View Full Version : Click here and all your wildest dreams will come true!

06-29-2015, 03:39 PM
Look, a unicorn!

http://20px.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/unicorn_pooping_a_rainbow _20px.jpg

OK, maybe I lied regarding your wildest dreams coming true. And no, I'm not a Brony.

I'm 24, just graduated from college with an EE degree, and am a serial failure entrepreneur.

I currently have a small hobby education-centric electronics business (https://www.foxytronics.com) I started while in college (the website is pretty terrible, but I'm in the process of rewriting it from scratch) and am also trying to get a price tracking website (https://www.pricewombat.com/) launched.

I bought an Xbox One last December and have played it less than a dozen times since then. I have incredibly fond memories of playing the original Halo at LAN parties years ago, but find TMCC's matchmaking system less than stellar. I think I would really enjoy being a part of a community and playing semi-competitively on a regular basis.

I've never been in a "clan" before, but look forward to playing with and getting to know you all should my application be accepted.

Legendary Nova
06-30-2015, 11:37 PM
Please Note: Our spam filter flagged this post as malicious and it was removed from public view due to the links used. The post has now been approved, but please be careful in the future when using links to outside websites as such a new user.

~ FC Moderation Team


Welcome to the community anyway! Enjoy your stay in the mighty BLUE!

07-01-2015, 05:28 AM
Should your application be accepted? I didn't even know they could be denied! What's the world coming to when someone has to go through the pain and anguish of waiting/hoping for acceptance into the online equivalent of a treehouse. The humanity.

Ohai. :)