View Full Version : Plan B

Barry Soap
06-27-2015, 12:50 PM
Hey all,

I hate to take any attention away from Houdini's awesome suggestions, but I need an opinion on this. Obviously the last 3 years of gaming in Halo have been less than stellar, and it has affected FC so much, putting the whole community in a bad spot.

October 27th for Halo 5, and I think it's fair to say that if it doesn't have a good launch, Halo is done, and FC will feel a bad consequence. So, if such a thing does happen:

A) Given that backwards compatibility is being integrated sometime in Fall, would it be possible to move back to a previous Halo game so that there cannot be complaints with the gameplay? (although people find something all the time).

B) Would people want to do that?

I have to think if people have left FC solely due to the game as opposed to anything else, and backwards compatibility could give them an invitation to come back.

I encourage all opinions.

06-27-2015, 01:06 PM
Backwards compatibility could become a saving grace if H5 does end up a bust. But keep in mind recruiting for an older game is very very limiting. H3 to be honest is almost completely unusable do to the servers. They stop maintaining them a long time ago. REACH will fall pray to a similar fate in time. If enough of the Halo community goes back to older Halo games then we might be able to continue though them. It really comes down to how the Halo community as a whole reacts to H5 and reverse compatibility.

06-27-2015, 01:18 PM
A) No, there is no point to , i doubt going back to an older title will bring people back. The population on the older titles to even attempt to get new recruits is even lower then MCC. Then we make the jump to halo 5 , those new recruits may or may not have an xbox one. Meaning we are just wasting our time. Remember H5 comes out in October and plenty of other games come out inbetween, Backwards Compatibility comes out in the fall ....i think you can do the math.

B) No , 30 fps is awful and halo reach can barely play on 30 fps. Not everyone has the older halos nor wants to pay for a outdated version of what the MCC has to offer.

The solution to the problems isn't the path going backwards , it the path going forwards. changing games now wont make a difference its more likely to be harmful then helpful. Theirs alot of potential recruits still playing mcc , if you really want to make the community grow get motivated and start recruiting everyday you play mcc.

Barry Soap
06-27-2015, 01:46 PM
A) No, there is no point to , i doubt going back to an older title will bring people back. The population on the older titles to even attempt to get new recruits is even lower then MCC.

Following BC people may want to go back to older titles, so I think a rise in population on Reach and maybe h3 is entirely possible because players may want to avoid the MCC matchmaking.

Then we make the jump to halo 5 , those new recruits may or may not have an xbox one. Meaning we are just wasting our time.

...What? BC is on the X1...?

Remember H5 comes out in October and plenty of other games come out inbetween, Backwards Compatibility comes out in the fall ....i think you can do the math.

The suggestion is to compensate a possible bad launch for H5?

No , 30 fps is awful and halo reach can barely play on 30 fps. Not everyone has the older halos nor wants to pay for a outdated version of what the MCC has to offer.

Fair enough

changing games now wont make a difference its more likely to be harmful then helpful. Theirs alot of potential recruits still playing mcc , if you really want to make the community grow get motivated and start recruiting everyday you play mcc.

I have been, given the current state in REDD (if you know about it). But why would FC want to stay on a game with a dying population when older games may have a higher population?

- - - Updated - - -

Backwards compatibility could become a saving grace if H5 does end up a bust. But keep in mind recruiting for an older game is very very limiting. H3 to be honest is almost completely unusable do to the servers. They stop maintaining them a long time ago. REACH will fall pray to a similar fate in time. If enough of the Halo community goes back to older Halo games then we might be able to continue though them. It really comes down to how the Halo community as a whole reacts to H5 and reverse compatibility.

Exactly. I just thought it was worth making a backup because given the state of FC currently I don't know if the community can survive another bad launch/bad game.

06-27-2015, 01:51 PM
Following BC people may want to go back to older titles, so I think a rise in population on Reach and maybe h3 is entirely possible because players may want to avoid the MCC matchmaking.

...What? BC is on the X1...?

The suggestion is to compensate a possible bad launch for H5?

Fair enough

I have been, given the current state in REDD (if you know about it). But why would FC want to stay on a game with a dying population when older games may have a higher population?

BC players can play with 360 owners not everyone has a x1,its common sense bro. Older games wont have a higher population. Halo reach was dying , so people went to h4. H4 was dying so people went to MCC. MCC is dying people stop playing halo. Do you see the pattern?

Barry Soap
06-27-2015, 01:58 PM
Do you see the pattern?

I think the pattern is just that Halo players always want something new to play, and given the emphasis by Microsoft on BC, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the older games did have a lot of people coming back to them. But you have a valid point.

06-27-2015, 02:13 PM
I think the pattern is just that Halo players always want something new to play, and given the emphasis by Microsoft on BC, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the older games did have a lot of people coming back to them. But you have a valid point.

Well first off were are alienating people that don't have the older titles nor are interested in playing them. Second their are alot of games that will be BC so the potential population is diluted. 3rd, most of the halos are on mcc. 4th halo reach is the only title that will get a noticeable population increase and that wont be sustainable. That increase will only be short term (i mean very short term). 5th, halo 5 is around the corner and we don't want unnecessary choices that will probably do more harm then good.

Just because you and your friends maybe all willing to go back to older halos does not mean its an accurate representation of the rest of player base.

Barry Soap
06-27-2015, 02:27 PM
Just because you and your friends maybe all willing to go back to older halos does not mean its an accurate representation of the rest of player base.

I don't know if you're deliberately trying to provoke me, but I'm making suggestions for the betterment of the community, not for my squad.

