View Full Version : I'm out again, but this time I am not coming back :)

DarkS1de Reborn
06-07-2015, 10:21 AM
So this is it. I am finally done with FC and I couldn't be happier to say it. Why? Because this place is fucking dead, yeah there are still active members if you wanna call that living, but as for this "community" it is DEAD. Plain and fucking simple. I'm finally going to voice my full opinion and there aint shit you dipshits can do about it.

This "community" has gone to absolute fucking SHIT to say the least. You are all a bunch of condescending assholes that talk about respect and being a community but are the biggest fucking retarded hypocrites when it comes to actually proving that. There are several members who constantly show disrespect to anyone they please and shit is NEVER done or said about it, but as soon as someone WC doesn't like says something remotely shitty you fucking retards freak the fuck out and start shit over nothing XD

Now I'm going to finally say something towards a specific member that needs their fucking ass fucked because they aren't nothing but a faggot little bitch. Guzzie! Guzzie you are the biggest fucking faggot ass douche to have ever joined this community. You do nothing but bitch like a little girl every chance you get because you know everyone here will listen to your bullshit for whatever stupid reason like a bunch of lost puppy dogs. You do nothing but lie your ass off and run your mouth about people you don't like or want around. You bully whoever the fuck you don't like and do whatever you can in hopes that they will leave and I could name at least 5 people that have left and will not come back because of you, one of which is a person that almost everybody loves and wants to come back. So to put it simply you are a faggot piece of shit little bitch who needs to grow the fuck up and quit being the little bitch you are over a fucking fake ass community that plays a video game where you get to beat up on people no where near your teams skill level because in all reality you fucking suck and know you will get your bitch ass handed to you anywhere else just like you have many times in the past XD

Now lets go to the people in WC right now. You re the biggest bunch of fucking morons yet. You dictate everything that is done in this community and it's so flat out and blatant that everyone can see it. BLUE out numbers REDD so everything is biased as fuck and you guys don't even remotely care, hell you probably love it specially since little bitch Guzzie is in there and you guys listen to everything he has to say like it is the word of god bahaha, but the overall fact of how unbalanced it is is a god damn joke and the fact that you even try to operate with such a stance is even worse and looks like shit on you idiots. I'm mainly speaking about the BLUE side of WC. Redd you aren't so bad specially you roman noodle you are probably the only non retarded person in there right now.

So I am out, the disrespect that is around here is a god damn joke, specially on the side of BLUE as of late. You guys can do and say whatever you want and nothing happens because wow of course WC is all BLUE, but if anyone in REDD does something or says something oh hell no fuck em. Take last Sunday when Remalf ended a game early not being fully aware of the accords and you BLUE bitches were so eager to jump and play by the rules and cry that you didn't wanna restart a fucking match in a community that is supposed to be FUN and NOT SERIOUS, but that is all the fuck it is cus if BLUE had done that and we didn't want to rematch you guys would have thrown the biggest fucking fit in the world and done whatever you could to either make the match not count OR make a rematch happen against VBD so you don't lose like the trash you are..Let's take May 10th for example, a match with REDD was restarted several times because BLUE cried of lag then BLUE cried that a guy was afk after they okayed the match to start then once they were losing by a landslide already before 3 minutes in you guys cried to stop the match again. THEN we restarted the match yet again and one guy on BLUE black screened then the game host went to nightwish kitty and he ended the fucking game and I have proof that it happened like that because as soon as the game ended he had party lead then he left and it went to wolfpack and you whiy little bitches tried to lie and claim wolfpack ended the game on a match we were fucking winning again!!! VBD runs rampant and you guys take such pride in those douche bags just beating every single lesser team that isn't anywhere near as skilled as a team as those no lifes, or just beating a barely functioning army to begin with. You are all a fucking joke!!! Get that through your fucking heads!!!! Get your heads out of your fucking asses and quit being such little bitches about a game and fake ass war that you claim is "fun" yeah it's fun for you fucking morons because you have an mlg wannabe pro team to beat up the people you can't so you can win.

So after saying all this go ahead and "ban" me all the fuck you want or give me however many infractions you want I don't give a rats ass because this time I am not coming back and why would I want to? No one has ever shown me or anyone I have been around a remote shred of respect or decency. Remalf you are two faced as fuck and it isn't funny, you act like you like people but in all reality you couldn't really give a shit less. But I tried to deal with it and stick it out, but plain and simple you're just an asshole. You should stick up for your members no matter what, not try to kick them out or have something done about them just because they don't do every little thing to your exact specifications and that is also what makes you a shitty leader. IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU learn that and you might have a slim chance. I know you didn't like me or want me in your squad from the start and you made that perfectly clear so you got what you wanted.

This place will never change because the stupid out number the even remotely smart. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE in REDD supposedly wants to see change but it will never happen and it is sad to say that but again the many of stupid out number the few of intelligent. Anyway see you guys later NOT!! Oh and one more thing. Suck my fucking dick :)

06-07-2015, 10:36 AM
Not even going to give this thread a chance to live. You say members of FC are disrespectful and then you post this. You might to take a hard look in the mirror.

As a note to everyone who sees this thread. This is NOT how you deal with a problem in FC.

http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a595/NervyDestroyer/Topic%20Closed_zpswb66blz n.jpg