PM
How much H2A do you play? Every single game I play I can point out every single shot that hit but didn't register. That and the shield pop is ridiculous. Shields flare a hell of a lot more than they should acting as if shots continuously register when they don't it just looks like it. Specially with a burst shot from a br. This is coming from someone who used to play to a lot and can easily call out bs. Lets take hippie for an example, earlier he loaded a clip playing h2a on Zenith he had the drop on this dude hardcore, put 4 FULL shots into him and his shields didn't drop at all. He took 9 shots or some crap total and every single one was from his view of the sights were dead on and yet the game only registered 2 and the other dude killed him in 5. It's all a matter of perspective and watching your own gameplay and realizing you are getting screwed on what you think is really working or not.

I've played the game enough to hate it. I don't like it, but it is a stable game and I would still like to see it stay on the WARMAP. H4 and H2A would be good since they are the most stable. H2A doesn't compare to the connections issues of the other 3 games

06-06-2015, 06:25 PM
I feel... Sarcasm...? Maybe...? No... Yes...? Maybe...

No sarcasm. I like the variety and the different playstyles that come with it. Compared to the rest of the MCC, I'm least satisfied with how H4 plays, though I understand if there's a change in the games we are allowed to play.

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 06:37 PM
I'm sticking with h4 only since we are going into h5 which is how this place is supposed to be.. You don't go h2 to h4 then h3 because well just because?? GO IN ORDER!!!!!

Solus Exsequor
06-06-2015, 07:54 PM
Dark side, this entire game is the newest game. Technically H2A is the newest as it's a revamp. I think it should be up to the FMs to decide. It should be decided by those that make the map

Although MCC as a whole is the newest

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 09:07 PM
Well if you wanna get THAT technical then odst is the newest so campaign wars. I don't believe there was a Halo CE anny war now was there??? Just because it's revamped doesn't mean it's remotely new. Just a way for them to make more money on an older game. MCC is just a way to put halo on the xbox one and it was a failure otherwise we would still be playing just halo 4 as it should be. So point being just because they wouldn't move just halo 4 to the xbone doesn't mean we should mix other crap in. We already had a mixed war so now we should have a solid war of just one halo leading into halo 5.

06-06-2015, 09:44 PM
We already had a mixed war so now we should have a solid war of just one halo leading into halo 5.

I agree with this.

I understand why people want to play all of the games or at least H2A + H4.

I don't know if I just don't like switching back and forth between games during a battle night/war or maybe it is just that MCC kinda sucks. But this past war was definitely my least favorite. The gameplay really didn't do it for me.

Ominous Solace
06-06-2015, 09:48 PM
Alright, so honestly, there is no point in discussing this topic. Once the 9th Anniversary is out of the way and the new leadership has taken its place. Then we will be able to make this happen, but as for now it is pointless.

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 09:50 PM
Thank you Houdini some common sense and logic!! Lol. I don't mind it in particular if the game would work right.... BUT I also want to play one solid game.. Not jump around a lot and always have a different play style between games.

06-06-2015, 09:53 PM
Alright, so honestly, there is no point in discussing this topic. Once the 9th Anniversary is out of the way and the new leadership has taken its place. Then we will be able to make this happen, but as for now it is pointless.

I don't think discussing things is ever pointless. How is the leadership going to make an informed decision about what the community wants if they community isn't discussing it?

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you Houdini some common sense and logic!! Lol. I don't mind it in particular if the game would work right.... BUT I also want to play one solid game.. Not jump around a lot and always have a different play style between games.

It's not really common sense or logic. It's just a personal preference for me.

Ominous Solace
06-06-2015, 09:58 PM
I don't think discussing things is ever pointless. How is the leadership going to make an informed decision about what the community wants if they community isn't discussing it?

Its just that it would be best to discuss it after everything takes place. Do you understand what I mean?

Reply to Darkside:
Seeing as VbD barely shows up have of the time I doubt that. Rules are meant to be followed. If it were a newer person that made the mistake, then yes we would over look it, but if it is an older member then it is on them. Just move on with this bullshit and just get things going. This community is already having issues, we DO NOT need to fight against each other. We need to work together.

Solus Exsequor
06-06-2015, 09:59 PM
Well if you wanna get THAT technical then odst is the newest so campaign wars. I don't believe there was a Halo CE anny war now was there??? Just because it's revamped doesn't mean it's remotely new. Just a way for them to make more money on an older game. MCC is just a way to put halo on the xbox one and it was a failure otherwise we would still be playing just halo 4 as it should be. So point being just because they wouldn't move just halo 4 to the xbone doesn't mean we should mix other crap in. We already had a mixed war so now we should have a solid war of just one halo leading into halo 5.

FC always has been a multiplayer war community, so I'm just going to ignore that clearly inflammatory comment.

We made the decision to go next gen, this is a new game. Therefore the newest game, a game we elected to move on to as a community. There is clear problems with HCE and H3. That's no secret, however, I enjoyed H2A more than H4. It was equally as stable. I could easily play the immature kid card like some people and threaten to leave if it isn't H4 only. To those people I ask what's more important, their own personal, singular happiness or the happiness of others? We are a community, we should all bond together and share some common ground. This has been lost recently. I haven't saw any of the H2A instability more than H4. We will have lag, we have European players, west and east coast Americans and a god damn Roo! (Australian). FC spans an entire globe, I don't see why we should bicker and be more of detriment when what this community needs is agreement in order to reflourish. Those who are just going to leave if we do not omit a game from a war, a game others enjoy playing simply do not have the community's best interests at heart. I'll play whatever happens, even if I don't enjoy it because this community is a family to me. Morning, day and night across all time zones we are active. There's always someone here to have a bit of a laugh with and I think that's what's been forgotten by many, this isn't a serious competitive community, this is a 'fun war-sim community based on respect'. Something we were all told. Competition can be healthy but it can sour quickly. I know I've ended up on a rant but someone had to say it.

We need more members who put the community first, or at least we need them to stand up and make their voice heard.

DarkS1de Reborn
06-06-2015, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=Solus Exsequor;171369]FC always has been a multiplayer war community, so I'm just going to ignore that clearly inflammatory comment.

^^^ taste of your own medicine when you always have a shitty attitude towards me and show very little respect 90% of the time.

Happiness of others, but yet you're one of the few that has to argue every single point you deem fit that suits you whether others like it or not. We are a community? Then act like it.

Those who are just going to leave if we do not omit a game from a war, a game others enjoy playing simply do not have the community's best interests at heart? Neither do the people who blatantly don't care how those people feel either.

This isn't a serious competitive community, this is a 'fun war-sim community based on respect'??!!! HA biggest joke I've ever heard considering BLUE took such pride in VBD (which NO1 on the opposing army even remotely enjoys playing.) and beating a barely functioning army and uses the rule book every single possible time they can like last Sunday when you guys couldn't even restart a simple match because someone unknowing of the rules ended a game THEY WERE WINNING 4 minutes in?? Sounds childish and competitive to me.

We need more members who put the community first, or at least we need them to stand up and make their voice heard? and yet when we do people like you jump down their throats with your opinions about their opinions.

06-06-2015, 10:26 PM
And then it was locked

Please try to get along and be respectful

http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a595/NervyDestroyer/Topic%20Closed_zpswb66blz n.jpg