06-27-2015, 02:52 PM
OK allow me to step in. Unfolded this thread was not a post suggesting we divert from our primary plan of action but rather a suggested contingency plan in the event that H5 goes completely down the tube. So lets all calm down before we get the thread closed and people get infractions.

06-27-2015, 02:59 PM
I don't know if you're deliberately trying to provoke me, but I'm making suggestions for the betterment of the community, not for my squad.
I don't think he is trying to provoke you at all. I think he is making a generalized statement referring to an isolated group (a group of players) and the overall feeling of the halo community. Just because a group of players might enjoy going back to Halo reach, it doesn't mean that the majority of the community will want to. I believe that is where he is getting at, so try not to take offense to it.


Given your original post, I don't think fully ignoring MCC would be a good thing. I think MCC has some good things to offer. If anything, implementing older titles (given that backwards compatibility works well) would be the best way to go about it. I am currently working on a war map that may allow for something like this (a flexible war map tied to the FC lore) that i will be presenting to the community shortly.

I would love to play some reach for sure, but making it the center point of the wars may not be the best option.

06-27-2015, 03:01 PM
OK allow me to step in. Unfolded this thread was not a post suggesting we divert from our primary plan of action but rather a suggested contingency plan in the event that H5 goes completely down the tube. So lets all calm down before we get the thread closed and people get infractions.

If halo 5 fails FC IS DEAD simple as that , their is no way to sustain a community on a old halo game with no developer support. We have only one logical choice and that is to ride this h5 train to the grave.

06-27-2015, 03:09 PM
If halo 5 fails FC IS DEAD simple as that , their is no way to sustain a community on a old halo game with no developer support. We have only one logical choice and that is to ride this h5 train to the grave.
The entire halo community could die if Halo 5 is a failure like MCC. I'll just start playing CS:GO lol.

06-27-2015, 03:10 PM
Oddly enough, I tend to agree with Unfolded on this one. H5 is where we need to hinge our success or failure on. Either we commit to it, or we don't display an up-to-date Halo community. I think H5 will launch just fine, Microsoft and 343 are counting on it. Going back to an old game just won't help us in the long run, though I'm all about maintaining side wars and all that.

06-27-2015, 11:50 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about backwards compatibility as a fall back.

I think we blame our problems on the game at lot more than is justified. (I'm guilty of this too.) Yes a bad game is a bad game and it sucks, but there still people playing in matchmaking and we are still gaining new recruits. Even if Halo 5 has a terrible launch, I don't think it makes a lot of sense to jump ship because the game sucks.

That said, when Reach becomes available for backwards compatibility, I'll be playing that constantly. I already play it somewhat regularly on 360 with W3z4b1 and backwards compatibility will want me to play it even more. For those who may not have played Reach recently, matchmaking times are instant (much faster than MCC for searching), the gameplay is 100% lag free, and I have never had a lobby crash or issues connecting. Even if Halo 5 is awesome, I'll still probably be spending most of my time on Reach. I would support any transition to play more Reach in the community.

06-28-2015, 12:49 AM
But what about Plan C?


06-28-2015, 12:50 AM
Plan B is Battlefront.

06-28-2015, 02:05 AM
Plan B is Battlefront.

06-28-2015, 06:40 AM
Plan B is Battlefront.

Nicholas Sapien
06-28-2015, 06:52 AM
Plan B is Battlefront.

I don't know about you, but I have a feeling EA are gonna fuck us over on it

Barry Soap
06-28-2015, 08:47 AM
Can a mod just close/delete this thread please? I'd rather forget I suggested anything.

06-28-2015, 08:59 AM
Can a mod just close/delete this thread please? I'd rather forget I suggested anything.

I think it's a decent option to have in our back pocket, though I understand the other points where if Halo 5 fails to launch that it might be the end no matter what for communities like ours.

06-28-2015, 10:35 AM
Can a mod just close/delete this thread please? I'd rather forget I suggested anything.

Never feel bad for making a suggestion.

06-28-2015, 01:30 PM
I don't know about you, but I have a feeling EA are gonna fuck us over on it

That's when we use Plan C to murder them all.

Can a mod just close/delete this thread please? I'd rather forget I suggested anything.

It's a legitimate concern after two games that have largely been considered a disappointment. It's good to have contingency plans, however planning in the case of "Halo 5 failing" involves a lot of what-if questions that we can't really answer or even guess at right now. If the game sucks but we get a lot of new members is that a failure? How about if the game is really popular but there's a lack of interest in warsim customs? What if it has great gameplay but is broken at launch?

Those are all examples of Halo 5 failing in some way, but I think it's unlikely that our response to each problem would be the same "Plan B". If a problem like those (or others) arises with the launch of Halo 5 we will have to weigh the state of the game, our community, and the general Halo population to decide what the best course of action will be. We just can't really do that ahead of time.

As to your particular suggestion to use backwards compatibility, I don't think that will ever really be the best course of action. Recruiting on an old game will always be more difficult than recruiting on the newest game, IMO. As much as people hate Halo 4, it worked at launch and because of that we got a huge influx of recruits that have helped keep the community afloat ever since. As long as Halo 5 isn't totally broken when it launches (which after MCC I doubt Microsoft would allow it) then I think we will be just fine.

Zeta Crossfire
06-28-2015, 05:33 PM
Plan B needs to just be CS: GO

07-18-2015, 03:53 PM
Halo 5 Won't Fail. They could give me the Beta for another month while they fix it and I'd play the hell out of it